Saturday, October 17, 2009

The "JOY" of Vinyl Lettering...

I LOVE Vinyl Lettering...I thought I'd show
you some different ways in which I have used
it...for Santa's Gift Shoppe...this year
On WOOD can do phrases, kids names,
any SENTIMENT you'd like to express...or what
you'd like the World to know when they enter
your Home....

What is IMPORTANT to YOU...
Like these
blocks...saying "FAMILY", "Home" or
"I Believe"...(one of my favorites...)
One of Santa's Favorites..."Send in the elves!"
This was done as an experiment and I LOVE IT!!
This wonderful saying about done
on a beautiful piece of marble with Burgundy
streaks.... as is the Sister's saying below...
I love them both.. These are truly great gifts for just about any
time....or for anyone...Male or Female
Christmas, Birthdays, Anniversaries...
What a Unique & Special Gift Idea......

COMING SOON...SOME Ideas, & Recipes for
HALLOWEEN....including my moms
"HOOT-OWL"Cookie Recipe (that she made
every year for us kids) with Chocolate chips
for eyes & a cashew for the nose..they are
really cute..)

So Check Back to see photos & get the recipe
to make for your own kids. They'll love them..

1 comment:

  1. Love the vinyl letterin on marble! So classy! Also, like the "scene" with the blocks - great ideas! Can't wait to come to the boutique.
