Thursday, July 1, 2010


WELCOME to "CHRISTMAS in JULY" @ my home.
We are going to start the month off with a "Home Tour"
of sorts.

But before we get started if anyone is here for
& it will take you to enter the Giveaway....

We will be going through the house as if we
were a guest..Consider yourself as my
Honored guest!

So the first thing we see is the PORCH...I really
want people to feel a Warm Welcome as they
approach my home. (Usually there is something
baking in the oven & the smells hopefully will make
your mouth water)...

This Santa I made @ a Beverly's Christmas
Workshop with a wonderful friend teaching us
how to paint them.
A few yrs. ago I was in Target & found this darling
"Welcome to the Warming House" sign & thought
"I know right where that will go!" The Snowmen
caught my eye in Walmart about 10 yrs. ago. & they
are a darling pair on the window sill each year!
The standing Santa alot of us women
made for Super Saturday at church
(when it was August or Sept. yrs. ago) The
lantern I just love because of the English
"Dickens" feel it gives to the porch.
I love cute signs..This one says "Home baked
Cookies", Hugs and Kisses, & "Lots of Giggles"...
And then there's Santa's mailbox which of course
says "Ho Ho Ho"...
Upon entering the house you probably smell
Cinnamon Rolls coming out of the oven..That happens
alot in this home. Then to your right are collections..
Does anybody else have alot of collections that they
have started over the years??? This started out as
my mother's little ski village 40 yrs ago. & now it
takes up 3 long Living room tables.
Do you see the Chalet in the back? My daughters
lovingly got that for me because I really liked the one in
"Christmas Vacation" & everybody should have a
wonderful "Advent" calender to countdown for Christmas!

I love all the village people & the square..

Sorry the next two are so blurry!!!
This is part of my Angel Collection.
I love my Nativity Collections of all
styles & sizes.

I got this Nativity in Australia 35 yrs.ago
And the beautiful velvet angel @ Costco a
number of yrs. back.
Costco was a great place to find the Caroler's I had
always wanted.
Another Caroler only she is holding a light..Would you
believe another find @ Costco about 25 yrs ago?
All my fellow buddy Teddy Bears &
Santa from "Polar Express" Don't you
just LOVE that movie??? Do you have a
"BELIEVE BELL?" I do..I make them to
sell @ my Christmas Boutique & "I hear the
I really Love Christmas Trees.
All styles & shapes.
Below is my "Atonment Tree" sharing
the Best Reasons for the Season!
Inspired by a lovely gracious friend who
had one in her house & I thought that was
an inspirational idea!!! The PRESENTS
& GIFTS which are freely given to each
& LOVE..

This is one of my Favorite & Best Christmas Sellers
I make each year for the Santa's Gift Shoppe
Boutique I have in my home. Little tip: Just place
mini lights behind the glass & you have a beautiful effect.
One of my favorite things to make/sell & have in
my Home all year long...."Christ is the center of the
HOME, a guest at every meal, and a quiet listener
to every conversation." There is Peace & Harmony
more..just having this saying in our home.
I hope you have enjoyed our Christmas Tour
of the first room (our living room) & have gotten
some inspiration for your own "Christmas Home"
(If there is anything that I make/sell & you
would like to order..just let me know by email)


  1. I loved the tour. I can't wait until Christmas. You have some really cute decorations. Love the sign and snowman in the window.

  2. Your home is amazing and beautiful! :O)

  3. Wonderful tour...can't wait to see more!!

  4. I love Christmas and seeing this post has started me longing for it:) I've heard of people celebrating Christmas in July and making a turkey dinner and sharing gifts... sounds like fun, just wondering if you do anything like that too :)

  5. I love Christmas! Thanks so much for stopping by The Foodie Mommie! I am following you back and already noting some great ideas for my holiday this year! This will be my first Christmas in my new house so I will be sure to come back again and again!
    The Foodie Mommie

  6. All or your decorations and the trees are just gorgeous!

  7. Your post reminds me that I need to start shopping for Christmas NOW!

    Thanks for the nice cool post!

  8. Thanks for visiting my blog! I love Christmas and will definitely check out all your goodies!

  9. Thanks so much for visiting my blog and leaving a comment! I enjoyed your lovely blog and I love all your Christmas decor! I remember that standing Santa from Enrichment a long time ago! Have a great 4th of July!

  10. I've been hearing fireworks around the neighborhood and wondering, "What on Earth...?" It finally dawned on me it would be Independence Day in just two days, but it sure doesn't feel like the Fourth of July. Now I know why: It's really Christmas!

    Nice to take the tour of your home. I LOVE Christmas!


  11. OH MY GOODNESS! I'm like a kid in a candy-store! I want everything! My husband is gonna kill me! HEHEHE CAN'T WAIT! Thanks for the tour. Do you have a list someplace with prices? MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! WOO HOO! Have a great weekend, a fun and safe one!

  12. I love Christmas and loved your house tour too :-) Thanks for stopping by and following my blog!

  13. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm your newest follower. I [heart] Christmas!!!

  14. Oh I loved this little tour of your tabletop Christmas displays. We need a little Christmas...right this very moment..and you gave it to us. Thank you! Happy 4th...soon to be 25th. Smiles


  15. Can't wait for Christmas! You have given me so many great ideas!
    I gave you an award! Come over and take a peak!
    AShly @ No Apologies

  16. Wow! Your house looks like a total labour of love! I bet it thrills you everytime you walk up the front path! :D

  17. Wowzers! It's so beautiful, I got the wintery Christmas;}

  18. Thanks so much! I have followed you on both as well! Awsome stuff!! =) I love new blog friends!

  19. What a fun tour! I especially love your outside decorations. It feels like your entering Santa's workshop!

  20. Oh, my goodness, I just came across your blog!
    Love it! I must join to follow and "Grab" your button!
    Thank you,

  21. Well, gee ,,my first visit here & I can't wait for Christmas.Being that it is close to 97* today. With a name like mine,Holly,I just love the season!So glad I have tinsel twirled my way here!

  22. Love your blog! I just adore Christmas time of year, I think it should last year round! I'm your newest follower via gfc box. If you get a chance swing by & enter one of my 22 giveaways going on! barb g. of diabetic snacker.
