Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Turkey/Cranberry Braid/Wreath/Blog Hop

Sorry it's been a while since I posted but the Etsy Store
has been unbelievably busy & I just mailed the last order
for the year today.

Here is a great idea to use any leftover turkey you may
have in your freezer. I have done this recipe with turkey,
chicken & ham & they all are wonderful.

Ohhh...This is sooo good!!! My daughter
gave me this wonderful recipe for a
is in a braid but you can make it into a great
Christmas Wreath!

Looking for the BLOG HOP?? It's BELOW.............

I changed the original recipe from Turkey
to Chicken.. Ham would work, too. The
flavors are sooo incredible...the Swiss Cheese
melting into the Chicken...the Cranberries
bursting with flavor & sweetness, along with
the crispness of Celery, crunch of Walnuts,
& the little bite that comes with the Dijon
mustard....Quite a WOW combination...

This recipe comes from the"Season's Best
Recipe Collection" 2000 from Pampered

Below: is the "Pampered Chef....Stone."
They have some great recipes & ideas...I never
knew what a "Stone" was to cook on until I was
invited to a Pampered Chef Party many yrs. ago.

Some of the things "a stone" does is to cook Pizza,
Cookies, & this Braid thoroughly.... You don't
have to worry about the middle being cooked
all the way through as well as the edges....It
just does it.....
2 pkgs. Pillsbury Crescent Rolls
1/2 c. dried cranberries
1/2 c. mayonnaise
2 Tbsp. Dijon mustard
1/2 tsp. pepper
2 c. cooked chicken (chopped)
1/2 c. celery (sliced)
3 Tbsp. parsley (fresh or dried)
1 c. Swiss cheese (shredded)
1/4 c. chopped walnuts ( I used 3/4 c.)

1 egg (for gloss from egg wash on top of braid)
Bake @ 350F. for 25 min. (ovens may vary)

In a bowl mix all ingredients together...set aside

Unroll the pkgs of crescent rolls..Place triangle
pieces on stone layered (a little on top of each other)
as shown below....Put straight side down the middle
& pinch/push together to make stick...

Above: shows how to place the unwrapped crescent
triangles...& push them together so they stick...

Next Below: Mix the ingredients together

Now Below: Scoop the mixture onto the
dough (down the middle) A large Cookie
Scoop works great...

Next Below: Take one triangle at a time and
fold over (one side then the other) It looks
mummy like..Ha! It'll look great after you put on
the egg wash...

Above: Beat the egg with a fork or whisk and
use a pastry brush to brush back & forth over the
entire braid for a beautiful gloss & flakey crust.
And out of the oven it comes..Beautiful...
Doesn't it look delicious???? It tastes
as good as it looks...It would Great for
a Super Bowl party...It's great for Turkey
leftovers...Chicken... Ham...
Let me know how you like it......Yummmm...
Now let's see what you have been doing....
Blog Hop below..


  1. Your turkey cranberry braidwreath looks GREAT! I'm your newest follower and would love it if you'd return the "love" on your next visit!

    XO, Aimee from ItsOverflowing
