Monday, November 8, 2010

Monday Blog Hop/Walk of Fame

Hi Everyone..Hope you had a great
weekend..It's Monday & time for our
BLOG HOP/Walk of Fame. We
had some awesome entries...
Thanks to Everyone!!

Here are a few of my favorites.....

1) What a beautiful wreath! Don't you
just LoVE her choice of colors?? And believe
it or not there are yarn balls incorporated
into it..Check it out CLICK HERE

2) Oh... How I love these Rag Quilts..So practical,
easy & the colors are perfect..She has a great tutorial
& Blog. For more Click HERE

3) How about a great trash to treasure ?
Didn't she do a beautiful job?..You should
see the Before photo! Wonderful Tutorial &
Great Blog. I LoVE the Black/White material
she chose..See for yourselves..CLICK HERE

Thanks everyone for your great

Now for our Monday Blog Hop @
Santa's Gift Shoppe..

You already know Blog Hops increase
your traffic to your blog so people can
see what great things you've been
working on! That's the share &
inspire each other...

This is the place where each Monday we
get together to see what we've been working
on: craft, great recipe, trash to treasure,

So GRAB my Button/Code from
the sidebar (to put on your sidebar)
to get more people to join in. The more the
merrier...So Spread The Word that we have
Monday & Wednesday Blog Hops
each week. Both are different..
Also if you are not already a Follower of
Santa's Gift Shoppe Year~Round..
Click on the Follow Button & follow
the prompts...All are welcome..

will pick some Favorites from the previous
week to be in the "Blog Hop Walk of Fame"
so check back each week to see if your there.
If you are take a "I was featured" @
Santa's Gift Shoppe Button/Code...
You deserve it!!! Good job!!!

Blog Hop originated @ itssoverycheri..
Thanks Cheri..

Remember This is a FAMILY FRIENDLY

Click on the "You are Next" enter here
button and follow the prompts..Have
fun & visit each other!!


  1. Thank you so much for featuring my rag quilt! I just gave it to my Bonus Daughter yesterday and she loved it!! I love you blog and enjoy looking around at the cute things!!
    Shantel @

  2. Thanks for hosting!! :) I totally went gaga over that wreath too!!
