Saturday, April 3, 2010


I Love these Pillows.. Funny how an accident
can turn into a blessing or possibly "New Item"
in a Boutique Shoppe...That's what happened

I was making Table Runners into something
a bit more "Vintage" by painting a rose on each
end of the runner..(they were for my Christmas
Boutique....Santa's Gift Shoppe) I have in my
home each yr.

I finished a number of them, put them away &
when I brought them out (for the boutique) I
realized one of them had some paint on it in the
center which shouldn't have been there...
because of that problem..I took the
runner..cut it, & made an "Envelope Pillow"
out of it. When Life Hands you Lemons..Make
Lemonade....isn't that how the saying goes???

BELOW are 3 different colors with & without
embellishments (lace, ribbon, etc.) Which one do
you like the BEST?????

This would make a Great Mother's Day Gift!!!
(May 9th) They will be available in my "Etsy
Shoppe" in about a week....

These are the supplies needed for creating
this Envelope Pillow...
1 Table Runner
1 pkg. stuffing (probably will use 1/2)
1) Lay runner out on table & cut off tassels (unless
you want them to remain on the pillow)
2) You would probably want to iron the creases
out of it at this point before starting to put it
together..SEE BELOW:
3) Paint a one-stroke rose w/leaves on each end
of runner (you can stop there & have a wonderful
Hand Painted One-Stroke Rose Table Runner)
**To Learn How to do One-Stroke Painting....
Donna Dewberry...The creator of it...has videos,
books, magazines..all of great help in teaching you
how to do it.
(Painting on fabric is somewhat harder
than on paper) Make sure it is thoroughly
dry before making the "Envelope Pillow"
4) To make Pillow:
Cut runner in 1/2. Lay out on table & sew up
a 1/4" seam on the side (opposite from rose)
Turn the seam one more time to finish edge.
(Right hand side of the photo BELOW:)
5) Turn side that was just sewn ( The Bottom
of the pillow) & turn it up to where the triangle
of the top will fold down & an envelope..
6) Sew both sides (one at a time) to make the
Envelope Pouch..Make sure you sew it ON THE
7) Flip the triangle over to create the finished
look of the Envelope Pillow.. Stuff pouch & pin
flap of envelope to pouch to make "Pillow".
Hand sew closed & embellish with ribbon, lace,
whatever you like. You can use Fabric Tack for
the embellishments or continue to hand sew
embellishments to secure. Spot Clean..

Beautifully done..your finished.....


  1. I like the white one with the lace. Great blog!

    Thanks for the follow, I'm following you back! Grabbed your button too.

    What's a Mom to Do?

  2. Those are beautiful pillows. You are very talented and creative.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm a new follower.

    ~Amber @ The Mom Road

  3. WOW! What a great use for a table runner, they are beautiful!

  4. Hello happy you found my little blog. Love your pillows..I am a certified One Stroke Instuctor and loved your roses. Looking forward to following you and watching you create...;-)

  5. Very pretty. :) Thanks so much for linking up this week. :) xoxo

  6. Thanks for visiting my blog and pointing me to yours - I'll be back for your linkup party on monday! Also I've having my very first link party tomorrow (tuesday) if you'd like to join in on it -

  7. How beautiful! I love the shabby, Victorian look. So pretty and feminine! come visit me...I'm having a $100 giveaway!

  8. I'm here! Thanks for stopping by my blog and becoming a follower.

  9. I had no idea one could paint on a pillow. It's lovely! I'm glad you stopped by my blog; I'm following you now too!

    PS - Your background makes me anxious for Christmas!

  10. Those are GORGEOUS!!! I love vintage roses:-)

    Happy Friday Follow right back at ya:-)

  11. Those are gorgeous! Thanks for the follow. I am returning the favor!

  12. Hi Barb, Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog and becoming a follower! I am now a follower of your and grabbed your button too. I LOVE your blog and look forward to learning more...have a great week!

