Saturday, October 31, 2009

FREE GIVEAWAY...12x12 Italian Stone w/Vinyl Lettering

It's FREE GIVEAWAY time again!!!! We had a
BLAST last time, so... let's do it again...

I LOVE the saying on this Italian Stone...
Having someone to love is Family,
Having someplace to go is Home,
Having both is a Blessing.

(Great idea to accent your home decor
or gifts for Christmas, Birthday,Anniversary,
House Warming or Party Host.)

This Giveaway is in honor of
Thanksgiving- the holiday that often gets
lost between Halloween & Christmas.
Hopefully, it be a time for Reflection &
Gratitude of Families & Country..

*Please note: This Giveaway is open to residents
in the 48 Contiguous United States (due to S/H cost)

*******How to Enter *******
There are 3 ways to enter with MANY
(up to 15) chances to win:

1) 2 chances to win...
"POST" on your blog about the Giveaway &
the 12x12 Italian Stone w/Vinyl Lettering...
Leave me a Comment with a link..
***(Link will be verified)***

2) 3 extra chances to win...
Become a "FOLLOWER" on my blog..
Go to the sidebar where it says
"FOLLOWERS" & click on the word
"FOLLOW" continue with the
PROMPTS...That's all there is to it...

(If you're already a Follower &
are interested in the Giveaway,
you'll receive 3 chances.)

Exclusively for Followers!!
Can you keep a secret???
The next Free Giveaway

so...HURRY and become a
Follower TODAY!

3) 10 more chances to win... Of your family & friends, who do you think would like to join us & "share the magic" at Santa's Gift Shoppe Boutique?
For EACH contact (Name, Address, & Zip Code) you email me (
you'll receive 1 more chance per contact-limit 10.

*And those of you who don't live locally, but would like to share this with family & friends, send me their Email Address to receive 1 more chance per contact - limit 10.

**Remember: Please leave contact information (email,address, etc.) if you are the Winner...

***This Giveaway will Close @ 12 midnight on Nov. 7, 2009...

***The WINNER will be announced on Nov. 10, 2009) PLEASE CHECK YOUR EMAILS WITHIN 24 hrs. of this date to determine if you are a winner. If you are the winner, email me your Name & Address to receive your gift.... GOOD LUCK.....

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Halloween Crafts/Recipes @ Santa's Gift Shoppe Year Round

Here are some craft ideas/recipes to get us
Crafters inspired for this fun holiday.
below is something you/your kids will have
to try...My kids loved them when they were
little & now that they are adults..they make

The photo (above) is of Halloween decorations
for a party @ my wonderful friends Christine's
house. She had graciously invited some women
from Relief Society (from our church) over
for a Special Halloween Party...She is
so creative & really out does herself. (To bad
for me she lives far another state)

Here is the table with decorations & some of
the Goodies. There are my mom's "Hoot-Owl"
Cookies (from when I was a kid) , Witch Finger
Bread sticks, Pumpkin Chocolate Chip
Cookies, Also (not shown are Bony Bread-

Close-up of my mom's "Hoot-Owl Cookies"

1 pkg. chocolate chips (6oz.)
1 sm. can of whole cashews (or buy in bulk
just what you need about 24+extra since they
can be pricey)
2 1/2 c. flour
3/4 c. butter
1 c. brown sugar
1 egg
1/4 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. vanilla
2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt

Preheat oven @ 350F. Mix butter, br. sugar,
egg & vanilla in bowl. Mix flour, baking soda/
powder & salt in another bowl. Add dry
ingredients to wet ingredients. Remove 2/3
of dough. Melt 1/2 c. chocolate chips (& few
drops of oil..canola) in microwave in 30 sec.
increments. Add melted chocolate to remaining
dough & mix well. Divide white dough in half.
Roll into rectangle (abt. 9"x4") Roll 1/2 of
chocolate dough into a long rope abt. 9" long &
place on top of rectangle. Roll white dough a-
round chocolate dough. Pinch ends so choco-
late dough is hidden. Repeat with remaining
white/chocolate dough. Wrap in foil. Refri-
gerate overnight. Slice rolled dough in 1/4"
pieces. For each "Owl" place two slices to-
gether, pinch outer edges for ears. Add one
chocolate chip for each eye & cashew for beak.
Bake 9-11 min. (depending on oven)

"Witch Finger Breadsticks" (picture above)
1 pkg. thawed Bridgford "dinner rolls"
1/4 c. melted butter
parmesan cheese
garlic salt
egg yolks
food coloring
sm. paintbrush

Roll each roll into a finger-sized rope. Using
knife, cut one end of rope in "V" shape for
finger nail & cut lines for "knuckles." Lay
flat on cookie sheet & pinch on either side
of knuckle. Brush with melted butter (not
fingernail) Sprinkle with parmesan cheese
& garlic salt..avoiding nail. Create "nail polish"
by combining egg yolk with food coloring.
Paint "nail." Bake @ 350F. for 10-15 min.

