Saturday, February 8, 2014

Kidney Transplant: A Journey of Hope


It has been a long time (approximately 1 year) since I
have updated or written on my blog. The reason being, I found
out January 2013 that my total kidney function was at 10%;
normal is between 60-100%. When your kidney function goes
down to 15% or less you usually need dialysis to function on a
more normal level. My kidney function is currently at 7%, and
miraculously I am still not receiving dialysis. I consider it a
             Most people know little about kidney disease...I was
one of those people. However I changed that! I researched and
educated myself, and am now in the process of preparing to
receive a kidney transplant in the near future.
               That's the good news! The bad news is knowing that
the majority of people do not know that high blood pressure,
diabetes, and Ibuprofen contribute greatly to the chances of
kidney (or renal) failure, that more than a 100,000 people are
on a waiting list for a deceased donor's kidney or that you only
need one kidney to function and live a normal life.
                I am one of the lucky ones with five living donors
(family and friends) offering me one of their kidneys so that
I can live. This is one of the most humbling and wonderful 
blessings that has come into my life. I will continue writing
on my blog about the high and lows of the journey and what
I have learned from this challenge in my life.
                 It is my hope that by writing about this experience, 
people everywhere will become well informed about this disease...
to help you, your family, friends and maybe even inspire some
changes in thinking about and considering organ donation that
saves lives.
                I invite you to come and join me in this journey of hope and enlightenment...


  1. Oh my goodness. Praying for you. I missed you, and had no idea what you have been facing.

    1. Thank you so much for your prayers. It is truly an interesting ride with many rich blessings along the way.

  2. Hi Barbara, I'm so happy that you have created this blog so we can be a part of your journey. You are in our daily prayers��

  3. I was wondering what happen to you. Sending prayers to you. Hope everything go well for you

    1. Thank you so much for all of your prayers. It is appreciated more than you know.

  4. Thank you for your daily prayers!. I can feel the strength of everyone's prayers and I am doing great. It is the most humbling and wonderful experience of my life. It has gone from a trial, to a challenge, and now + a journey..