  13. thats really beautiful!

    following u back from FF! Feel free to visit me here:
    Life Can't Wait and Up Now and What's Next

  14. Great job on the pillows! I'm so envious of people who can do the one-stroke painting--I've tried and tried and just can't get the hang of it :0(
    Thanks for visiting my blog!

  15. Those turned out so pretty! I've seen those silky table runners at the Dollar Tree store for a buck a piece too. I'll have to grab me a couple and make some pillows. I will be skipping the painting though. No way I could do that!

  16. Following you back from Friday Follow!! I think I am in love!! These pillows are so beautiful and the rest of your blog is amazing. I will be back to check it out some more.

  17. Thanks for posting on my first ever Flaunt it Friday party! Also, thanks for following me, I returned the favor.

    What an easy way to make such pretty pillows. I look forward to seeing more of your fun ideas!

    Please come back next week to Flaunt it Friday! I will link your Monday party if I can get something done by then...:)

  18. I just found some paints from a one stroke class I took um, I don't remember ago. Now I have an idea on how to use them. Thanks!

  19. Wow - what a great "accident" :).

    Thanks for the Friday Follow - I'm happy to return it!!

    If you're ever interested in a cross-promotion, I'd love to host a giveaway of one of your items on my blog. Keep me in mind.

    And if you're in the mood, I would love for you to come enter my current giveaway!

  20. Hi Barb! Thanks for stopping by and following Twee Poppets. I'm now following you, too. :)

    I have a giveaway going on right now for a handmade greeting card - made by me especially for the winner! Hope you'll come check it out and enter.

  21. Whoops, just realized that the comment you left was on my giveaway post, which means you've already entered! So I guess when I say that I hope you'll enter, I mean I hope you'll stop by and throw a few more entries into the mix, haha! Some are really easy (like choosing which card is your favorite or following on Twitter), so I do recommend it! ;)

  22. These are very pretty! I'm following you back from FF! Thanks so much for stopping by and inviting me to your link party...I'm definitely going to try and attend. Have a great day!

  23. I am visiting/following from FF. Thanks for stopping by. Great gifts you have here!

  24. Thanks for the Friday Follow. I'm following you now too. Great site, you have some really beautiful stuff here, can't wait to get a chance to look around more!

  25. Those are so beautiful. I like them all. The red one really stands out.

    Thanks for the follow - following you now too. :)

  26. Those are very pretty and creative!
    Thanks for stopping by and I'm following you too!

  27. Those are so beautiful! Thanks for sharing. And, thanks for commenting on my blog. You should come to Norway some day. (You do know Santa lives here, don't you...? )

  28. So Victorian. I love them. Thanks for posting this beautiful project :)

  29. These are so pretty! My grandma would love one.

    Thank you for linking this to A Little Craft Therapy with Life in the Pitts

  30. This is my first visit to your blog! You are creative on so many fronts! The hand painting is beautiful. I just bookmarked your girl scout cookies!

  31. What a neat idea. I love how these turned out!

  32. Those are beautiful! I love the flowers you painted one! :)

  33. Thank you for visiting my blog and the Friday Follow! I'm returning the follow now!

    Micael :D

  34. Those are gorgeous! You did a fabulous job.

    Thanks for linking up to Make it Yours day!

  35. Love the pillows ! Following back from FF ! I wish I was creative !

  36. Those pillows are so beautiful! I might have to look for a table runner to try making one!

    Thanks for stopping by Happily Southern! Following you back.

  37. Those are pretty! Thanks for posting on Favorite Things Friday!

  38. So pretty & great that you were able to do a craft conversion out of the "accident" one. Thanks for linking up to Craftastic Monday!

  39. Oh I love this..

    Thanks for joining Get Your Craft on Thursday! Please join me this week for another great party!
    Sorry, it's taken me a while to come and visit, but i was out last week!

  40. How pretty and elegant! Thanks for sharing at 'Look at me, I'm SO Crafty!' at Fun to Craft!!

  41. What a great project - what a great use for a table runner! Thanks for all the links today at Be Inspired!


  42. Very nice...I also love the ornaments! How do you shop from your blog? Super pretty! Thanks for linking up to Mad Skills Monday!

