Monday, July 9, 2012

Edible Arrangements/Blog Hop

Doesn't this look delicious??? So refreshing!!! Especially when it's 104 degrees outside!

This is what you call an "Edible Arrangement." A wonderful idea that takes beautiful fruits & makes them into an arrangement like flowers but you eat & ENJOY.

My husband & I received one of these beauties from our daughters for our Wedding anniversary this yr. I have always admired them but did not know where to get them in our part of the country. I found out they are all over with a great variety of fruits & occasions to chose from.

My favorite part are the chocolate covered strawberries. I highly recommend these wonderful treats for all occasions.
I also love to create things like this so I am going to try my hand at making one of these for a dinner party we are having in a couple weeks. I will let you know how hard or easy it is & how it turned out. If looks reasonably good I will take a photo for you to hopefully see that you can make one of these too. We always hope you will be INSPIRED by the items we show on our blog....


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