Saturday, March 27, 2010

Fast/Easy Chocolate or (White Chocolate) Bunny or Egg Lollipops for EASTER!

EASTER is Coming!!!! I love Easter with
the birth of all the new flowers & beauty all around..
& Spring is so tranquil..I feel like I've taken
myself into a field of flowers or commercial or
something...I love the Rebirth of everything..&
especially the Spiritual aspect of Easter.

Easter also brings back so many fond memories
of new white or Black Patent Leather shoes, a little
matching purse, bow in our hair & oh yes...Let's
not forget that White hat with pink ribbon..we have
many photos my dad took to keep that very

Does that sound like anybody elses childhood Easter
Sunday??? Going to church, Finding our Easter
Baskets, Ham Dinner with all the extras??? Sound
familiar??? Getting hungry for mom's cooking??

Our family still does all that but little girls/boys
do grow up all too fast..I have to admit I love for
my grown kids to come home to find Mr. Easter
Bunny has indeed come & left not as much candy
but maybe earrings, or book or some surprise in
Easter Baskets for them.

I love the family ties & gatherings...even if both
of my parents are gone..I still try to keep the
traditions alive & well.

Anyway..Sorry about that..I got distracted with
fond memories..Back to the chocolate bunnies...
I had promised my husband that I would have 35
Chocolate bunnies for his students in his class the
last day of school before Easter Vacation. I had
been gone with responsibilities all day..I started
the lollipops around 11:30pm. They really are very
Fast/Easy to do & turn out really cute & fun..

What do you think??? Leave a comment & tell me..
I'd love to know your opinion..

For Basket
1 basket
1 piece of oasis foam
thin gage florist type wire or tape
wire cutters
1 pkg. of iridescent grass
a couple (2 or 3) of colors of curling ribbon

For Chocolate/White Chocolate Lollipops
1 candy mold (I used bunnies, eggs, & tulip mold)
1 Bag of candy melts (a bag will usually do I think
around 25-35 maybe more depending on the size
of each mold)
1 bag of (50)lollipop sticks (Walmart or Michaels)
1bag of (50) lollipop bags (Walmart or Michaels)
aluminum foil
med. microwave-safe bowl
teaspoon to stir & put melted candy into molds
Oh..Another thing..I used what I had on hand.
This is how I did the Basket..

1) Found basket I could use..Found some old
already used (but recyclable) Oasis Floral Foam.
Took some wire (thin gage florist type..Walmart or
Michaels have) & made it so the wire secured the
foam, cut it with wire cutters & twisted until tight.
It's hard to see but that's what I did. You could
secure it tightly with florist tape (I didn't have any)
& wrap it through the holes of the basket.

2) Arrange irridescent easter grass on top & sides
of foam (I didn't even need to secure it. It worked
out just fine. The lollipops will keep it pretty much
in place. (I cut off old ribbon with wire cutters)
This is how I did the lollipops
1) Gather supplies together..SEE BELOW:
2) Pour 1/2 bag of candy melts into microwave-
safe bowl. Microwave on full power for 45 sec.
(My microwave is 1100 watts & this works fine
for may have to fine tune your own time
& your wattage maybe different than mine..just
keep checking it & stirring it & it should be fine)
Keep stirring & checking very 15-20sec. (if it's on
high) until melted. You might feel safer having it
on 50% power & checking every 30sec. or so. Do
the same with rest of candy melts (depending on
how many you need)
3) Take a clean candy mold & with a teaspoon
fill each bunny, tulip, (whatever) with chocolate
or white chocolate (not overflowing)
4) Lay lollipop stick (inside slot provided in mold
going into the melted candy) & twist til stick is
covered with melted chocolate. You would be wise
to add a dollop of chocolate on top of that place where
you twisted the stick to make sure it is secure &
it will stay in much better. After it cools & hardens..
it will be very secure.SEE BELOW:
5) Place in refigerator or freezer for a short time
(try 10-15 min.) & keep checking them until they
"harden." Then take out of freezer or refrigerator
(I like the freezer best because it's way faster)
& turn them over & "pop" them out on to a piece
of foil. Believe it or not they do not need anything
like Pam or spray or anything to help them pop out.
I have used these again & again & have never had
any problem with them not popping out of their
molds.The detail is amazingly clear on them.
6) I like to put mine in one of the lollipop bags
(they are the perfect size) & tie some curling ribbon
around the stick to secure bag in place.
7) Curl ribbon with scissors edge & your thumb.
(Careful not to hurt yourself)SEE BELOW:
8) Stick each one in the oasis in the basket &
look at them...They look like a little bunch of
bunnies in an egg field or bunny & egg patch..
(like Linus'...pumkin patch in Charlie Brown)
AREN'T THEY CUTE????? Have fun & let me
know how they turned out for you...Enjoy..


