Thursday, April 8, 2010


Ohhhh...Thin Mint Cookies...Don't ya just LOVE 'EM??
Well...while I was making the SAMOAS...I thought I
should try these little babies too, & I'm glad I did..
They were such a HIT with everyone who had one
of these minty..chocolaty..crisp melt in your
mouth sensations..

I found them on Baking Bites from a number of years
back..Lucky me..They even taste better (if that can be)
after they have been in the freezer...Ok Here it is:

For Dough:
2 1/4 c. flour
1/4 c. cornstarch
6 Tbsp. unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2 tsp. salt
1 c. white sugar
1/2 c. butter, room temperature
1/3 c. milk (any kind)
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
3/4 tsp. peppermint extract

For Chocolate Coating
10 oz. dark or semisweet chocolate
1/2 c. butter, room temperature

1) In a small bowl whisk together flour, cornstarch
cocoa powder, & salt.
2) In a large bowl, cream together butter & sugar.
With the mixer on low speed, add in the milk & the
extracts. Mixture will look curdled. Gradually, add
flour mixture until fully incorporated. SEE BELOW:
3) Shape dough into two logs, about 1 1/2 inches in
diameter, wrap in plastic wrap & freeze for at least
1-2 hours, until dough is very firm. SEE BELOW:

4) Pre-heat oven to 375F. Slice dough into
rounds not more than 1/4 inch thick. (If they are
too thick they will not be as crisp) & place on
a parchment lined (or I used a Silpat Liner)
baking sheet. Cookies will not spread very much,
so you can put them quite close together.
***TIP***When slicing the cookie log you can dip
your knife into warm water before each cut but
make sure you don't have any residue left on the
knife from the previous cut..You want a clean cut
Maybe a cheese slicer would work??SEE BELOW:

5) Bake for 13-15 min, until cookies are firm
at the edges. Cool completely on a wire rack
before dipping in chocolate. SEE BELOW:
1) Measure out 10 oz. of chocolate ( I used chocolate
chips) & a kitchen scale. SEE BELOW:
2) In a microwave-safe bowl, combine chocolate
& butter. SEE BELOW:
3) Melt on high power in the microwave, stirring every
45 sec. until chocolate is smooth. (Watch carefully
you don't want it to scorch.) Chocolate should
have the consistency somewhere between chocolate
syrup & fudge for a thin coating. SEE BELOW:

4) Dip each cookie in melted chocolate, turn with
fork to coat, then transfer to a piece of parchment
paper (or wax paper) to set up for at least 30 min.
or until chocolate is cool & firm. I think I would
definately put them in the freezer to harden up..
but I think cold Thin Mint Cookies taste even
better coming from the freezer..SEE BELOW:
***Tip**(Reheat chcolate as needed to keep it
smooth & easy to dip cookies in)
I put a piece of wax paper over the silpat liner &
baking sheet for support under it. Before I put
them in the refrigerator to set up.
You are finished...Yeah... Now you can watch
the compliments start coming & keep coming..
they are that good!!!


  1. Yummy!!! I'm so loving your blog and following now.

  2. What a great blog

    Hello I am Shannon from Coupon Mommy of 3, following you through Friday Follow.

    Please come by and follow me also and check out my giveaways:

  3. Mmmmmmmm.... I love chocolates! Thanks for following my blog from FF, I'm your latest follower now! :D

  4. Yummy! I love that you have pics to show each step! We love Thin Mints!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog

    I'm following you back! :)

  5. these are our favorite girl scout cookies, well along with the samoas. thanks for sharing the recipe. following you back from last friday's follow. i'm just trying to catch up.

  6. Dang. One more reason not to start my diet until Monday! Looks yummy. Following you back from Friday Follow.

  7. Whoa Yummy!!!! My husband would love for me to make these. :-)

    Following you back! Thanks!!

    Have a great day!

  8. Those look delicious! I will definitely be trying these!!!

  9. I love Thin Mints. I have to try your recipe.

    Following you back from last week. Sorry it took me a week to come over. I am usually not that bad.

  10. The Thin Mints are my favs. The recipe sounds yummy. Thanks for the follow, looks like I'm already a follower from last week's FF.

    Have a great weekend!

  11. Love the site and images. Following you back from FF. Thanks

  12. Thanks for following! Following you back! What a fun blog! Nothing like celebrating all year!

  13. Hey thanks for stopping by my blog and followin! I'm your newest follower!

  14. Thanks so much for stopping by and following so that I could come here and find your delicious blog to follow back.
    I too make homemade soma cookies and now will have to add these to my recipe book. Thank you for posting it.

