Monday, February 28, 2011

Mailbox Update/Monday Blog Hop

Sometimes it's the SIMPLEST CHANGES that
can effect the BIGGEST DIFFERENCE! My
Mailbox needed a New Look!! Plus it had had
better days & was looking like it could use a
day a the SPA!

Below is one of the ways in which YOU can update
(REFRESH) that old mailbox with a NEW LOOK!
That's what I did. I made a Butterfly & Script
Numbers & Address & these are 3 examples of
what you can do....

Vinyl makes it so easy & for the durability that
Outdoor Vinyl has ..It's Easy & Great! I LOVE IT
& hope you get inspired to Cheer UP your Mailbox,

Below is the Ugly War torn BEFORE!!!!

Below is another "After" photo: A "Simplified" version
of the Number only!! Classy!

There seems to be an invasion of Owls around
my house...Here is 1 even on the Mailbox..Isn't
he the cutest thing??

Better view of the Butterfly Address Mailbox...Now
You can go & experiment with your Mailbox!! Have fun
with it!

Now for Monday's Blog Hop...

FYI RULES before you start:

Follow Santa's Gift Shoppe YR ROUND

2) Link up YOUR POST..Not Your Home Page

3) Link Back to the Party on your Post
or Sidebar..(Grab Button/Code from my
Sidebar) so others can join the fun!

4) Click on the "YOU ARE NEXT
ENTER HERE" & Follow the Prompts..

5) Family Friendly Links ONLY!

6) 2 Different Blog Hops EACH WEEK
(every Mon & Wed)

I will pick some Favorites from the previous
week to be in the "BLOG HOP WALK OF FAME"
so check back each week to see if you are there.
If you are Please take the "I was featured" @
Santa's Gift Shoppe YR ROUND Button/Code
You deserve it!! Great job!!

Here are last "Monday's Walk of Famers"

1) Isn't this beautiful..Check this great
Blog out "Table scape times Three"....

2) This is so adorable...I had to choose it.
Check this Blog out.. "A Turtles Life for Me"

3) Fantastic creativity!!! Check out this
wonderful idea on this Blog "Painted Fresh"

4) What a Lovely work of Jewelry Art!
Check Her great Blog out "Jane of all

5) Fantastic Trash to Treasure!!!
Check out her great blog "Make the
Best of Things" CLICK HERE

6) Just wonderful idea!!! Take a look
at all the great ideas on her Blog "Crafts
and Sutch" CLICK HERE


  1. Love the mailbox makeover. It's so cute & perky now, just waiting for some great mail!

  2. Thanks so much for the feature! I really appreciate it!!

  3. i love the owl mailbox!!! thanks for linking this up!
