Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Vinyl Dishwasher Magnet/Wed. Blog Hop

Happy Wednesday to all & Welcome to
Santa's Gift Shoppe's Wed. Blog Hop..

Before we begin I thought I'd show you a Simple
but yet So Practical Vinyl/Tile Magnet I made
for the dishwasher!

So many people have told me for the need of
one of these in their home. Lots of time we
don't know whether the DISHES are CLEAN
or here is my solution..I use mine

Now for our Wednesday Blog Hop &
"Walk of Fame."

You already know that Blog Hops Increase
Traffic to Your Blog so this is a great way
for You to be found!

FYI before you START...

1) Follow Santa's Gift Shoppe Yr Round

2) Link up your "Post" Not your
Main Blog Page URL

3) Link back to the Party on your Post or
Sidebar..(Grab button/code) So others
can find us..

4) Click on the "YOU ARE NEXT ENTER
HERE" & Follow the Prompts..

5) Family Friendly Links Only

6) 2 Different Blog Hops each week
(every Monday & Wednesday)

I will pick some FAVORITES from the
previous week to be in the "BLOG HOP WALK
OF FAME" so check back to see if you are there
& if you are Take a "I was Featured" @
Santa's Gift Shoppe Button/Code..
You deserve it!! Great job!!

Now for last Wednesdays Favs....

1) Don't you just love these?? Perfect for
Valentine's Day. She did a fantastic job
& very inexpensive as well!! What a cute
craft & done So well..Check it out along
with her great blog..CLICK HERE

2) Here is an adorable "Love Bucket." She
shows you how she did it & all the goodies
she put inside it to make it so darn cute!!
Check it out..CLICK HERE

3) These little scrumptious "Heart Tarts"
not only look should see who
created them!! What a great idea for a
"Snow Day" Check it out..CLICK HERE

4) How cute are these "Penguins"? Don't they
just make you Smile?? I love them! These
were for cupcakes! I love the colorful
background she chose to show us with,
too. They really make a statement! Check
out her great blog..CLICK HERE
5) I love these little "Origami Valentine's Day
Boxes"..(not to mention the darling Heart Cookies inside!)
She has a wonderful Tutorial on how to make these
little cuties..Check it out.. CLICK HERE
Now for today's Blog Hop....
This blog hop originated @ trendy treehouse..
Thank you trendy treeehouse..

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