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School Ideas..We have fun name decals, Backpack Name Tags, Teacher Gifts, Wall Vinyls..

Monday, January 31, 2011

Kids/Nursery Name/Circles/Mon. Blog Hop

Welcome to our Monday Blog Hop..Before we
begin I thought I'd show you what I've been working

Names..Initials..Monograms..I love them all. What a
great way to decorate your kids room/nursery. Such
a personalized easy way to transform a wall.. Little
did we know circles or polka dots could be so cute!

There's so many ways you can use them...Here are a

FYI Before you start..Some Rules

You already know that Blog Hops
INCREASE TRAFFIC to your blog!

1) Follow Santa's Gift Shoppe

2) Link up your Post..not your main blog..

3) Link back to the Party on your POST
or SIDEBAR..(Grab button/code) So
others can find us..

4) Click on the "You ARE NEXT ENTER
HERE" & follow the prompts..

5) Family Friendly Links ONLY

6) 2 Different Blog Hops each week

I will pick some favorites from the previous
week to be in the "BLOG HOP WALK OF FAME"
so check back to see if you are there. If you are
take a "I was featured" @ Santa's Gift
Shoppe Button/Code... You deserve it!!

Here are last weeks FAVS....Congrats!!

Everybody needs one of these beauties if
your a crafter with rolls of ribbon..I have one
& probably need 2 more..She has a wonderful
tutorial on how to make a "Ribbon Organizer"
for yourselves..What inspiration..Check it out..

2) Here is a great blog where she shows
you a darling "Cupcake Wall Treatment"
How clever is this? You have to check out
her Charming Blog..Check it out..

3) I absolutely LOVE this makeover..She
should be applauded it's that great! She can
do my table any day..This "Thrift Table
Makeover" is the BEST! Check it out along
with her amazing blog! CLICK HERE

4) Simple and Sweet...What a cute "Valentine's
Day's Wreath. She has made a tutorial for
you & other great ideas on her blog. Check it

5) This is just beautiful!! She has put together
a fabulous tutorial on how to make these
"Winter Blossoms"..Spring is right around
the corner!! Check it out..CLICK HERE

6) What a lovely simple little project.
Sometimes simple is just perfect!!
This "Valentine Pretty" is one of
those. She has done a great job & even
has a fun tutorial of how to make these
yourselves. Check it out..CLICK HERE

This blog hop originated @
itssoverycheri...Thanks Cheri..
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Romantic Wreath/Blog Hop

Happy Wednesday Everybody! Welcome to
my blog where we have a Blog Hop every
Monday & Wednesday (each different) &
we share ideas/recipes/crafts..Hope you'll
join in..My wish for you all is to be inspired
& let your creativity grow & MAKE something
great..It's in each one of us..Just do it...

I love Romantic things..Victorian..China...
flowers..Put them together & I made this
easy Romantic Wreath..

I just took a grapevine wreath (Michael's/
Walmart) & glued with an epoxy type glue
(really strong type) the china cup/saucer
to the wreath overnite.

Then started the fun of just wrapping around
the wreath..tulle, pearls, & intertwined various
silk flowers/greenery..I love it....

Now let's see the FAVS from last weeks
Wed. Blog Hop...It was harder than ever
to choose..All entries were wonderful..You
guys are amazing & truly inspiring!!! Keep
up the great work..FAVS DON'T FORGET TO

1) This Valentine's Day Party was so adorable.
The kids sure looked like they had a blast!! What
a mom! Check it out..CLICK HERE

2) This cake brought back precious
memories of my mother who passed
away a while ago. I had a wonderful
mom (like this blogger is) & every
birthday each of us kids got 1 of these
Wonderful Cakes..Check it out..

3) This is a wonderful Mosaic "China" Mirror.
She has inspired me..I have always wanted to
do something like this & I will...Check it out..

4) This is just too cute not to be in my
favs..This is some talented woman! I
can't help myself..Teapot, China cups/
saucers..I love them all..even tho I
don't even drink tea. Check out her
Alice in Wonderland Party....

5) Simply Elegant Beauty...I love this..
She even is so sweet as to give you a
wonderful tutorial on her great blog..
Check it out....CLICK HERE

I will pick some Favorites from the previous
week to be in the "BLOG HOP WALK OF FAME"
so check back each week to see if your there. If you
are take a "I was featured" @ Santa's Gift
Shoppe Button/Code.. You Deserve it!!


FYI before you start.....
1) Follow Santa's Gift Shoppe Year Round

2) Link up your post..not your blog..

3) Link back to the party on your post
or sidebar..(Grab button/code) So others
can find us..