This is a picture of "Bony Bread Sticks." found
at BHG website. Make sure you make these
different size bones.

1 pkg. refrigerated (Pillbury type) bread
For Sweet: cinnamon/sugar
For Savory: garlic salt/parmesan cheese
Unroll bread sticks. Knot each end of
breadstick & bake. Serve warm. You could
also include a "dip" tinted with red for a
dramatic effect. Or, sprinkle with a savory or
sweet seasoning.

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies (Above)
1 box of spice cake mix
1 reg. size can of pumpkin (or 1/2 lg. size)
1 bag chocolate chips (6oz.)
Preheat oven to 350F. Combine all
ingredients together. Using cookie scoop
or spoon drop dough on to greased cookie
sheet. Bake 10 min. (depending on oven)
Cool & enjoy!

These are "blood-shot eyesballs" from "Martha".
She does Halloween like no other!! I've heard
her say it's one of her favorite Holidays. I have

Materials needed:
2 plastic softball size balls (for 1 pair)
1 old pair of beige nylons (or knee-hi nylons)
blue tissue paper (or whatever color you want
for the iris)
black construction paper (for pupil)
1 piece white paper (for highlights)
scissors, hole punch, glue, red marker

Cut out large iris circle from colored tissue
paper. Glue one on each of the balls. (You
may want to add two layers of tissue so it's
not transparent) Cut smaller circle from
black paper. Glue on top of iris. Punch 2
holes from white paper (for highlights)
Glue in place. Draw wiggly "blood-shot" lines
on white all stemming from iris. Place each
ball in the foot of each nylon. Cut if needed &
tie @ top of nylons together to prevent eyes
from falling out. Drape on porch or wherever.


Saturday, October 17, 2009

The "JOY" of Vinyl Lettering...

I LOVE Vinyl Lettering...I thought I'd show
you some different ways in which I have used
it...for Santa's Gift Shoppe...this year
On WOOD can do phrases, kids names,
any SENTIMENT you'd like to express...or what
you'd like the World to know when they enter
your Home....

What is IMPORTANT to YOU...
Like these
blocks...saying "FAMILY", "Home" or
"I Believe"...(one of my favorites...)
One of Santa's Favorites..."Send in the elves!"
This was done as an experiment and I LOVE IT!!
This wonderful saying about done
on a beautiful piece of marble with Burgundy
streaks.... as is the Sister's saying below...
I love them both.. These are truly great gifts for just about any
time....or for anyone...Male or Female
Christmas, Birthdays, Anniversaries...
What a Unique & Special Gift Idea......

COMING SOON...SOME Ideas, & Recipes for
HALLOWEEN....including my moms
"HOOT-OWL"Cookie Recipe (that she made
every year for us kids) with Chocolate chips
for eyes & a cashew for the nose..they are
really cute..)

So Check Back to see photos & get the recipe
to make for your own kids. They'll love them..

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

How "Interchangables"..can SAVE YOU MONEY

How in this economy.....can I stretch my
money, & at the same time have my daughter
wear the cutest Bows, Flowers & Headbands
that can be very PRICEY online or in the mall???
My mouth dropped open when I found some headbands
w/Flowers online for $10-$16.00....Wow...and it said
SOLD under one of the photos for $16.00.....I could not
believe it....
I will not be charging high prices....I have
always liked finding a good deal on things and I
believe you would too. I will have very good prices
for you @ Santa's Gift Shoppe Boutique....
We are all in this together...Why not help each
other out and get through this a little easier....

One way is to buy what I call "Interchangeables"..
That buy maybe a white headband with a
Pink & white Flower....... then instead of buying
another whole set for Christmas (just get a RED
Flower or a polka-dot Cutie-Pie Bow & use
the same color headband.....MIX & MATCH...
That's why I call them "Interchangeables" ..It's
like stretching your wardrobe.....

The Cutie-Pie Mother/Daughter Apron Set
w/Bow was so popular in the GIVEAWAY.......
I thought you might like to see some of the other
COLORS we will be using for Aprons, Bows, &
Flower Headbands at this years Santa's Gift
Shoppe Boutique (Fri. Dec. 4th & Sat. Dec. 5th)

This is the matching material (soon to be aprons)
that go with the Bows (if you want matching bows that is)

Does anyone have a "Bewitched nose" that I could
borrow to have these done with a "twitch of a nose".....
Wouldn't that come in handy along about now......

The Cutie-Pie Brown/Aqua & Brown/Pink
Polka-Dots are really popular.....

So are the Bright PINK & GREEN Polka-Dots
Then you have the Headbands with "Interchangeable"
Or put a Polka-Dot Cutie-Pie Bow on the
Headband and give it a whole different look....

Monday, October 12, 2009

We Have a WINNER!!!!!



She will be receiving shortly this "CUTIE-PIE"
Mother/Daughter Apron Set & Bow

I want to Thank all of you who participated
and especially those of you who became
FOLLOWERS...keep checking back....
There is going to be a surprise......
JUST FOR YOU........

