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School Ideas..We have fun name decals, Backpack Name Tags, Teacher Gifts, Wall Vinyls..

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Wednesday Blog Hop/Walk of Fame

Here it is Wednesday again & time to see
everybodys projects @ Santa's Gift Shoppe
Blog Hop...Before we begin a few things..

You already know Blog Hops increase your
traffic to your blog so people can see
what great things you've been working on
& hopefully get inspired to create some
things themselves...

it on your sidebar to get more people to
join in...The more the merrier.. to Spread
the word that we have Monday & Wednesday
Blog Hops here each week, Both are different.

If your not a Follower..Why Not? We'd love
to have you..Join in the FUNNN!!

I will pick some Favorites from the previous
week to be in the "BLOG HOP WALK OF FAME"
so check back each week to see if you are there.
If you are take a "I was featured" @ Santa's Gift
Shoppe Button/Code..You deserve it!!
Good Job!!

Here a few of my Favs from last
Wednesay's Blog Hop..

1) Oh I love these pillows..They are
sooo cute! She has a great blog with
wonderful & Frugal Ideas!! To check it
it out CLICK HERE Placemats have
something to do with it..

2) These are great Countdown Blocks..

I make these myself & I can tell you
they are time consuming.. But love them
when they are finished & we get to count-
down the days til Christmas..I'm like a
kid that way..She has a wonderful blog.
Check it out CLICK HERE

Okay..Now it's your Turn..We would love to see
any: Craft, Great Recipe, Tutorial, trash to

This Blog Hop originated @ trendy treehouse..
Thanks...trendy treehouse..


Click on the "YOU are NEXT enter here button
& follow the prompts..Have Fun, Make some
New Friends, & Leave some comments that
we all love.

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Santa's Gift Shoppe Christmas Boutique 2010 Sneak Peek/Monday Blog Hop

Still Busy..Busy..Busy.. getting ready for our
Annual Santa's Gift Shoppe Christmas
Boutique (This Fri/Sat)

Fri. Dec. 3rd (10am-7pm)
Sat. Sat. 4th (10am-4pm)

Santa will be here Sat. 1-3pm for the kids

** If you are in the Fresno/Clovis area &
want to come just email me (for an invite
& directions) @

Here's another Sneak Peek of some of the
Glass Cubes (w/Vinyl on them) that will
be for sale..Come & Check them out &
all the Fun!

This one has a vinyl silhouette of the Temple &
says "Where a family becomes forever."
This one say "Shepherds Saw..Angels Sang..
Wise en Came" & The Star that night. Plus
a nice Big Beautiful Bow to top it off.

I had fun doing various Glitter Blocks/w Vinyl
like these JOY ones.

Here are some "Family" Blocks with scrapbook
Hope you liked our little Sneak Peek Tour and
will be looking forward to seeing you this
Fri. & Sat.

NOW for Monday's Blog Hop/Walk of
Fame from last week...

You already know Blog Hops increase
traffic to your blog so people can see
what great things you've been working on.

You can GRAB my BUTTON/CODE & put
it on your sidebar to get more people to
join in..The more the Spread
the word that we have Mon. & Wed.
Blog Hops each week..both are different..

If your not a Follower..Why Not?? We'd
love to have you join us & Have some

will pick some Favorites from the previous
week to be in the "BLOG HOP WALK OF FAME"
so check back each week to see if your there. If you
are take a "I was featured" @ Santa's Gift
Shoppe Button/Code..You deserve it!
Good Job!

Let's look at the Favs from last week entries..

1) These are just adoreable!! How cute can
Gingerbread Ornaments be??? She did a fabulous
job..Take a look at her great blog CLICK HERE

2) This is a darling Personalized Snowman
Ornament. She tells you how she did it. See
her great blog.. CLICK HERE

3) And then there are the cutest set of Christmas
Bottle Cap Necklaces that are for sale..Check her
wonderful Blog out..CLICK HERE


We would love to see any: Craft, tutorial,

trash to treasure, great recipe...

