Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I never liked working on computers much. I
would send an email & it would not get there.
FAILURE OF NOTIFICATION!!! I hated that! life is surrounded by Computers, laptops,
cellphones..etc. I even have a Blog & Etsy business..
So computers are a very important part of my
everyday life. They most likely are for you, too.

I love my laptop & all the great thing I have learned
how to do with it. I have even found lost loved ones on
my Ancestry Line with it..It's amazing & now I have
something I'm giving update..with one of my
Favorite Vinyls..My Pink Owl on a Tree Branch...

Below is how it turned out..I love it!!! It makes
me smile when I look at it..each time I use my
computer...Any Comments? I'd love to know
how you like it..

I'm going to be doing a Giveaway soon & will put
a survey (on the sidebar) asking which Vinyl you
guys would like to try for...Leave any comments for
YOUR VOTE is for
1) Laptop Owl Vinyl
2) Ashley's Room Vinyl or
3) Mailbox Vinyl & I will keep tabs..

Below photo shows the different COLORS giving the owl
different personalities!!
Now for our Wednesday BLOG HOP!

You already know that Blog Hops
so we are glad to see you here to
do that!
FYI Before we Begin...

1) You need to become a Follower of
Santa's Gift Shoppe YR ROUND (check
sidebar & follow the prompts)

2) Link up your POST..NOT your Blog
Home Page.

3) Link Back Here to the Party on your
Post or Sidebar..(Grab button/Code) so
others will know where to look..

4) Click on the "YOU ARE NEXT
ENTER HERE" & Follow the Prompts..

5) Family Friendly Links ONLY

6) 2 Different Blog Hops each week
(Every Mon & Wed)

I will pick some Favorites from the previous
week to be in the "BLOG HOP WALK OF FAME"
so check back to see if you are there & if you are
take a "I was Featured" @ Santa's Gift Shoppe
Button/Code..You Deserve it! Great Job!!

This last week you guys out did yourself!!
All wonderful ideas & projects..Here are
a few of my Favs...

1) You will not believe the "Before" photos
of this great bloggers ideas & how she got
Dollar Tree Notebooks Altered to look
like these little gems! Just Beautiful! To check
them out..CLICK HERE

2) Ohhhh..These look sooo delicious!!!! What a
fantastic job. These Peanut Butter Truffles are
to die for! She has a wonderful tutorial on how
she made these awesome truffles & the recipe..
Check it out..CLICK HERE

3) Oh my gosh..Aren't these adorable???
I wish I knew how to do this skill! I think
these are tatted..maybe not..but how
beautiful can Baby Booties get? Check
her busy Hands Blog out..CLICK HERE

4) Spring & St Patrick's Day are just around
the corner..(I can hear the cheers from here!)
This is a really cute St. Patrick's Day Subway
Art! Check it out..CLICK HERE

5) This is something we can All use!! What a
great idea!! She has made a Lost Sock
Tutorial for us. I don't know about you..
but I'm tired of wondering how the Dryer
ate another pair of my husband's socks..He
thinks there has got to be a Land of missing
socks somewhere! Check it out..CLICK HERE

6) I know we have seen a lot of these
all over the web..but she has quite a
few different ones that I think are
inspirational..& that's what I love...
These Diaper Cakes are just great!
She has a wonderful blog to boot!
Check out her tutorial on how to
do these..CLICK HERE
7) Finally This is just Fabulous!!! I love
Family Trees..Any kind & this one is
simply GREAT! I love the 2 separate
but united Family Lines. Bravo!!! I would
love to make this one! Check it out..

You have ALL truly
Thank You for being the inspiring, talented
wonderful people you are who are willing to
share their talents with the rest of us...B.

This blog hop originated @trendy treehouse
Thanks trendy treehouse..


  1. thanks for the feature on the family tree! I love finding new blogs & will be adding you to my favorites!!!

  2. Oh, I love that owl decal, so cute!

  3. Love the Mailbox Vinyl! Great idea using vinyl on laptops too. Looks like you have some great links too!

  4. Thanks for hosting. Have a good rest of the week.

  5. It's amazing & now I have something I'm giving update.
