Thursday, June 24, 2010

Hand-Painted Greeting Cards (Set of 5)

Don't you just love when someone has gone to the
trouble of sending you a handmade card?? I love
all kinds of Handmade Cards..especially the hand-
painted ones...And I have a blast making them!
This set I just put in "MY ETSY SHOP" TODAY.

This particular (set of 5) hand-painted roses are
one of my favorites...It has a matching envelopes
with leaves & gives the recipient a little sneak peek
of what's to come...

This is a look at a single card..each unique..(no
two alike).. That's one of the charms of a hand-
painted original...(SEE BELOW)

(Check out the set BELOW)

The Finished product..All wrapped in cellophane
& tied with a beautiful Light Sage Green satin ribbon.
Ready to give as a gift...(or to make 5 lucky people smile
when they receive a greeting from you.)

To Learn "How to" do this kind of painting Donna Dewberry is the creator & expert on the subject...Her Videos are wonderful as is she.. Click HERE (to see her Video Tutorial)


  1. these are so pretty! I love making cards for people because it is so hard to find good bought ones but these are lovely. new follower from NFF

  2. someone has talent! those are sweet!

  3. This is just gorgeous!

    I have an award for you over at my blog :o)

  4. I {{heart}} Christmas blogs because, well, I love Christmas! These cards are SO gorgeous! I will have to check out your Etsy Shop sometime soon.

    Hi, I'm stopping by from New Friend Fridays. I wanted to say hello and share some comment lo♥e.

    I just became your newest Follower and I would really like it if you would take a minute to check out my blog and follow me, too, if you like what you see.

    I hope you have a really wonderful weekend!


    Teresa <><

    ♥ Too Many Heartbeats ♥

  5. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    I'm following you back :)


  6. I love handmade cards too! Those are lovely!!

    Coming from NFF, Nice to meet ya. I love your blog. All of those sweets are so yummy looking.

    xo Sarah @life uncommon

  7. THANKS!!! for stopping by my blog and following.
    I LOVE!!! these BEAUTIFUL!!! hand painted cards.
    I'm following back.

  8. Those are just beautiful! Thanks for stopping by my blog today. I would love to fan you on FB! :0)

  9. So pretty!! Thanks for stopping by at!! :)

  10. Thank you for following Dropped Stitches - here to return the favor!

    xo Erin

  11. Thanks for the follow and facebook, I have done the same.

    Great Blog and wonderful ideas :)


  12. thanks for visiting, following you back!

  13. Anyone would be lucky to receive such a beautiful handmade card! These are just lovely - can't wait to see more colors, too! I'd like to collect them all.

  14. The handmade cards are gorgeous! I don't give out enought cards, I should, they brighten up everyones day!

  15. Hi!
    Thanks so much for stopping by and visiting me and for following me! I just love making new friends and it's very nice to meet you. I'm your newest follower and I look forward to getting to know. What a nice way to remember Christmas all year long! Love the handmade cards. Have a great weekend! Candace

  16. These cards are so beautiful! Thank you for visiting from NFF and following! I already follow you. I'm a new fan of yours on Facebook!

  17. my computer is now working so just saw your blog. i love cards esp. with flowers very beautiful. have a good sunday.

  18. These are absolutely beautiful! I had no idea that Donna Dewberry had videos online, so I'm so glad you shared the link, although I think there's no way I could ever paint....but who knows I might just try.

  19. How nice! Thanks for sharing these on Modern Craftswoman Monday! Rory

  20. OMGosh! So pretty! Thanks for linking up to Mad Skills Monday!

  21. How pretty! I wish I could paint!

    Thanks for joining me for Friday Favorites!

  22. Popping over from Women who do it All...

    Love the cards! Nice to have a set that much but that are each a little bit individual. I still think people like that personal touch even with all the technology we live with.

  23. Those are so special. If I received a note on a hand-painted gift card, it would be something I would def keep. I would keep it safe in my memory box. Great Bragable and thanks for sharing it!!!

  24. They are beautiful!

    Punkin Seed Productions