  1. Good Afternoon! Happy Friday Follow on Saturday-Hoppin' when I can! I am your newest Follower!
    Have a super day and come follow my blog!

    The Groschen Goblins

  2. Following back from Friday Follow. What a cute blog!! Love your ideas! That chair that you have...we have the same ones and with 4 children the seats have become quite dingy! Love the black and white! Cute!

  3. I'm a new Friday Follower! Visit me at and sign up for my first giveaway!

  4. Following you back vie Follow me Friday! Love your blog, can't wait to try out some of this great sounding recipes! :)

  5. I love your blog! So cute! And especially love your kitchen chairs! I am a follower now! Thanks for following sweetcharli. I will get my Friday button up with the code. Thanks so much for stopping by and letting me in on your wonderful blog! See you around!

  6. Thank you for the Follow! I am following you back! Love your blog!! :)

  7. How fun! I wish I still had someone little at my house to do all these great projects with. Great blog you have here. I enjoyed my visit.

  8. cute basket

    Here from FF running behind this week

    Take a minute to check out my blog
    I Have a Misikko Hana flat Iron Giveaway Going over 100 dollar package and other giveaways also

  9. ooo how pretty! love the way they came out with white chocolate! thanks for the follow, I'm following you back and off to check out your upholstered chairs!!

  10. Thanks for visiting my blog!

    I'm a sucker for Christmas and you've got a lot of really great ideas!!!

    I'll be following you back! LOL

  11. Thanks for following my blog. Love yours and cannot wait to try the Minty Delights.

  12. Mmm, these look great! And those candy melts are on sale right now at Michaels. I've never made candy before, but you are tempting me...

    Thank you for linking this to A Little Craft Therapy with Life in the Pitts.

  13. Thank you for the follow! I am now a follower of yours! Love your blog! So cute! It makes me hungry!! Man, I am on a diet! I will definitely have to try out some recipes once I am off of the strict part of the diet!! Thanks!!

  14. These make me hungry! Thanks for posting! I have molds but havent made chocolate for years! I'll have to make some soon! Yum!
    (p.s. New Follower!)

  15. Absolutely beautifully displayed. Love it. They look delicious.

    I 'm now following you!
    Love to have you stop by!
    Have a great Friday!

  17. What a great idea, those are so cute. I also love how you covered the chairs in the post below.

    Happy Follow Friday, I am currently your newest follower. You can find me at The Road to Here

    Happy Easter!

  18. Following back from Follow Friday! Thanks so much for stopping by my little corner of Bloggy Land! We are definitely going to have to make those lollipops! So easy and so yummy.

  19. Thank you for being a follower-I am definetly following back! Loved your blog and you sound like a girl after my own heart:) I sooo identify with your background! Happy Easter!

  20. Thank you so much for following me! I am now following your lovely blog! I love all your ideas. My favorite so far is the cute table runner and napkin holder. I will be back to see more, cause I always need ideas.
    I will try to make it to your link party on Monday, I may not be back yet from Easter, but if I am, I will be here

    Have a great Easter

  21. Following back! What a cute and yummy idea! Have a great weekend!


  22. hi Barb! I don't know what happened there, but I am definetly a follower now! I saw my little picture pop up:) Yaye!! I can't believe I'm missed stuff, I'm going to look over your writing that I've missed:) Hope you have a very Happy Easter!! :) Nikki

  23. Wow! Looks like you have some really great tips on your blog... Looking forward to following :) Thanks for the follow on mine @ Life as a Wife! Blessings & Happy Easter!

  24. Oooh I want chocolate bunnies now!!

    I'm your newest follower, I found you through Friday follow!

    Will you will come check my blog out as well?

    Have a great weekend!

  25. I've used white chocolate melts to coat other foods (fruits, pretzels, etc.) Your basket is very cute, and the white-choco bunny pops put a nice personal spin on Easter Candy. I'm following back from Friday Follow - great blog!

  26. Thanks for stopping by for FF! I'm now following you! Mmm... your chocolates look so tasty! I look forward to seeing more!

  27. I am here from FF and am now following you. I hope you follow me back. Happy Easter.

  28. hey thanks for coming by the blog today! Cute layout!

  29. Hi....New follower from Follow me Friday. I'm really loving your blog. :) I'd love to have you drop by my place @ At Home 'n About!

