Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Kidney Transplant...Waiting with Patience

       Still waiting in the wings was my wonderful Good
Samaritan Donor. She was being patient waiting eight
months to see when she would donate her kidney.
That in itself was a miracle. Most Good Samaritan
Donor's are matched pretty quickly with a person needing
a kidney.

       My percentage rate of kidney function was still 
at 7% for both kidneys (normal being 60-100%). I
knew the Lord was carrying me because I still wasn't
on dialysis, that was a miracle. Also, I felt pretty well
most of the time - another blessing (with the exception
of being extremely tired most of the time).
     The doctors stopped testing the third donor, and
continued with my daughter's testing. It took some time
but finally we got a date for the transplant – news that
we had been waiting to hear for so long. The date was
planned for March 12, 2014. This meant we would be

at the University of Utah. My daughter's kidney would
be given to someone else (in this case someone from the
waiting for a kidney). This exchange would make it
possible for me to receive the Good Samaritan's kidney.
We were finally on our way to a kidney transplant!

1 comment:

  1. Still praying for you Barb. Hoping that all is going well. My step-brother had a kidney transplant, and he is doing well. Bless you, dear friend.