This blog hop originated @ itssoverycheri..
Thanks Cheri...


Click on the "You are Next" enter here
& Follow the prompts..Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Vinyl Boards @ Santa's Gift Shoppe Christmas Boutique (2010)

Getting READY for

the Annual Santa's Gift Shoppe Christmas
Boutique (1 week from today)

Fri. Dec. 3rd (10am-7pm)

Sat. Dec. 4th (10am-4pm)

Santa will be here from 1-3pm Saturday!

**If your in the Fresno/Clovis area &
want to come just email me (for an invite
& directions) @

Here's a Sneak Peek of some of the Vinyl Boards that
will be for sale...Come & check them out & all the Fun!!

Come join us for some Hot Wassail/Cookies & all the
Christmas Spirit you can handle..Come feel the
Magic of all the Sights, Sounds, Smells & Spirit
of the Season.

All are Welcome...Great Prices..Handmade,
Home-Baked...Award Winning Jams & Jellies,
Huge Cinnamon Rolls, Chocolate Biscotti,
Mint Brownies, Assorted Fudge, English Toffee,
Assorted Cookies, DIY Wassail, Funny
Stocking Stuffers (for all ages) & all waiting
for YOU!!!! the way..Did I tell you about the
huge rooms filled with Wreaths, Wood,
Vinyl, Aprons & a wide assortment of Do It
Yourself Projects this year (including Vinyl
plus Instructions??

And let's not forget about the Bargain
Basement where (even New) items can
be found for Fantastic Low Prices...Well
that's as many Peeks as I can give you

Santa & I Can't wait to see you there!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Wed. Blog Hop/Walk of Fame

Wednesday is here already...Can you believe
Thanksgiving is tomorrow??? It's my Favorite
Dinner to cook...(believe it or not) It brings
back such wonderful memories of me helping my
mom in the kitchen with the Cinnamon Rolls
& stuffing.

Well....on with our Wed. Blog Hop @
"Santa's Gift Shoppe"...

You already know that Blog Hops increase
the traffic to your blog so people can see
what you've been working on!

it on your SIDEBAR to get more people to
join in..the more the Spread
the word that we have Monday & Wed.
Blog Hops each week..Both are different..

If your not a Follower..Why Not?? Join

I will pick some favorites from the previous
week to be in the "BLOG HOP WALK OF FAME"
so check back each week to see if you are there.
If you are take a "I was featured" @ Santa's
Gift Shoppe Button/Code..You deserve it!
Good Job!!

Here are my FAVS from last weeks Blog

1) Oh myyy..Can you believe how good these
Ultimate Reese's Bars are?? She has a
wonderful Blog, too! ..go check it out..CLICK HERE

2) I love DIY Letters..any size, monogram, etc.
they're just so cool looking..Didn't she do a fabulous
job?? She has a great tutorial on how she did this
to see..CLICK HERE

3) Love this!!! Thanksgiving Printables!!!!
Wasn't that nice of her to share with everyone!
She's got a inspiring Blog to boot!! Check it out

4) Absolutely Love this, too! I love ...Christmas
Countdowns...She has a great tutorial as well
as many other "transformations & ideas on her
terrific blog...Check it out..CLICK HERE
5) How about a Snickerdoodle Trifle????
Wow.. I might just try this for our Christmas
Party..I usually do a Chocolate Tower...
She has a Fantastic Tutorial on how to make
this delicious looking showpiece..CLICK HERE

Inspiration!!! That's what this Blog Hop
is all about...Inspiring each other!!!

Now to the Blog Hop...We would love to
see any: Craft, Great Recipe, Tutuorial,
Trash to treasure...that you have been
working on....

This blog hop originated with Trendy
Treehouse..Thanks Trendy Treehouse...


Click on the "You are Next" enter here
button & follow the prompts...Have fun, make
new friends, & leave COMMENTS we all love.....
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Monday Blog Hop/Walk of Fame

Another Monday is already here & time
for Santa's Gift Shoppe's Blog Hop &
"Walk if Fame."