4) Click on the "YOU ARE NEXT
ENTER HERE & Follow the Prompts..

5) Family Friendly Links only

6) 2 different Blog Hops each week
(every Mon & Wed)

This blog hop originated from trendy
treehouse..Thanks trendy treehouse
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Trash to Treasure/Monday's Blog Hop

Don't you love to turn trash to treasure??
I I turned this old fashioned shoe
into a floral arrangement.

All I did was spray paint the shoe gold..mod
podge wrapping paper (it's thinner than scrapbook)
in pieces on it & glue some pearls for the
finishing touch. Add some silk flowers & you

have a great floral arrangement..So Easy..

Now for some featured bloggers from last week....

Check this out ..Too cute & creative! See what this

wonderful blogger (artist!) did to create such a

"sweet rose treat"...CLICK HERE

or this "COOL IDEA" of ice candles..
Check this great blog out...CLICK HERE

or need a great idea for Valentine's Day?
Check her wonderful blog out ..CLICK HERE

Okay.. this gal is too much! What a spectacular idea
& wall decor!! Check it out..CLICK HERE

or this great tutorial of how to make
a beautiful rosette..Check it out..

Show us what you've been doing....

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Valentine's Day is coming & I wanted
to give you the Easiest/Best Peanut
Clusters ever!! I came up with this yrs
ago..Here you go..Enjoy..

1 pkg. White or Milk Choc. Candy Melts
1 Jar of Planters Peanuts

1) Take a pkg of Candy Melts & melt in
bowl for 1 min on 50% Power & continue
every 30 sec & stir each time until melted.

2) Stir peanuts into melted chocolate

3) Drop a teaspoon full on wax paper/Cookie

4) Cool..I put them in the refrigerator to
speed up the process..Your Done!

Now for Wed. BLOG HOP...Here are the
featured sites from last weeks party....

1) Are these the cutest thing you've ever
seen??? This gal is so clever & talented...
Check out how she did this with her great
tutorial & wonderful blog..CLICK HERE

2) This is just amazing!! This gal is so clever &
talented as well..I have done something very
similar with tissue paper..Hers is easier..She
has a wonderful blog & teaches you how to
make this darling Fauz Stain Glass
Check it out..CLICK HERE

3) Fantastic Idea & Frugal too! Again this wonderful
gal has shown you how to do this great project. Check
it out & her Money Savings blog as well..CLICK HERE

4) To finish our Favs off is this Goreous
Baby Girl Rag Quilt..I love this & this is

right up there..So beautiful & terrific job!
Check it out..CLICK HERE

Now for Today's Blog Hop..Show us
what you've been doing...
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Fun Aprons/Blog Hop

I LOVE FUN APRONS! I'm glad they have
come back in such a "BIG WAY" of being CUTE
& SASSY. (Every girl needs some of that in
her life) It also makes cooking/baking more

I made this Fun Black/White Polka Dot
Apron & am going to do a whole LINE of
different styles of Aprons for my ETSY store...
But would like your input on different FABRICS....

appreciate your opinion..

Please leave a comment on the fabrics you
like most..

(You can just leave the number of it or them)
Thank you so much..I have the greatest followers
& friends!!

I may just have to have a Giveaway of the most
popular one...

#1 Black/White Polka Dot

#2 Zebra Print

#3 Leopard Print

#4 Red/White Polka Dot

#5 Pink/Brown Polka Dot

NOW FOR Santa's Gift Shoppe's Monday

Please GRAB my Button/Code to put
on your sidebar so others can know
where to find us & participate & see
your stuff..You also know that it
really increases the traffic to your

If you not a Follower..Why Not?? Join
us for all the FUNNNN!

I will pick some Favorites from the previous

week to be in the "BLOG HOP WALK OF FAME"
so check back to see if you are there..if you are
take a "I was featured" @ Santa's Gift Shoppe
Button/Code..You deserve it!! Good job!

1) This is too cute!! She did a fantastic
job..didn't she? She was a great tutorial

on how to do it so check it out..CLICK HERE

2) Ok.. This is too cute also..(Not just the adorable
baby) This darling knitted hat/scarf!! Check out
this wonderful Grandmother's blog..CLICK HERE

3) This is a beautifully done Candle with a
great tutorial of how she did it. What a
wonderful idea for Valentine's Day! She has
an amazing blog so check it out..CLICK HERE


Show us what you've been working on..

This blog hop originated @ itssoverycheri..
Thanks cheri..

