Monday, January 3, 2011

Chocolate/Peanut Butter Mini Bundt Cakes/Mon. Blog Hop

Hope your 2011 is off to a Great start!

It's Blog Hop Monday/Walk of Fame so
we'll get that going in just a minute..I
thought it might be fun to give you a
peek at 1 of my 11 Favorite Recipes.

I will be posting all the other 10 later this
week with LINKS TO THEM so it'll be EASY
for you to get them for your own if you want.

For the Recipe & tutorial for these Chocolate &
Peanut Butter Mini Bundt Cakes CLICK HERE

Now for the Monday Favs from last week's
Blog Hop @ Santa's Gift Shoppe...

1) I love this look. It's beautiful yet so
inexpensive..It sure doesn't look inexpensive.
She did a fantastic job & has a wonderful
tutorial on her blog...Check it out..CLICK HERE

2) This is so wonderful..I love people who
are so generous with their recipes..This
gal has a marvelous collection of fabulous
recipes I'm sure you are going to want to
try..I know I will! Great Blog! Check it

3) What a wonderful idea & tutorial this
Blog has!! Fugal ideas & great posts...
Here is her Snowman Party!!!Check
her wonderful blog out...So many great
ideas!! CLICK HERE

4) Talk about great Party ideas...This is a
fantastic post of Spiderman Party ideas!
Isn't this a darling Spiderman cake? She
makes a lot of other wonderful things as
well...Check it out..CLICK HERE

5) How about these in genius bracelets?
Too Cute!! She has a wonderful blog with
great posts!! If you would like to see how
she makes these beautiful bracelets..check
it out..CLICK HERE
Now for Monday's Blog Hop...

You already know Blog Hops increase
your traffic to your blog so people
can see what great things you have
been working on!

Please Grab my BUTTON/CODE to put
on your sidebar to get more people to
join in..The more the Spread
the word that we have a Monday & Wed.
Blog Hop each week. Both are different...

If your not a Follower..Why not join in
the great fun we have???

I will pick some Favorites from the previous
week to be in the "BLOG HOP WALK OF FAME"
so check back eack week to see if your there. If you
are take a "I was featured" @ Santa's Gift
Shoppe Button/Code..You deserve it!
Good Job!!

We would love to see any: craft, tutorial,
trash to treasure, great recipe...

This blog hop originated at itssoverycheri..
Thanks Cheri..

Remember that this is a

Click on the "You areNext..Enter Here"
button & follow the prompts..


  1. Thank you so so much for featuring my Spiderman party ideas and saying such sweet things :) I'm off to look through your linky list...

  2. Ohhh my gosh I think I gained 5 pounds just looking at all the fantastic goodies!! The peanutbutter mini bunts look soooo yummmy. I will have to print that out and make those next time I have company. I am afraid if I make them without having company my hubby and I would eat every single one of them. I just clicked to follow so I bet I gain at least 15 pounds this year just from reading about your goodies. ;)

  3. YAY, thanks for featuring LMM! You ROCK!!!!!
    this made my night!


  4. HA!! I second everything Coupon Queen just said!

    Thanks for hosting! :)
