Thursday, May 6, 2010


This is a tribute to my Mom...& all moms..
even though she is up in heaven with
my dad...I know she will know just how
much she is missed & loved by her children
& grand children.. especially on Mother's
Day..this Sunday!
Although she had a hard life growing up
(her own mother died when she was 1yr. old
& her dad died when she was 15) she made
a wonderful life for my dad & us 5 kids & I
will be eternally grateful for all the wisdom
she gave each one of us & example she
showed daily..
First & formost she was the most charitable
person I ever knew..she always made room for
people who did not have a place to stay or food
to eat. She opened her home & her heart to
always helping someone or something.
Below is an old picture (sorry it's blurry) of her
helping a Rooster that my little sister brought
home from school (to give a good home to) My
mom was raised on a farm & she helped that little
rooster (until the neighbors complained of being
woke up@ 5am!) He eventually went to a zoo.

You could always find her in the kitchen
laughing & baking something for
somebody in need. She would bring in
dinners, babysit, take care of the elderly..
you name it..she did it.. But by the same
token...she was always there for
each one of us to make feel special
everyday. She had a special gift that way.

I think it was because as a child she only had 1 pair
of shoes & 1 dress made out of a flour sack material
& her parents dying so young she wanted to give
us everything but most importantly..time & love.

She worked the graveyard shift at the hospital
just so she could have breakfast ready & lunches
made when we got up each morning...& be home
when we got home from school so she could help
us with our homework & have chocolate chip cookies
& milk waiting. I really wondered when she ever got
to sleep or eat..She loved cooking meals & serving
them to my dad & us kids & she would get up 10
times for us before she ever got a bite of food.
(That reminds me of the "Christmas Story" Mom)

Anyway..I salute you mom & treasure all our talks,
& everything you taught me about being a good mom.
I cherish the memories of all our times baking together
& you being such a good example of Charity to others.

Your loving Daughter,

*****Hope all of you get to give your moms a kiss
& hug (I wish I could) & tell them how much they
mean to you..Life goes too fast & is too short to
not tell them what they mean to you...


  1. Following you over from New Friend Friday!

    Stop by and enter my giveaway:

  2. happy mother's day to your mom!

    (visiting from nff)

  3. Love the tribute. I'm returning the follow. Thanks for visiting my blog!

  4. Hi there.
    I am enjoying your site.
    Stopping by from Friday Follow to say hello.
    Have a great day!

  5. That is a great tribute to Grandma Fiero. Everything you feel and have said about your mom..your children feel the same way about you. Your mom would be so proud and I am sure she is so proud of you, you are exactly like her in every way! I never really got to meet her but I know you are your mother's daughter and it is a privelege and an honor to be your daughter! Happy Mom's Day, I am absolutely blessed to have you as my mom!!!

  6. Hello! Happy FF=0) I'm a new follower and hope you will follow me too!


  7. Thanks so much for stopping by today!!! Yes I am happy to follow you too!

    Your Mother sounds like just the type of mom I pray to be! I also see the sweet comment right above here & I can hear the love from your daughter! Now THAT is beautiful!

  8. I, also lost my mother 3 years ago. She taught me a no. of things,family is the most important item in our lives. Happy Mothers Day.

  9. What a lovely tribute. Thank you for stopping by and following my blog. I am very happy to meet you. Seems we share some things in common, our name if I am not mistaken, your blog name fits with the fact that I have a christmas tree farm, and we are both Scandinavian, My mom was Danish. I caught your blog about abelskivers (we spell it a little different). I make these on Easter Morning. My recipe is different than yours and we fill ours with cooked mashed apples (chunky applesauce) (some of my kids like jam in theirs), that is the way my Danish Grandma made them for me when I was a child. I will enjoy following you.

  10. Lovely tribute to you mom.
    Also visiting from FF, and I am now following you from on GFC as thrifty canucks.
    Please visit my blog and if you can follow me too at

  11. that's a very beautiful tribute, very touching. Thanks for following, I'm following you back. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  12. Stopping by from Trendy Treehouse! I've seen your lovely blog before! Happy Mother's Day!

  13. Visiting from Friday Follow.
    We now follow you publicly through google friend connect. Please visit Mom to Bed by 8 and do the same.

  14. Thanks for visiting me and for the follow! I am your newest follower. What a great blog you have!! I love Christmas!!

  15. Lovely tribute to your mother.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm now a follower and look forward to getting to know you.

  16. What a beautiful and touching tribute of Grandma's legacy which you are continuing and passing onto your posterity. How blessed we are to have been raised by such an amazing mom who always taught us that anything is possible and gave us the confidence and support to achieve our dreams, who showed us faith in God and ourselves, and who was an example of what she taught and continues to teach. Thank you for the wonderful mother and person you are. Happy Mother's Day!

  17. WONDERFUL tribute! Thanks for the follow! I'm following you back!

  18. what a lovely post! thanks for the comment on my blog, and i am now a follower of yours as well! :)

  19. What a lovely tribute! Thanks for finding my blog and following. I look forward to doing the same!

  20. Beautiful blog!! Thank you for visiting mine. I'm following you now!!!

  21. Following back from Friday Follow!!

    Love your colors here!

  22. Thank you so much for visiting my blog and becoming a follower. I have just joined yours as well :-)

    I'm really excited to read about your Norwegian heritage - my husband is 3rd generation Norwegian too. I'm sure I'll be able to make a lot of brownie points with the tips you provide!!

  23. Thanks for following my blog.
    Your mom sounds like she was the perfect mom. We should all strive to be more like her.

  24. What a beautiful post and such a cheerful blog! I think we all need a little touch of Christmas everyday! Thanks for sharing that!

  25. Hi thanks so much for the follwo it looks like you have a fun blog here cant wait to see what you comeup with next!

  26. Hey Barb,
    It's Sherri @ The Junkin' Chick. Thanks for your comment on my "Happy Hour at Starbucks" post. I gabbed your button and would loe if you would hope over and get my button. I really love your blog!!


  27. What a lovely and loving tribute to your mother, Barb -- very moving, truly.... And here's thanking you for your comment on my blog -- it's a pleasure to meet (and now follow!) you here on Blogspot...

  28. What a sweet tribute to your mom. I'm your newest follower from Read it Barefoot.
    I look forward to future posts from you!

  29. What a beautiful tribute. She sounds like a wonderful woman that you were blessed to have as a mother. Nice to meet you. I'm a following!

  30. What a wonderful tribute to your mother. Thanks for stopping by my blog...I'm following yours :D I love Christmas...I think it should be at least once a month!!!

  31. That is such a lovely tribute!! Thanks for stopping by my blog and following. I'm your newest follower. Looking forward to looking thru your santa blog!