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Friday, January 14, 2011

12 Favorite Crafts @ Santa's Gift Shoppe

Even though the below photos of the Vinyl
Lettering Tiles I make are on a giveaway
already closed.. I wanted to share some of the
phrases/ideas & where to purchase items you
may be interested in....They are always in my
ETSY STORE..They are one of my most
popular items..CLICK HERE

These Vinyl Monogrammed Tiles are
always a cherished gift whether for
a Valentine's Day gift, Wedding, Birthday,
Mothers' & Father's Day..anytime..

It's so great because you decide what Letter,
name or names, dates (marriage, birth) to
choose so you get to help create & Personalize
the gift @ no extra charge.

To check it out CLICK HERE & HERE

To see the post below CLICK HERE

2 pics below CLICK HERE & HERE

Below Fun Aprons..CLICK HERE

Below..Monogrammed Pendants/Blog Hop
Check it out..CLICK HERE & HERE

I love making Vinyl Lettering ANYTHING!
That are a few fun ideas on
Chargers/Glass..CLICK HERE

Here are some fun Christmas' past ideas.
I had a lot of fun making this cute ELF
CLOCK..Check it out..CLICK HERE

Below are Designer Christmas Trees.
They are one of my Favorite Things
to design & make..All Sizes..18"-5'
Check it out.. CLICK HERE

These were so much fun to make/sell.. I love
anything Charlie Brown & the Gang so these
were a real TREAT..especially for Halloween..

I'm sure I'll be making a lot more sets this
Halloween. Check it out...CLICK HERE

I love to make Vinyl Stackers..There is so
much you can do with them for each holiday.
Plus Personalizing them forBabies/kids, etc.

I'm teaching myself the art of Quilling..
I love these that my sister made..Check
it out..CLICK HERE

How much fun is this?? One-Stroke Hand
Painting on Pillows..I made a tutotial
for you & there is even a Video link from
the creator of One-Stroke on
How to do it!! Check it out..

Another Fun & Final project are my One-Stroke
Hand Painted Ornaments..I love all the colors.
I make small & large ornaments..Someday
I am going to do a FULL Tree in them....In
this post it also shows you bookmarks, too.
Check it out..CLICK HERE

Hope you got some inspiration.....Hugs....

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Fav. Idea/Wednesday Blog Hop

Sorry this is late..Life happens...
Today is Wednesday & Blog Hop day!

Before we start that, I wanted to show
you 1 of my Favorite Ideas..Matching
Red Polka Dot Apron/Kiss The Cook

I am going to start a animal print, polka
dots & Fun print APRON LINE in my
ETSY STORE (hopefully will be
available in a wk or 2..just in time
for your Valentine's Day shopping!!

I had a giveaway with this apron and
was extremely popular..Check it out..

Now for my Favorite Pics from last
Wed. Blog Hop..You guy sure make it
hard to choose..Your all SOOO Talented!!!

You already know Blog Hops increase
traffic to your blog so people can see what
great inspiration you have...

To participate please GRAB my Button/
Code & put it on your sidebar to get more
people to join in..The more the merrier..
to SPREAD the word that we have a Mon.
& Wed. Blog hop each week. Both different.

If not a Follower..Why not..join the FUNNN!

I will pick some Favorites from the previous
week to be in the "BLOG HOP WALK OF FAME"
so check back to see if you are there. If you
are..take a "I was featured" @ Santa's Gift
Shoppe Button/Code..You deserve it! Good Job!

1) Isn't this beautiful? She did such a
Great job on this Valentine's Day
Wreath. See how she did it along
with other wonderful ideas from
her blog..Check it out. CLICK HERE

2) These great looking Coconut Chocolate
Blondies caught me eye..They look so
delicious..Don't they? If you would
like the recipe..check out her fantastic

3) Now here is a Fantastic new look for
what to do with photographs..She has
a Great/Fun blog you've got to check out..
These Love Letters are too cute for words.
She is so creative..To see CLICK HERE

4) Organizing anytime is truly a worthwile
goal..Organizing a Kitchen is essential for
time management..What a great blog to
help us all have a more Organized Kitchen.
If you would like help..this is a great blog
for inspiration..& ideas! Check it out...

5) Having trouble taking GREAT PHOTOS?
This wonderful blogger has put up a tutorial
on making her own FRUGAL LIGHT BOX
& the wonderful difference it made in her
photos. Isn't that Fruit photo delicious
looking? Join her in her Adventure in
Photography..It's simply great! To check
it out..CLICK HERE


We would love to see any: craft, great
recipe tutorial, trash to treasure..

This blog hop originated @ itssocreative..
Thanks Cheri...Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.