  15. Following you back! Those look so good!! Yummy!!

  16. Those look fabulous! Yum! Thanks for following my blog. I am now a follower of yours also :) Happy Friday!

  17. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love your yummy pictures!

  18. Love the blog. I am a Christmas freak, I am hoping for a lot of ideas from your blog.

  19. what a fun blog! Thanks for stoppin by, can't wait to check out some more

  20. Thanks for stopping by! I'm loving the polka dots :)

  21. You can send some of these my way. Yummy! Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  22. yum... thanks for the follow. I am following you back! This blog looks dangerous to my waist line.

  23. WOWWW!!!

    LOVE IT!! Perfect for a chocoholic like me!!

    Thanks for sharing, I mus try it!

    Thanks for stopping by, now following. =)

  24. I'm loving your blog! These look fabulous!

  25. Oh.My.Gosh!! My favorite cookie EVER!! I will definitely have to try this recipe. My sweet tooth thanks you. :)

  26. Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog and following! I am now following you as well!

  27. Love your blog, recipes and ideas! I'm your newest follower from FF! Have a great weekend!

  28. Oh, those look fantastic. I LOVE thin mints! I'll definitely have to try these. Thanks for stopping by the Yellow House. Looking forward to reading more of your blog.

  29. Thanks for stopping by, Barb! I love to make gifts for people and will definitely follow you for ideas! Have a great weekend!

  30. I think I just gained 5 lbs reading this. Totally worth it. Thanks for the follow & am now following you back. Have a lovely weekend!

  31. Oh wow!! I love Thin Mints. And I am addicted to recipe hunting, but hate to cook. LOL I leave that to my hubby. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today! I'm following you now with both of mine! :)

    Tree (aka Mother of Pearl)

    P.S. I would love to invite you to join our new community network for moms...Mommies Faves Mom Bloggers Network. Hope to see you there soon!

  32. Following you back from Friday Follow! I'm so happy you found my blog! I love yours! Christmas is my fave holiday and I love baking!

  33. Hi there, following you back from Friday Follow! All I can say is...yum, yum and yum! I can't wait to come back to see more! Have a great weekend!

    Cathy ♥ Snow White's Blog Shop!

  34. MMMM.... thanks for following HPA; i'm now following you back! Thin Mints are my favorite!

  35. Hi,
    Thank-you for stopping by my blog.
    Happy Friday Follow.
    Have a great weekend.

  36. Thank you!! You just reminded me I have thin mints in my freezer! I gave up chocolate for Lent, so I hid them in there and now I'm off to eat them! Yep, at 11:30 at night.

    I'm following you back from follow friday :) Thanks for stopping by!

  37. Following back. Thanks so much for stopping by!

  38. You had me at "Thin Mints".
    I thought I was already following because I KNOW I've been here before LOL!
    Clicked it again anyway to make sure.
    thanks for the visit! :)

  39. I'm following you back :o) Those cookies look sooo yummy!! Your blog looks great and I look forward to reading more.

    Have a great weekend!

  40. Following you back. Thanks so much for stopping by! I'll be sure & link up Monday!

  41. Following back from FF! Thanks for stopping by and G I R L I am so gonna make these cookies! They are my fav.

  42. Thin mints are my husband's favorite! I am a new follower, thanks for visiting me and becoming a follower of!

  43. i may need to try these, anything that freezes is great for me. i love having goodies in the freezer

  44. Those look delish!!! I am here from Friday Follow...following you back!

  45. Following you back!. These looks awesome! I am very excited to check out your blog. :)

  46. Oh my gosh those look fabulous! I love to cook but I hate baking so I buy goodies online and in stores a lot. I love your blog! You have such cool posts! I am definitely going to be visiting.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and following! I'm following you back now! If you are on twitter let me know and I'll follow there as well. I didn't see a button on your blog.

    Happy Saturday!

  47. Thanks for visiting! Following back.

    Those look so delicious!!!

  48. silpats rock!!! i'm pretty sure you just made everyone's year with this post. don't we all love love love girl scout cookies! and now you've allowed us to bake the goodness at home. yay!

  49. Hi! Thanks for the follow! I'm following you back...and sure glad I am- you're blog is great! I will be trying out this's my favorite girl scout cookie. Thanks! I look forward to reading your future posts.
    Have a great day!
    Vanessa, from Optimal Optimist

  50. Thanx for checking out my blog/ for the follow. I'm now following you. This recipe looks yummy!!

  51. Hi
    Thanks For stopping By Following you Back For Friday Follow :) Have a Great weekend

  52. yummy! Looks delicious. Following you from FF!