If you are here for the first time..
a Warm Welcome to YOU! We have
a Link Party every Monday & Wed.
(Both are different parties)

You already know Blog Hop increase
traffic to your blog so people can see
what great things you've been
working on!

You can GRAB my BUTTON/CODE & put
it on your sidebar to get more people to
join in..The more the Spread
the word that we have Mon. & Wed.
Blog Hops each week.

If your not a Follower..Why Not? Join in
the FUNNN...

I will pick some Favorites from the previous
week to be in the "BLOG HOP WALK OF FAME"
so check back each week to see if your there. If you
are Take a "I was featured" @ Santa's Gift
Shoppe Button/Code.. You deserve it!!
Good job!!

Here are my FAVS from last Monday!!

1) This is really beautiful.. A wonderful table
place setting..& PLACE CARD HOLDERS.
She has a great blog & wonderful tutorial on
how to make them..Check it out..CLICK HERE

2) These are so cute...Retro Dishtowels..She
did such a terrific job on them..Check out
her great blog site...CLICK HERE

3) This is a craft for you to try..See how she did it
Joy Magnet Letters) with a great tutorial..
She has a fantastic blog too! Check it out...CLICK HERE

4) Last..This is a Funny/Cute jar of "Turkey Toes"
How cute is that?? Love it..Check out this & many
other cute things on her blog..CLICK HERE
Now.. Let's see what YOU'VE been doing!!
We would love to see any: craft, great recipe,
tutorial, trash to treasure..

This blog hop originated with itssoverycheri..
Thanks Cheri...


Click on the "You are Next" enter here
& follow the prompts..

Have Fun, make New Friends, & Leave
some comments that we all love!!
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Christmas Boutique 2009 (Getting Prepared for 2010 Christmas Boutique)

Here is a gallery of the Christmas Boutique I
had in my home last year. Come with me for
a few minutes..& we'll tour together some of
sights, sounds, & smells coming from the

THIS YEAR (2010):
Santa's Gift Shoppe Boutique will be:

Fri. Dec 3rd 10am - 7pm

Sat. Dec 4th 10am -4pm.

Need an invite & directions: email me @


(who is not on our Guest List & receive a
FREE 8oz. jar of Award Winning Jam )*****

Let's get started......
Do you smell fresh baked Cinnamon rolls?
Gingerbread? Candies...Yummmm...

Here is Ellie (our cat) Welcoming you to our

We invite you to see the SIGHTS...

& the SOUNDS....

and experience the MAGIC..only the
Christmas Season can bring..

There's something for everyone on
your LIST...One stop shopping..Save
money..time...& gas...
Stone Tiles w/Vinyl sayings...

Designer Trees...Stackers...

Glass Cubes w/lights...One-Stroke
Painted Pillows/Cards/Ornaments
This year alot of MONOGRAMMED
ITEMS....& Do It Yourself projects.
Kitchen Goodies... & Crafts.....

Assorted AWARD WINNING Jams/Jellies....
Cookies, Candies, fudge,Peanut Clusters,
Snowmen Soup, at least 5 different breads,
extraordinary baked goods/pastries....
Hungry yet? Great fun/Joke gifts...
stocking stuffers..

Visiting Teaching gifts...Secret Santa's...
Teacher Gifts.....for Home Teachers..Mailman
Complimentary Wassail & Cookies.....

Jewerly...a great assortment of
Scrabble Tile Necklaces/Glass
2010 Tip & Entertaining Sheets..FREE

galore..Stop by..
Get some of that Christmas Magic..

Maybe even get lucky & win 1 of
our 4 Raffles....See you There!!

You'll just have to see for yourself...

Bring a friend co-worker, neighbor,
or just Yourself for some YOU time..

Believe in the MAGICAL SPIRIT of the
SEASON all over again...

