everybodys projects @ Santa's Gift Shoppe
Blog Hop...Before we begin a few things..
You already know Blog Hops increase your
traffic to your blog so people can see
what great things you've been working on
& hopefully get inspired to create some
things themselves...
it on your sidebar to get more people to
join in...The more the merrier.. to Spread
the word that we have Monday & Wednesday
Blog Hops here each week, Both are different.
If your not a Follower..Why Not? We'd love
to have you..Join in the FUNNN!!
I will pick some Favorites from the previous
week to be in the "BLOG HOP WALK OF FAME"
so check back each week to see if you are there.
If you are take a "I was featured" @ Santa's Gift
Shoppe Button/Code..You deserve it!!
Good Job!!
Here a few of my Favs from last
Wednesay's Blog Hop..
1) Oh I love these pillows..They are
sooo cute! She has a great blog with
wonderful & Frugal Ideas!! To check it
it out CLICK HERE Placemats have
something to do with it..
2) These are great Countdown Blocks..
I make these myself & I can tell you
they are time consuming.. But love them
when they are finished & we get to count-
down the days til Christmas..I'm like a
kid that way..She has a wonderful blog.
Check it out CLICK HERE
This Blog Hop originated @ trendy treehouse..
Click on the "YOU are NEXT enter here button
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