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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wednesday Blog Hop/Walk of Fame

It's that time again..Our Wednesday
Blog Hop/Walk of Fame...Welcome

You already know that Blog Hops
increase people getting to your blog
to see what you have made.

That's the share & INSPIRE

So just know that every Monday/Wed.
"Santa's Gift Shoppe" WILL HAVE A

You Can GRAB my Button/Code & put
it on your sidebar to spread the word
that others will know where to find
the Blog Hop!

I also will pick some of my Favs from
the previous week as "featured favorites"
so check back to see if your item was picked
& take a "I was featured @ Santa's
Gift Shoppe Button/Code" You deserve it!!

If your not a Follower already...Then I
ask that you become one to join this Blog
Hop. Just go to the sidebar Click on Follow &
follow the prompts..That's it..

Now for the Blog Hop..We would love

to see any: Craft, Tutorial, Trash to
Treasure, have made..

This blog hop originated with Trendy
Treehouse...Thanks Trendy Treehouse...


Click on the "You are Next..Enter Here"
& follow the prompts..

Have Fun, visit others & let's spread
the inspiration & creativity to all the
world...Leave comments that we all
Love as well..

My Favs from last week are:

1) This darling Frame/ Flower. I love
the colors she chose & what a beautiful
job on the flower..Click Here to see
her great blog!

2) These caught my eye.. What a great idea
for Thanksgiving or any Family Dinner Party.
Check out her "Photo Napkin Rings" HERE

3) I know Halloween is a little past but this deserves a
second look. How inspiring is this for next year! I think
this is beautiful..I love the design she chose..Check out
her fun blog plus great Tutorial..CLICK HERE

4) This was really interesting to me..It's a Pin..
feathers & all. She has some other ones that
are wonderful too. Fantastic creativity!!
Click HERE
to see her beautiful Fall Flower

Thanks Everyone..Happy Inspiration!!!

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