Saturday, November 28, 2015

Christmas Tree Minnie Mouse Ornaments

Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving! Now on
to Christmas! I love just goes by way too fast.

We just got our Christmas tree today. My family
and I love the tradition of all of us going to pick it
out. We usually have santa hats on and everything.

We have 2 that is a 7 1/2 foot green
artificial  one in the family room and the live
beautiful smelling one in the living room (plus
a few around the house which are smaller.) When
I was a child all 5 of us kids had a small tree in our room.
That was so much fun!

We also love the tradition of getting a new ornament
for our family room tree each year, This year we are
making our own Minnie/Mickey Mouse acrylic ornament
as our new one. If you would like to see others like this
you can go to my store "santasgiftshoppe" at ESTY
and get ideas or purchase any that you wish.

They are available for purchase now "santasgiftshoppe on Etsy".

Have a great time putting up your Christmas Tree.

1 comment:

  1. 2 Christmas trees - that's really great! I remember the time when I moved to Boston and stayed there with my mom for 4 years, each year we had 2 trees, as she wanted to make the best holidays for me. I liked that so much! Now, as I live in Paris, I can't do this any more, as my mom isn't with me, and I've to see her only via Skype.
    With love,
