Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Sweet & Sour Chicken/Rice & Wed. Blog Hop

2011 is going to be a great year!!

In our family we are really concentrating
on what's most time,
organization (down-sizing & getting rid
of excess) a decluttered life to enjoy the
people/things you love & not just keeping

I'll keep you updated on how things are going
in the coming months (it's going to be a year
long project)

Friday I am going to put my "Top 10"
Recipes for you up on the blog....

Below is my "Sweet & Sour Chicken"...
Chicken is such a great source of protein
& trying to make it delicious & different
each time takes planning....

Find a proven & great recipe is key in
having a successful outcome your family
will love. Here is the link to try this...

Now for our Wed. Blog Hop & "Walk of Fame"

You already know Blog Hops increase
traffic to your blog so people can share
your inspiration!

Please grab my BUTTON/CODE & put
it on your sidebar so that others can
see where to go to join in...The more the Spread the word that we have
Monday & Wed. Blog Hops @ Santa's Gift
Shoppe Year Round & both are different..

If your not a Follower...Why not join in all
the FUNNNN! Become a Follower...

I will pick some "Favorites" from the previous
week to be in the "BLOG HOP WALK OF FAME"
so check back each week to see if your there. If you
are...take a "I was featured" @ Santa's Gift
Shoppe Button/Code..You deserve it!
Good Job!

These are last weeks favs..

1) I absolutely LOVE these!!! She has
great ideas & a great blog to go with it!
To get inspired by this fantastic blog
& see her tutorial of how to make these
cute gloves..CLICK HERE

2) How cute is this?? A Scrunchie Scarf!!
What a great idea and blog to go with it..
Beautiful job!!! Go check it out..CLICK HERE

3) We are all making bright new Goals &
Changes this year..Here is the perfect blog
for all those great Goals...She has a wonderful
blog..This is a great New Year's Eve Party
Theme. To go check it out CLICK HERE

4) Valentine's Day will be here before we know
it so I had to include this great tutorial tribute
to Valentine's Day in my choices this week!!
She has really made this easy peasy...Great
inspiration from this wonderful blogger...Check
it out..CLICK HERE

5) Another great idea for Valentine's Day
is this great tutorial on this special gift
for that special someone in your life!!
She has a wonderful blog..Check it out..


We would love to see any: craft, great recipe,
tutorial, trash to treasure, makeover...

This blog
hop originated with trendy treehouse..
Thanks..trendy treehouse..


Click on the "You are Next Enter Here" &
Follow the Prompts...Have Fun..Mix &
Mingle..This is a party after all..Leave
some comments that we all love!!


  1. Thanks for the chance to share my cards. That sweet and sour chicken looks so yummy my stomache rumbled !

  2. Thank you for featuring me!!!
    Simple As 1-2-3

  3. Thanks so much for featuring my fun cleaning gloves! I'm so honored! : )

  4. Love your fab ideas, you are so talented!

    Now following from
    We list all of the best baby daily deals in real-time. Would love for you to follow back!

  5. Thank you so m uch for featuring my little Valentine Carton. It means soooo much to me that someone else likes my little projects. I love sharing my love of crafting. I hope in some small way it will inspire someone else. Again, thank you Ü Hugz, Diane

  6. Thanks for stopping by trendy pockets, I am now a new follower! I will definitely link up to tomorrow's blog hop! Also, be sure to check out my new weekend link party, "wonderful weekend"!
