Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas Tour 2010 (cont.) Kitchen & Blog Hop

A Few days to go..I still have lots of things to do..
How bout you? Welcome to our Wed. Blog Hop...
Before we do our "Walk of Fame" & Blog Hop I
thought I'd continue our Christmas Tour (we will
visit the Kitchen area & get a Easy Fun Recipe
for an ICE RING (Below)

We always have a Christmas party Buffet Dinner
for about 40 people..One of the most festive ideas
I know to dress up a punch & Bowl is to have an
ICE RING floating on the top of the punch..Take
a look below & see what you think?

All you need is:
bundt/angel food type pan
7 up or ginger ale
silk or plastic flowers/berries/holly
orange slices

Take the pan & pour 7 up or ginger ale
(whatever will go with the punch your
serving) to make it 1/2 full. Add holly,
flowers/berries whatever..fill a little
more to push flowers down (they most
likely will float to the top but that's ok.

Gently place in freezer (make sure it's
on a level place) Freeze overnight. When
punch is made place a hot washcloth under
the pan or put pan in a small amount of
warm water just to loosen it to float on
top of the punch..add slices of oranges
& wait for the compliments..

One of the best things about this is that the
punch won't be watery..

Here is a picture of the kitchen at our party.
I love the red kitchen curtains..It really changes
the whole feeling of the kitchen into Mrs. Claus'

Some of our desserts at the party.

This is the Gingerbread wall..I love this wall..
It has sorta evolved thru the yrs.

This is the Santa & Menu wall..Also countdown

This is a close up of my Christmas dinnerware..
Alpine Village (They no longer make it)
It's displayed in our China Hutch..I love our Christmas
This is part of the gingerbread collection (on top
of the refrigerator)
Our 2' Gingerbread Baker "Got Milk"?

Mr. & Mrs. Claus (out of Terra cotta flower pots)
I made & sold these yrs. ago
I love this Gingerbread Blvd. Sign...

I love this gingerbread bag holder..It's
so fun..

This is looking from the kitchen into the family
room. We have a artifical tree in the Family Room
but a real on in the Living Room.
Even a picture of gingerbread boys can make
a cute addition to my gingerbread wall.

This photo of an Alpine Village I absolutely love..

I Love my Christmas Apron I made..
(about 10 yrs. ago)I wear it all year long!!
This is my 2' Candy Cane out of fabric..
I have made these for many yrs. I love
I just put up this "kissing ball" this yr. I have
always had the garland but the kissing ball
really adds something..Don't you think?

I love my Countdown Calendar..I made & sold
these yrs. ago..
This is my "Mop Angel"
Hope you enjoyed the continuing tour..
Stay Tuned.. more to come this week..

Now for Wed. Blog Hop..

You already know Blog Hops increase
traffic to your blog so people can see
what great things you've been working

You can GRAB my BUTTON/CODE & put
it on your sidebar to get more people to
join in..The more the Spread
the word that we have a Mon & Wed Blog

If your not a Follower..Why not join us &
all the Funnnnn!

I will pick some Favorites from the previous
week to be in the "BLOG HOP WALK OF
FAME" so check back each week to see if
your there. If you are take a "I was featured"
Santa's Gift Shoppe Button/Code..
You deserve it!! Good Job!!

Now for my Favs from last Wed. Blog Hop.
Welcome to our "Walk of Fame".

Doesn't this look wonderful?? She
has a fantastic recipe & tutorial..
Super Blog..Check it out..CLICK HERE

2) These little stuffed trees are great!
I made these yrs ago only a lot bigger.
She selected wonderful fabrics.. If you
want to see a fanatastic tutorial of how
to make these visit her Blog & check
it out..CLICK HERE

3) Believe it or not these are Snowflake SOAPS!
What a great idea...& great blog..Check it out..
Super tutorial of how to make these festive

4) These (gingerbread boy/girl count down to
Christmas) Calendar is wonderful!! What a
Great Blog.. Check it out!! CLICK HERE

Now for Wed. Blog Hop..

We would love to see any: Craft, tutorial, great recipe, trash to treasure....


  1. Your house is so festive! Of course, if anyone goes all out for the holiday, it's you! : )

  2. Thanks for the shout out! I love that fudge recipe, so yummy and soo easy! Cute blog, I'll be back more often for sure.


  3. Thanks so much for featuring my Snowflake Soaps! You totally made my day!

    Have a wonderful Christmas!

