Friday, October 2, 2009

Free Giveaway is Finally Here....Check it out...

Well, the time has FINALLY ARRIVED.....
for our 1st Giveaway.....I love giving away
stuff...anytime....but especially around
the holidays.....and since it's the 3rd month
anniversary of me actually getting started
on this blog... what better way to celebrate
than to give this away....

What's going to be given away???? This 3-piece
MOTHER & DAUGHTER "Cutie-Pie Polka-Dot
Apron Set"that includes Mom's apron, Child's
apron (size should fit a 2-6 yr. old) Plus Bow

This would make a great gift for yourself &
daughter, or stretch your gifts to make it 3
individual presents.....

This is my friend Sharlene with her adorable
daughter, Ella. They are the greatest for helping
me out by modelling the apron set for you since my
little girls are adults now....... (Sorry....Sharlene
the focus isn't the best) but you can get an idea of
how cute it is on her & Ella.

*******This is how to enter to WIN******
There are 3 ways to enter......

1) LEAVE A COMMENT.... (it's on the
bottom of todays post)....about one of your
favorite "CHRISTMAS MEMORIES".......
that gives you 1 chance.

2) If you want an extra 3 chances to win...
Post about the GIVEAWAY ON YOUR BLOG..
& leave me another comment WITH A LINK.
***(The Link will be verified)***

3) And if you want 3 more chances to win....
then become a "FOLLOWER" on my blog &
increase your chances even more....
Just go to the sidebar where it says
"FOLLOWERS" & click on the word
"FOLLOW" and continue with the
PROMPTS...........That's all there is to it.....

If you are already a FOLLOWER let
me know if you are interested in the
giveaway & I will put your name in
for 3 chances as well.
******* Be sure and leave a way in which I can
contact you, & mail you the apron-set (if you are
THE WINNER..(email, etc.)
******* This Giveaway is open to everyone.....
******* The Giveaway will CLOSE @ 12 midnight
on Oct. 10th, 2009....GOOD LUCK....& Thank you
for participating....
*********The WINNER will be announced on
Oct. 12, 2009.....

Below are "Vintage" photographs of some
of my "Christmas Memories" of years past..
Christmas & the holidays have always held
a Special meaning for me since I was little.

Maybe it's because my parents played Mr. &
Mrs. Santa Claus at our elementary school, or
each of us kids had an individual tree in our
rooms (as well as the Big Tree) It was always
(& still is) a magical, wonderous time, with
sugarplum fairies, wonderul music, scents,
favorite Christmas movies, and most
important of all the celebration of the
Saviors birth.

Maybe some of these "Vintage Photographs"
below will bring back some fond memories of
an easier, less hectic time for you.....
This photo reminds me of "Miracle on 34th Street"
Does it you???? I love both the "Old" version and
the "Revised" one as well..........
Are you REMEMBERING when ?????.........
I'm here with my sister.....I think I was a
little "unsure" of Santa at the time....
Our Family went to Santa's Village up in the San
Bernadino Mountains.... a number of times...we
got to see the reindeers, Mrs. Claus' kitchen
with the jams (maybe that's where I started thinking
about making alot of different kinds of jam??) elves,
Giant Lollipops, Gingerbread houses, etc.
I'm pretty sure Santa's Village isn't even there
anymore...Too bad for our kids.....
This is sorta like Cinderella...The Pumpkin Coach...
only this one is driven by an elf.....with kids in it...
This was the Gingerbread House up at Santa's
& this was showing you how to get to where the
Reindeer Barn, Wee Puppet Theatre, & the
Mill Wheel Toy Shoppe was.....
Hope you enjoyed the let's
TRY & Win THIS GIVEAWAY........Good Luck!!


  1. Looks great! One of my favorite memories of Christmas has to be doing Sub-for-Santa as a youth. I always loved going shopping for other kids and wrapping their gifts and imagining how surprised they were to receive their gifts!

  2. I posted a link on my blog! I am still trying to figure out how to come a follower.

  3. I am a follower....Steve helped me somehow! I am tringalama.

  4. To become a follower go to the sidebar...find
    Followers (above the Feedjit Live Traffic Map) and follow the prompts it gives you...That should do it...Thanks for becoming a Follower..

  5. Fun to find your blog! Mandy told me you had started one and I have been meaning to get the address! So one of my favorite memories is the time that I heard Santa and his reindeer on the roof! : ) Now I enjoy watching my children get excited on Christmas eve!

    I have posted a link to your blog on mine advertising your give-away! FUN FUN!
    - Tammy

  6. Fun blog idea! Love it! So one of my favorite Christmas memories and tradition is the reading of many Christmas stories. My mom put together a book with great stories in it, and for the whole month of Decemeber we read one story a day. It was tons of fun to do growing up, and I am going to keep that tradition going when we have kids someday. Thanks for inviting me to participate in this fun holiday season excitement!