  53. Thanks for stopping by. Following you back. Looks delicious. xox

  54. oh delish!!! thanks for the follow! returning the favour! xoxo

  55. I LOVE your blog and wanted to place it as my Featured Blogger of the Week on "What's a Mom to Do?" @ but on my blog roll it says your button has been "moved or deleted." Can you please send me the correct code so I can fix it? You can find my e-mail on my site. Thanks!

    And I can't wait to try these cookies...YUMMMM!

  56. Thanks for inviting me to the link party tomorrow for creativeness!! I will definetly join in!! thanks!!

  57. Thanks for stopping by... Those cookies look divine!

  58. They look delicious!
    Following you back from #FF

  59. Oh my yum! Thanks for the follow, I am following you back!

  60. boy these look so yummy!
    New follower from Friday!

  61. YUMM YUMM AND YUMM!!! I am a little late from friday follow love your blog!!! I am your newest follower

  62. Following you back! These cookies sound SO GOOD!

  63. wow those look so good!

    Following you back from follow friday!

  64. Oh YUM! I tagged you in my "linky love" for having the best Yummy blog post today! You can see it here:

  65. Oh my gosh....yummy! You mean, I could get Thin Mints year round rather than just when my Girl Scout cookies are delivered?? Sounds like trouble!

  66. oh yea!!! I can't wait to try these :)

  67. This is what I have been waiting for! Thank you and I am DEFINITELY going to try this today or tomorrow!

  68. I am going to try and tweak this into a gluten free recipe. thank you so much for the jump start.

    Live Laugh and Enjoy!

  69. Oh, I'm going to have to try this for home group sometime. Thin Mints are my down fall and I could eat a whole package just myself! We didn't buy any this year (no one asked us). Thanks for posting!

  70. Oh, these look yummy! I just love thin mints - my favorite for sure. Thanks for linking up to Be Inspired today.


  71. I was just thinking about starting a diet. But it's gonna have to wait, because these cookies look amazing!

    Thank you for linking this to A Little Craft Therapy with Life in the Pitts.

  72. Yummy! My hubby favorite is Thin mint! he will love these! :)

  73. Oh my!! Those look divine. ♥ I believe you could go into the cookie business and mail order those babies.

    Thanks so much for the recipe..I'm visiting for Get Your Craft on Thursdays. I'd love for you to come by for a visit when you have a moment. ♥

    Have a lovely day...

    Stephanie ♥

  74. I need to try these, they look delicious and they are my favorite girl scout cookie!
    PS Have you heard we are expecting?!?!

  75. These look great and yummy! I love the thin mints.

    Thanks for joining Get Your Craft on Thursday. Please join me next week for another great party.

  76. Those look amazing. I just did a post about them on my blog :)

  77. Just found your blog - sounds delicious & easy! Can't wait to find more GREAT ideas on your blgg!!

  78. This is my favorite kind of Girl Scout Cookie!

    I am definitely bookmarking this one to try!

    Thanks for linking up to Make it Yours day! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  79. Those look SO yummy! Thanks so much for posting this on Favorite Things Friday!

  80. These look so yummy!!

    Thanks for linking up to I'm Lovin' It!!

  81. Thank you for bringing your hodgepodge to the party! Will be drawing the winners soon!

  82. Yum! These are my favorite. Can't wait to try them.

  83. There's not a girlscout cookie that I don't absolutely love. These are going onto my short list!!!

  84. Right after I make the samoas for my hubby, I'm making these for me! Thanks for linking up with me for Friday Favorites!

  85. MMMmmm I'm drooling on my laptop over here! :)

    Thanks for linking Flaunt it Friday, come back soon!!

  86. Thank you for all your recipes. They look delicious.
    Thanks for linking up to Saturday is Crafty Day @ along for the ride! Hope to see you back next week! I've also added your button my blog roll!

  87. I just had to follow, being Santa's gift shoppe and all . .. hope you will stop by and check out what Mrs. Claus has been up to!

  88. Yummy--those are my favorite GS cookie--thanks for sharing!

  89. These looks so good! I love GS cookies...


  90. Oh - I love BB. These look fabulous! Thanks for sharing this recipe - I'd love to give it a try! Thanks so much for joining the Sunday Showcase! I greatly appreciate it. Hope you have a wonderful week! ~Stephanie Lynn

  91. You might try cutting them with thin dental floss, like you would a log of soft cheese. I don't know how thin you could get them but it would eliminate the stickiness problem. I guess you could roll or "squish" them flatter if needed. dunno. I will have to try these some ambitious day!