    Have a great Easter weekend.
    Elaine :)

  30. I love your blog. Thank you so much for stopping by mine too.

  31. Thanks for stopping by and following-I am now following you.

  32. Thanks so much for stopping by to follow and comment over at A Penny Saved! I am now following you as well! This candy looks absolutely delightful by the way and your blog is too cute! Have an awesome Easter holiday weekend!


  33. Visiting from Friday Follow. Thanks for the follow! Those candies look great!

  34. I grew up making homemade Easter candy with my mom...brings back nice memories :)

    Thanks for visiting and following! I'm following you back!

    Have a wonderful holiday weekend!

  35. Stopping by to say following you back :)
    the bunnies look yummy!

  36. Thanks for stopping by and following ladybugmamaof2. I'm just getting into DIY projects. I love your blog. I'm a new follower.

  37. Hello! Thanks for stopping by from Friday Follow! I'm a new follower, and I'm loving your blog! I just might have to try making these lollipops -- they look so yummy! Hope you have a great weekend and a happy Easter! =)

  38. Hi,
    Great ideas for Easter.
    Your blog is beautiful.
    Christmas is my favorite time of year.
    Thank-you for the Friday Follow.
    I am following you now too.
    I love Friday Follow.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  39. Thank you for stopping by 504 Main. Here to return the follow.

    Your bunnies and eggs are so cute. I have many molds and have not made candy in awhile...I have had some bad luck with the melts. You r are so cute, I am really wanting to try it again soon.

    I really enjoyed reading about your memories.
    504 Main

    PS-You should link up this post and your easter memories to on Wednesday. She has a new linky called Home is... and wednesday is an easter memory.

  40. Hi! I'm following you back from Tanja's Cupcakes! You have very interesting ideas on your blog. Have a great weekend!

  41. Thanks for the follow. I'm following you back. This looks like a blog I'm going to watch closely! Happy Easter!

  42. super cute!! love how they look in teh basket!! have a terrific easter!!

  43. Hi! Following you back! These look super yummmy!

  44. Following you back- What a great Blog! Love this!

  45. YUMMY! I have had these kind of suckers too.
    They are absolutely delish!
    Thanks for stopping by on my blog, It is so nice to meet you.
    I am following you also.
    @Buttons and Bows

  46. Have a great weekend!! Following you back:)

  47. Hey! I'm following you back now, and those treats look so good. I love making chocolates!
    Happy Easter!

  48. Hi! I am Friday Following you on Saturday! ;o)

    Those look so cute and yummy! I love your blog!

  49. Thanks for the great spring break idea for next idea!

    Thanks for visiting me! Stopping by to say Hi and Happy Follow Friday! Now following you!
    I have a whole bunch of giveaways going on if you wanted to check them out!
    Visit Mama’s Money Savers

  50. Hi and Happy Friday Follow on Saturday. I just had to tell you how much I've enjoyed looking thru your site..and have become a follower. I hope you visit me..Have a lovely weekend and Happy Easter..

  51. thanks so much for visiting! Such kind words! lOVE this fun idea for easter! I am going to have to try out some of your recipes!

  52. Those are really great. To bad I just got back from the store and won't be going back for a couple of days :(. Thanks for linking up to check me out saturdays

  53. thank you for all the kind comments on
    following you back!

  54. What a great blog! I am following back from FF and love all your great ideas!

  55. Super cute.

    Thanks for joining Get Your Craft on Thursday. Please join me next week for another wonderful party!!

    Please stop by next week I am having guest over each day and I would love for you to tell them HI!

  56. Thanks for visiting my blog! I LOVE your ideas and I am going to be your latest follower too! Awesome! Happy Easter!!!

  57. Thank you for following Wild Rose! Following you, too. =) Hope you have a fantastic day!

  58. I am following you right back! Happy FF!

  59. Hi!! Visiting from Sew Dang Cute..
    These look so yummy!!

  60. Those are super cute...and who doesn't love white chocolate? I would probably finish them all off myself! Thanks for posting on Favorite Things Friday!

  61. These are adorable!!

    Thanks for linking up to I'm Lovin' It! Hope to see you again this week!

  62. Thank you for the comment. Those chocolate suckers look so cute and delicious. I now follow you :)

  63. that is seriously adorable! wish i had found it sooner!

  64. I love white chocolate! These are very cute! Thanks for linking up for Friday Favorites!

  65. Mmmmm. Yummy. I love white chocolate. Thanks for sharing at Fun to Craft's Spring has Sprung Party.

  66. Those look so good! Thanks for linking up to the Weekend Wrap Up Party!

    I hope you will link up and show us more of your projects!

