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Friday, December 30, 2011

2012 New Year's Breakfast (Aebleskivers)/Fav.Post Blog Hop

Hope you had a wonderful Christmas..
We still have one
more to go for our out
of town kids..Our Christmas' go
on til
around Jan. 8th..We love this time of
year so we
don't mind.

The Blog Hop is your Fav. Post for 2011.
(It's below the recipe) Please put your
link us for all of us to check out.

I hope you are looking forward to 2012
with wonder..

Here is a wonderful BREAKFAST RECIPE
(to start 2012 with) that my mom
to give us thru the year not just Christmas
It's even better if you have homemade
Jams to go with them!

We hope you will love it as much as we
do & start
your own Holiday tradition
of Aebleskivers in your home.

How to make Aebleskivers....It's even
hard to pronouce but I hope to
show you how through this tutorial.

RESULT (or what we hope they will look like)
with a selection of my homemade jams: Straw-
berry/Boysenberry, Strawberry/Raspberry/
Blueberry, & Strawberry/Blackberry..Ymmm!!

This is a family tradition. I hope my mom
is looking down & smiling about this wonderful
she passed on to us & now to you &
your family. She was Norwegian
(& was
raised by her Norwegian grandmother who
did not speask any English)

One of her favorite places was Solvang (a Danish
Community by Santa Barbara/Buellton area..
Calif.) where she got her pan (as well as I did)

According to Wikipedia, Aebleskiver
(Danish meaning apple slices, are traditional
Danish pancakes in a distinctive shape of a
sphere) They have been described as a cross
between a pancake & a popover... They are light
& fluffy & delicious with jams & confectioners
sugar or syrup & butter...


Mix together:
1 1/2 C. Flour
1/2 tsp. Baking Soda
1 Tbsp. Baking Powder
1/4 tsp. Salt

Beat together with a whisk or fork:
1 C. Buttermilk
2 Eggs
1 C. Sour Cream

Below: are some of the dry ingredients (I only
had dry Buttermilk which when mixed with water
is the same as regular buttermilk) I hope that doesn't
confuse you...I should not have had the buttermilk
in the picture or sour cream.

Below: These are the dry ingredients: Flour, Baking Soda,
Baking Powder & Salt in a bowl.

Below: These are the wet ingredients: Buttermilk,
Eggs, & Sour Cream

Below: This is how it looks mixed together (dry
& wet ingredients)

Below: This is the original Aebleskiver Pan..
You can get the original in Solvang or probably
online...Now I see similar ones everywhere..but
I don't know if they heat the same or are as
heavy & sturdy as this one is..It should last a

To Make: Combine the dry & wet ingredients
until smooth..put 1/2-1 tsp. oil in each space in
the aebleskiver pan. (I tried several different
ways: Non-stick spray burnt them, not enough
oil made the outside mushy, butter would probably
burn) The Canola Oil worked well..
Heat the pan until Hot...You should hear
the oil sizzle...before adding the batter.
Below shows you how they bubble like
regular pancakes (when they are ready to be

This is the tricky part..The Solvang people
say to turn them in 1/4 turns..Which I have tried
to show you here in the following 4 photos.

You can turn them completely over the first
time but it will be a flatter sphere & not as
fluffly inside..It should be round all the way around.

My mother turned them with a knitting needle..I
found a wooden skewer grabbed it the best.
I have seened people use a fork to turn them as well.

Below: This shows you how they should
look when done...Crisp on the outside &
soft/fluffy on the inside...

After you put them on your serving plate sprinkle
Powdered Sugar on top (either with a special
can for sprinkling or take a is a smaller
sifter size for rolls & such)

and now dip them into your favorite jam or
melted butter & your mouth
watering yet???
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