Monday, December 13, 2010

Few of my Favorite Things/Monday Blog Hop

Wow..the days are flying by til Christmas..

I hope you have taken some time to ENJOY
the Sights, Sounds, & Smells of the season
but Most of all the Meaning of why we
celebrate this beautiful day...
Christ in Christmas!

I love this time of year probably more than
anything else..I think because that's when I
see the most softening of peoples hearts toward
one another.

Our family (probably like yours) has been
extremely busy the past few weeks:
having a boutique in our home, filling
custom orders, hosting our Annual
Christmas Dinner Party, going to
Christmas Parties ourselves & now
trying to get ready for our own Family

In the coming days I will give you a GRAND
HOME TOUR of my Favorite Things
(how we decorate for Christmas) & the
Christmas Boutique as well.

Now let's get going with the "Walk of Fame"
Favorites from last Monday's Blog Hop..

You already know Blog Hops increase
traffic to your blog so people can see
what you've been working on!

Please GRAB my BUTTON/CODE & put
it on your sidebar to get more people to
join in..The more the Spread
the word that we have Monday & Wed.
Blog Hop each week. Both are different..

If your not a Follower..why not join us in
some great FUNNN! Become a Follower..

I will pick some Favorites from the previous
week to be in the "BLOG HOP WALK OF FAME"
so check back each week to see if you are there.
If you are take a "I was featured" @ Santa's
Gift Shoppe Button/Code..You deserve it!!
Good Job!!

Here are last weeks Favs..You all are so
awesome & Talented!!!

1) I love these gingerbread Mom/Dad...
How cute can you get?? This blog is one of
my all-time favorites..I bet it'll be yours too!
She has the recipe & table setting to show
you as well as tons of other great ideas..
Check it out..CLICK HERE

2) WOW! Can you believe this is a wonderful
Recital Cake? This should be on Cake Boss!
She did an incredible job..simply beautiful..Check
out how this remarkable blogger did it..

3) Don't you just love Gingerbread Houses?

This is such a great one.. Her blog is just as great!!
Check it out..CLICK HERE

Now for Mondays Blog Hop..

We would love to see any: Craft, tutorial,
great recipe, trash to treasure, makeover,
Christmas've been working on..

This blog hop originated with trendy treehouse..
Thanks trendy treehouse..

Remember that THIS IS A FAMILY

Click on the "You are Next..Enter Here"
button & follow the prompts..

Go & visit other persons blogs, have fun,
& leave comments that we all love!!

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