Sunday, October 11, 2009

"Thank You" for sharing your "Christmas Memories" on our 1st GIVEAWAY

This is what we gave away....... A
3 piece Mother/Daughter apron set w/Bow....

We will post the WINNER on Monday Oct. 12, 2009.

We had sooooo much FUN,
we are going to do it
again in keep
checking back to see when.....I've already decided
to GIVEAWAY a 12x12 Italian Stone w/Vinyl
Lettering on it.....

( *This particular GIVEAWAY
will be open to USA residents ONLY)********

I WISH to extend a HEARTFELT
"Thank You"
to ALL who shared their "Favorite Christmas
Memory" with us....They were all wonderful to
read and inspiring in many cases...(some new
traditions to put into our Christmas' in the
Thought I would show you one of my "helpers."
She was a BIG help as you can see....

This is our cat "ELLIE"... She is a fun,
investigative, & "makes me laugh" kind
of Kitty....We adore her...She really likes to
get "Up Close & Personal"... I think the
PINK attracted her attention....or maybe
it was all those polka-dots...
A SPECIAL Thanks goes out to my Friend
"Sharlene" and her precious daughter "ELLA"
for being such GREAT Models for the aprons...

Friday, October 2, 2009

Free Giveaway is Finally Here....Check it out...

Well, the time has FINALLY ARRIVED.....
for our 1st Giveaway.....I love giving away
stuff...anytime....but especially around
the holidays.....and since it's the 3rd month
anniversary of me actually getting started
on this blog... what better way to celebrate
than to give this away....

What's going to be given away???? This 3-piece
MOTHER & DAUGHTER "Cutie-Pie Polka-Dot
Apron Set"that includes Mom's apron, Child's
apron (size should fit a 2-6 yr. old) Plus Bow

This would make a great gift for yourself &
daughter, or stretch your gifts to make it 3
individual presents.....

This is my friend Sharlene with her adorable
daughter, Ella. They are the greatest for helping
me out by modelling the apron set for you since my
little girls are adults now....... (Sorry....Sharlene
the focus isn't the best) but you can get an idea of
how cute it is on her & Ella.

*******This is how to enter to WIN******
There are 3 ways to enter......

1) LEAVE A COMMENT.... (it's on the
bottom of todays post)....about one of your
favorite "CHRISTMAS MEMORIES".......
that gives you 1 chance.

2) If you want an extra 3 chances to win...
Post about the GIVEAWAY ON YOUR BLOG..
& leave me another comment WITH A LINK.
***(The Link will be verified)***

3) And if you want 3 more chances to win....
then become a "FOLLOWER" on my blog &
increase your chances even more....
Just go to the sidebar where it says
"FOLLOWERS" & click on the word
"FOLLOW" and continue with the
PROMPTS...........That's all there is to it.....

If you are already a FOLLOWER let
me know if you are interested in the
giveaway & I will put your name in
for 3 chances as well.
******* Be sure and leave a way in which I can
contact you, & mail you the apron-set (if you are
THE WINNER..(email, etc.)
******* This Giveaway is open to everyone.....
******* The Giveaway will CLOSE @ 12 midnight
on Oct. 10th, 2009....GOOD LUCK....& Thank you
for participating....
*********The WINNER will be announced on
Oct. 12, 2009.....

Below are "Vintage" photographs of some
of my "Christmas Memories" of years past..
Christmas & the holidays have always held
a Special meaning for me since I was little.

Maybe it's because my parents played Mr. &
Mrs. Santa Claus at our elementary school, or
each of us kids had an individual tree in our
rooms (as well as the Big Tree) It was always
(& still is) a magical, wonderous time, with
sugarplum fairies, wonderul music, scents,
favorite Christmas movies, and most
important of all the celebration of the
Saviors birth.

Maybe some of these "Vintage Photographs"
below will bring back some fond memories of
an easier, less hectic time for you.....
This photo reminds me of "Miracle on 34th Street"
Does it you???? I love both the "Old" version and
the "Revised" one as well..........
Are you REMEMBERING when ?????.........
I'm here with my sister.....I think I was a
little "unsure" of Santa at the time....
Our Family went to Santa's Village up in the San
Bernadino Mountains.... a number of times...we
got to see the reindeers, Mrs. Claus' kitchen
with the jams (maybe that's where I started thinking
about making alot of different kinds of jam??) elves,
Giant Lollipops, Gingerbread houses, etc.
I'm pretty sure Santa's Village isn't even there
anymore...Too bad for our kids.....
This is sorta like Cinderella...The Pumpkin Coach...
only this one is driven by an elf.....with kids in it...
This was the Gingerbread House up at Santa's
& this was showing you how to get to where the
Reindeer Barn, Wee Puppet Theatre, & the
Mill Wheel Toy Shoppe was.....
Hope you enjoyed the let's
TRY & Win THIS GIVEAWAY........Good Luck!!