Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas Tour 2010 Front/Liv Room/Blog Hop

So glad you could join our 2nd day of our Home
Tour..The Front Porch/Living Room.
Yes we are having a Blog Hop @ the end..

Below is the pic of the Front of our house with
probably 100 candy canes/thousand of lights
& our spotlighted reindeer's/trees.

I love the front door of oval glass (a gift from
my daughters a few yrs back) So a BIG WARM

These are some of the items I have on the

I have 2 Huge Silk Poinsettias at the door
which dress it up a lot.
(Below) This is a mat that I made a lot of yrs. ago.
It's sorta like cross-stitch..& has worn pretty well.

I love this little gingerbread type house..
Welcome sign...

My front window is one of my fav things with 2
adorable snowmen & a skate "Welcome to the
Warming House" Sign..I got the sign @ Target
yrs ago..& the snowmen @ Walmart yrs ago.

This tall wooden Santa I made at one of our
Super Saturdays at church..
As we enter the house we see a wonderful 3'
Santa's Sleigh (that my sister got me for
Christmas yrs ago) It's one of my all time
Favorite things. I love the "Polar Express"
Santa" which talks about the Believe Bell &
the Magic of Christmas!

This photo shows you the Christmas Village wall.
I love it! It's so much FUN!

I always Love Carolers & the Dickens Englishness
of these particular carolers.
This photo shows one of the other walls..
Where my Nativity Collection is.

Like I said before I love carolers..especially
this wonderful girl caroler & English Lamp
post. She is still working after 15+ yrs. I got
her @ Costco..Also the beautiful Angel Wall-
hanging yrs ago.
Below is our real Christmas tree..We have
a real one in the living room & artfcial tree
in the family room (I'll show you in a couple
days) Looking to the right is part of my
Nativity Collection.

This is a small wisemen pillow I made
years ago.

One of my favorite things is the Welcome sign
from Solvang, Ca. Swedish Village & the great
manger scene quilt a friend of mine made.

Another favoite thing I love is my Willow
Tree Manger scene & the stacker (I made)
& the Vinyl tile I sell on Etsy.

This Manger scene I got while I lived in Australia
for 1 1/2 yrs. it holds special memories..
I love this wisemen photo & branch twig.

Especially this scene I love because of how
the Savior looks over the city of Jerusalum.
Also the Vinyl charger below of Wise men still
seek him. I make these to sell.
I made this a number of years ago..Supplies @ Michaels

Hope you enjoyed the Front/Liv. Room Tour.

Now for the Monday's Walk of Fame..

You already know that Blog Hops increase
traffic to your blog so people can see what
great things you have been working on.

You can GRAB my BUTTON/CODE & put
it on you sidebar to get more people to
join in..The More the Spread
the word that we have a Monday & Wed.
Blog Hop each week..Both are different..

If you are not a Follower...Why Not join
us for all the FUN!! We'd love to have
you share your ideas with us & hopefully
we will inspire you, too!!

I will pick some Favorites from the previous
week to be in the "BLOG HOP WALK OF FAME"
so check back each week to see if you are there..
If you are take a "I was featured" @ Santa's Gift
Shoppe Button/Code.. You deserve it!!

Now for this weeks "Walk of Fame"...
Congratulations to the following blogs..
Be sure to pick up your button/code

This is just goreous & should receive a round
of applause!!! Wonderful job..She has a great
blog with a lot of fantastic decorating ideas!!
Check it out..CLICK HERE
2) Isn't this adorable?? I love villages.. even
Gingerbread ones. She did such a wonderful job!
She has info on how she does it on her great blog.
Check it out.. CLICK HERE

3) Love this!! She has made just a charming
display..You have got to see this!! Wonderful Blog!!
Check it out..CLICK HERE

Now for the BLOG HOP....

We would loveto see any: Craft, great dessert,
tutorial, trash to treasure..

This blog hop originated at itssoverycheri..
Thanks Cheri..

Remember that this is a FAMILY FRIENDLY

Click on the "You are next enter here button"
& follow the prompts..Have fun & leave some
comments that we all love!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for featuring my Staircase! It truly is appreciated!
    Merry Christmas to you and yours.