  7. Those aprons are so cute! My favorite Christmas memory is travelling to my Grandmother's house (who I only saw twice a year). She made it so welcoming for my family and treated us so well while we were there.

  8. I love the aprons! And I am definitely a follower of your blog. :) One of my favorite memories is the year we did a 'food storage Christmas.' You should have heard the groans and protests from us kids. The requirement was that all gifts we gave to each other (excluding Santa Clause) had to be food storage related. Despite all our initial protesting, I don't remember ever laughing as hard as we did that year opening up cases of peanut butter, refried beans, and other creative gifts. :)

  9. The aprons are adorable!! One of my favorite Christmas memories (I have so many and had a tough time picking just one!) is from when I was a teenager and we spent Christmas at a cabin in the mountains with a couple of my dad's siblings and their families. It was my first white Christmas and it was amazing! We played in the snow all day and enjoyed games and hot cocoa in the cabin every night. And Christmas morning was a blast with so many of us there to celebrate with each other :)

    ps. I'm now a follower and also posted about the giveaway on my blog...

  10. So cute! I'm glad I found your blog! Anyway, one of my favorite Christmas memories is when we all got snowed in on Christmas Eve/Day. It was a bit scary but so fun to just drink cocoa and spend the entire day together...whether we wanted to or not! (:

  11. The most important Christmas memory I have is spending time with my Grandma. I spent a minimum of 2 days a week with her but at Christmas, we always decorated her tree with tinsel. (I think the stuff is so tacky now but it is so sentimentel! LOL) We made giant trees out of Christmas tree cookies and decorated them and also decorated her windows with "fake snow" window paint. My holiday season memories were really formed by her love of baking and decorating!

  12. I added a link to your blog on my blog!

  13. I am now a follower of your blog!!! -Kate

  14. I LOVE the aprons. One of my favorite Christmas memories has to be one year my brother and I woke up really early Christmas morning and we snook into the living room to look in our stockings to see what Santa brought for us. The funny part was our dad was waiting for us in the dark to catch us.

    Heres the link to the post -
    and I am now a follower of your super cute blog.

  15. I loved when I was a kid just having EVERYONE around the Christmas tree! We don't do that anymore!

  16. we would love to win those cute aprons and bow! my daughter loves to be matchy matchy - it would be a perfect christmas gift for her!

    a favorite christmas memory would have to be waking up christmas morning, all the kids piling into mom and dad's room, pretending to sleep until everyone else arrived, and then filing down the hall shortest to tallest out to the family room where santa's gifts were waiting. that anticipation was unbearable, but so much fun!

  17. I posted a link on my facebook page (it gets more traffic than our blog - so i figured that could count for the extra entries.)

  18. I posted a link on my blog!

  19. My favorite Christmas memory as a child was when we would pack our family of 7 into the minivan and drive to our friends house for caroling. We sang "O Christmas Tree" and brought a plate of fudge to all our family friends!

  20. What an adorable set, I love the bow as well. My most memorable Christmas memory was when my father came to us children (there were 9 of us) and said there was a family just down the road, that my father had learned that were without income this Christmas. They had 4 young girls. He asked us if we could give 1 of our presents to each one of those little girls. I remember each one of us finding much more than 1 gift each to give. I will never forget that Christmas or the lesson my father taught us that Christmas season.

  21. You are on my blog here is my address

  22. I remember waking up Christmas morning to a living room full of opened presents and my 2 year old brother playing with a little toy truck in the midst of it all. He had woken up before everyone and opened EVERY present! Silly boy! He must of had fun though!

  23. I am now a follower and my contact info is

  24. One of my favorite Christmas memories has turned into a tradition I anticipate each year. After everyone has gone to bed, and it's quiet enough to hear my thoughts, I enjoy retreating to my special spot positioned in front of our friendly Christmas tree. It seems to welcome me with open arms into its peaceful world of a simpler and more certain time. Sitting in a cushioned recliner, curled up with a cozy blanket and warm mug of my grandmother's homemade hot cocoa, as Christmas classics hum softly in the background provide the perfect backdrop to breathe in the magic and wonder of the season.

    Watching the decorated Christmas tree twinkle in the dark adorned with cherished ornaments, streaming colorful ribbons, and glittering white lights calms the hustle and bustle of everyday, even for a moment, and recharges my soul. This Christmas ritual reminds me of fond Christmases past and the hope of Christmases yet to come. It has become a treasured tradition that renews my spirit and reminds me of the season's true meaning before drifting off into a sound sleep.

  25. I love you blog..
    My special memory of Christmas is my Dad would leave us a big stocking at the foot of our beds filled with nuts, fruit and old fashion candies. I never forgot how excited we were to check it out as soon as we woke up.