You DERSERVE it!!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Wednesday Blog Hop/Walk of Fame

Don't you just love everybody's projects?
I wanted some inspiration & I get overwhelmed
with the great inspiration you give me (& hopefully
each other) That's what these Blog Hops do...
They INSPIRE US!!!!!

Blog Hops are GREAT! You already know
Blog Hops increase traffic to your blog so
people can see what wonderful things you
have been working on!

You can GRAB my Button/Code & put
it on your sidebar to get more people
to join in. The more the
Spread the word that we have a
Monday & Wednesday Blog Hop each
week..both different..

If you are not a Follower...Why Not??
Join the FUNNN!

I will pick some Favorites from the previous
week to be in the "BLOG HOP WALK OF
FAME" so check back each week to see if
you are there. If you are... take a "I was
featured" @ Santa's Gift Shoppe Button/
Code...You deserve it!! Good Job!!

It's so hard to choose my Favs each week..
cause you all are my FAVS..anyway these
are my FAVs from last Wed. Blog Hop

1) This is the Best Organizing I have seen in a long time..
I have something like it in my own craft room but hers
Wow..I just Loved it..Check it out at her wonderful blog

2) Isn't this Ribbon Wreath beautiful?? I love
the colors.. and anything polka've got me!
Find some wonderful inspiration on her blog..

3) Don't these just look so delicious & want to
jump into your mouth??? What great pics too!
To check out her fantastic blog & this great recipe

4) Getting ready for Christmas could not be
easier than with this beautiful/practical advent
calendar. How clever/creative is this woman?
Find out for yourself at her inspirational blog!!


We would love to see any: Craft,
tutorial, trash to treasure, great
recipe, makeover....

This blog hop originated @ Trendy
Treehouse..Thanks Trendy treehouse..


Click on the "You are Next" ENTER
HERE Button & follow the prompts...

This is a PARTY...Let's go have some
FUN, make New friends, & leave
COMMENTS that we all love!!Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Vinyl Ideas/Blog Hop/Walk of Fame

Don't you just love vinyl?? I do..It's so much
fun to create different things with it. These are
some of the items that will be at my Christmas
Boutique..Fri/Sat Dec. 3rd/4th...(Fresno/
Clovis Area)

For an invite email me at
& I'll email you directions & particulars..

1) Vinyl Temple Charger $14.95 (only a few
of these)

2) Monogrammed Stone Tiles 6x6...$8.95
(12x12) $19.95

3) Monogrammed necklaces..$10

4) Just Married Vinyl (12 x 10 1/2) $8

Okay..Now for Monday's Blog Hop/Walk
of Fame. You already know that Blog Hops
increase your traffic to your blog so people
can see what great things you have been
working on!

You can GRAB my BUTTON/CODE & put
it on your sidebar to get more people to
join in...The more the Spread
the word that we have a Monday &
Wednesday Blog Hop each week. Both
are different.

If your not a Follower..Why Not? Join
the Fun!

I will pick some Favorites from the previous
week to be in the "BLOG HOP WALK OF
FAME"so check back each week to see if
your there. If you are Take a "I was
featured" @ Santa's Gift Shoppe Button/
Code..You deserve it!!! Good Job!

Here are my FAVS from last week.

1) This Holiday wreath is so cute..I really love
the yarn balls this year. Check this great idea
out HERE

2) My mother made these Chocolate Spritz Cookies
when I was little..I loved them..I know you will too!
Her recipe looks great.. I'm going to try them again
this year!! She has a great tutorial. Check it out HERE

3) Simple yet Chic...Beautiful. Great tutorial
on how to make these wonderful Christmas
trees & spindle. Check it out HERE

4) These look so delicious.. Don' they? Want to know
how to make these wonderful Pumpkin desserts?
Check out her great blog & wonderful tutorial HERE

We would love to see any: Craft, tutorial,trash
to treasure, makeover.For Complete Rules go HERE
This blog hop originated @ itssoverycheri...
Thanks Cheri...


Click on the "You are next enter here" &
follow the prompt

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.