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School Ideas..We have fun name decals, Backpack Name Tags, Teacher Gifts, Wall Vinyls..

Monday, March 7, 2011

Bridal Party Vinyl Decals/Monday Blog Hop

Don't you just LOVE Spring?? I love
the blossoms, the soft colors of Spring/
Easter & Wedding Season. Not too Hot...
Not too Cold...

I came up with these Bridal Party
Monogrammed/Polka Dots Vinyl
Decals...I love them.. they are so

I love Polka Dots as here we are:
Bride/Groom, Bridesmaids, FUN Glasses
& I wanted it to be a personal gift for each
bridesmaid so lets put their Names on
each one!

I am so happy how they turned out & so
much FUN in the process! What do you
think?? Leave me a note..

Notice the Names...FUN!

Speaking of Spring..Here is a photo
of our Almond Tree..I love all the
blossoms..We have a lot of fruit trees
that I make 300 jars of jam a year
from.. I love our Fruit TREES!!

Now for our Monday BLOG HOP...

FYI Some Rules before you start...

1) Follow Santa's Gift Shoppe YR ROUND

2) Link up your POST not your Blog Main Pg.

3) Link back to the party on your post
or sidebar..(Grab Button/Code) So others
can find us...

4) Click on the "YOU ARE NEXT
ENTER HERE" & Follow the Prompts.

5) Family Friendly Blogs ONLY

6) 2 Different Blog Hops each week
(every MON & Wed)

I will pick some Favorites from the previous
week to be in the "BLOG HOP WALK OF FAME"
so check back to see if you are there. If you
are take a "I was featured" @ Santa's Gift
Shoppe Button/Code..You deserve it!!

Here are this weeks Picks...

Are they not too cute for words???

You have got to see the rest of the story.
It's her sons 1st Birthday & he is too cute
for words, too! I have admired this lovely
lady & her wonderful blog "Simply Designing"
for as long as I have had a blog now (1 1/2 yrs.)
& am amazed at all the wonderful projects
she does..Check it out..CLICK HERE

2) This is a great tutorial of how to make
"Embellished Flower for gifts" I love
how she did this with scrapbook paper.
I also love her ideas on organizing!! Go
check it out..CLICK HERE

3) I think I'm on a Flower kick..Oh yeah ..It's
becoming Spring!! That must be it or just
these wonderful ideas on how to make really
cute Flowers out of Fabric, papers, etc. This
is a great blog with a fun "Flower Tutorial"
on how to make these..CLICK HERE

4) Flowers again..Fabric, Denim..really neat!!
"Fabric Flowers" you can put them on so
many different things.. I love them...Check
it out..CLICK HERE

5) This is the Funnest/Cutest little Dog & the
Story & Photos from this Fantastic Blog are
going to give you a wonderful laugh & feeling.
It was so cute & really made me crack up with

laughter..Thank you for that!! Go meet "HOLLY"
and listen to her story of not being a happy
camper..It's just Wonderful! great Writing too!
Check it out.. CLICK HERE

Now for our BLOG HOP..Happy Blog Hopping..

all are simply FANTASTIC & so INSPIRING
to us ALL! Thank YOU!

This blog hop was originated @
itssoverycheri..Thanks Cheri..

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.


  1. Thank you so much for featuring my ragged fabric flowers!! You made my day. :)


  2. Thank you so much for the feature and the really kind words about me and my blog!! You are so sweet!!! Thanks!


  3. Oooh, those glasses are gorgeous!

  4. Cute idea for the glasses!

    Thanks for linking to the party. I would love to have you join the fun each week. ;)

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

  5. Those are really cute! It sure make a great pair. It's not iffy but really sweet. Couples would definitely get this.
