Monday, October 25, 2010

Monday Blog Hop/Walk of Fame

I love all the great ideas you guys came up
with last week!!

Today is Monday @ that means it's time for YOU
to show what you've been working it:
Craft, Great Recipe, Tutorial, trash to treasure,
makeover whatever you want to show the world!!

Remember if you have been featured in our
"Walk of Fame" grab my "I've was featured"
@ Santa's Gift Shoppe" Button/Code to put on
your sidebar so others can share in the Blog Hop

The more people who visit the Blog Hop
the more traffic you will see coming to your website..
so spread the word..

Take my regular Button/Code to get the word
out..Let's share all these wonderful ideas with

Here are my FAVS from last Mondays Blog Hop..

(Sorry the photos are so small..Blogger would

not let me make them the right size today..)

1) Who could resist this cute "Charlie Brown"
type pumpkin?? She has alot of cute pics from
the Classic Cartoon skit on her blog..I loved
looking @ her post! you've got to go to her
Blog CLICK HERE & put a smile on your face!

2) These "Witchey Cookies" are ones I made
about 4 years ago for my husband's class @
school..They are really easy & these turned
out great!! Check them out..CLICK HERE

3) These Witches legs are only a part of the
CUTE Wreath this creative person did!! Go see
the amazing things on her Blog!! CLICK HERE

4) I could not pass this adorable photo up!
It looks my cat "Ellie"only my cat would not
let me put this costume on her..Go check
this amazing blog out..It is soo much fun..It'll
make you laugh with sheer joy!! CLICK HERE

5) This is sooo great! How'd she do that??
Bubble Bubble Toll & Trouble......Check
out this fantastic blog! She has some
simply GREAT IDEAS on her blog!!

Remember if you were "featured" in our
"Walk of fame" GRAB Your Featured button!!

Now on to our Blog Hop...

(Link to your POST not your Home page)
This Blog Hop originated from itssoverycheri..
Thanks Cheri..

Visit other blogs..get inspiration, find new friends
along the way, & leave some comments that we
all appreciate!!! Have Fun!!!


  1. Thanks so much for featuring my Viking Cat Costume! I've added your button to my Featured On page:)

  2. Thanks for featuring my witch hat cookies! Have a fabulous night!! :)
