Thursday, May 27, 2010

Friday Favorites..Crafts & Recipes

These are some of my Favorite Things to do...
Make Aprons/Baking....These are for my
ETSY SHOP... This is the Moms, Grandmas,
Aunts, or Friends Apron. The bows are heat
sealed to prevent fraying & are easily removed
for washing. (If interested in purchasing one
you can go to the sidebar & click on the
"santasgiftshoppe"under the ETSY PHOTOS
& it'll take you right to the store)

This is the Childs Matching Apron
for daughters, grand-daughters, nieces
or friends...The bows are heat sealed to
prevent fraying & easily removed for
washing. It also has a FREE Rolling Pin
included.(This Matching smaller apron can
also be found in
just click on the link & your there)

This weeks Favorite Recipe:
Homemade Twix Bars
(Don't you just love the the
Mary Engelbreit plate..I do)
I found this recipe on under mock
Twix Bars but I prefer to call them Homemade
Twix bars..These are really so goooood..........

This is really an easy recipe with great results.
Another added plus is that they are NO-Bake..
Especially in the Summer I hate to have the
oven on...How bout you?

1 Box of Club Crackers
1 c. crushed Graham Crackers
3/4 c. brown sugar
1/2 c. white sugar
1/3 c. milk
1/2 c. butter
1 c. chocolate chips (I like milk choco. chips for these)
2/3 c. peanut butter

1) In a 9 x 13 inch buttered pan put a layer of whole
club crackers. See Photo Below:
2) In a saucepan combine graham crackers, brown sugar,
white sugar, milk (I used non-fat & it worked fine) &
butter. See Photo Below:
3) Boil for 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Spread
over crackers..Be careful this is hot!! (I love the
off-set spatula for this) See Photo Below:

4) Next add another layer of crackers,
& gently press down not breaking any.
Put in refrigerator for 30 min.
See Photo Below:

5) To make the Frosting: put choc. chips
& peanut butter in a microwave-safe bowl
& melt for 1-2 min. stirring & checking
every 30 sec. after the 1st minute.

Frost crackers & put in refrigerator for 30 min.
See Photos Below:
6) All Finished..Now to enjoy!!!
Good job!! Have a great Memorial Day!!


  1. HI! Coming in from Friday follow!! I love love love that apron!! Too cute. My little lady (3) loves to help bake. How cute would we love in those!!

  2. Your aprons are beautiful and the recipe is perfect for the holiday weekend.

    Have a good one! :O)

  3. I just love coming here - it's like a candy store. The Twix desert recipe with no baking? You do know how an oven can heat up a part of the house no matter what you do. Smile. And what sweet looking aprons . Just poking my head in to say "hi" and see what's at your store besides the aprons.


  4. Your Mom and daughter aprons are adorable! And the Twix bars? That's a given! They look delicious!!!

  5. You and I must be doin' that ESP thing!!! I've been pondering about making aprons ~ yours are sooo cute it making me want to start NOW!!

    ...and that recipe is to die for!!!

  6. That apron is soooooooooooo darling=0) And the twix, YumOHHH!!! My family thanks you.


  7. Hi. Thanks for stopping by my blog today. I'm your newest follower. I LOVE your aprons! So cute.

  8. Love the aprons and the fabric...cute, cute! Homemade Twix! I guess I should forget about that bathing suit now!!
    Take care,

  9. I am an official follower! Loving that recipe above!

  10. 1st off cute aprons I want one. They are so cute. I wish I had a daughter so I could match someone too.
    2nd I am following you from Friday Follow me!!

  11. Love all of your aprons!! I could make aprons all day! Those twix bars look to die for but I am on the fitness train!! I will have to give them a try before too long though for a treat! Those and the carmel delites too!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog, glad to make a new friend! Have a great weekend!

  12. Love your aprons and wearng them. I just made one for a friend who is getting married. So cute!!!! Love flirty aprons....every girlie needs one!

  13. Those aprons are darling! And I love twix! Who knew you could make them at home? Very dangerous for me.

    Thanks for linking up to Finished for Friday!

  14. Thanks for sharing the recipe. I love Twix bars so I will definitely be trying this.

    I came here via Weekend Wrap Up Party. Hope you will visit me sometimes over at Pittypat Paperie.

    Lovvvve those aprons.

  15. Okay, how did you know that Twix is my favorite candy bar in the whole world?????? Those look so delightful! I am so glad you are sharing this recipe!! Thanks for linking up! :)

  16. Hiya Barb! Thanks for popping by Rehab and inviting me over! I'm having a wonderful time nosing through your creative genius. Isn't the internet a wonderful thing?

  17. the apron is cute. the recipe looks easy and good. thanks have a good day. rose

  18. Congratulations on your growing blog. :) You did a great job! Thanks for the awesome recipe. I am making it tomorrow. I also wanted you to know that I LOVE my apron I got from you. So very cute. Have a great day! Hope all if well with your daughter.

  19. YUM! Can't wait to try this recipe!!
    Camille Dawn @ Mother Lode

  20. Thanks for the sweet comments on my blog. I am your newest follower. I love Twix bars. I am going to have to try these for sure.

  21. I have to try that recipe - looks yummy!

    Thanks for stopping by - I'm following back, what a great blog you have!

    The Ish Blog

  22. Hi Barb- Thanks for stopping by and introducing yourself! Your aprons are adorable and those twix bars look so good, I'll have to try them soon. The samoas look good too, which to do first is quite a dilemma!

  23. I am following you from Friday Follow;-)

    Jeanette Huston

  24. That looks so good. Running late but here I am. Stopping by from Friday Blog Hop. I am now following. Hope you will stop by my blog and follow when you get a chance :) Have a great weekend!


  25. Thank you so much for stopping by Crafts and Sutch and becoming a follower. I'm so glad you did because this is my first visit to your site! How could I not know about it???
    Too cute for words, and now I'm a follower! :)

    Thanks again!
    Erin :)

  26. Wow, I'm drooling, I can't wait to make those! Thank you for visiting my blog, I'm now a follower as well! :)

  27. Yummo! Thanks for linking these up to Mad Skills Monday!


  28. Those Twix bars look delicious!!

    I'm your newest follower from Tag-a-long Tuesday. Here's my blog if you get a chance to stop by.


  29. I know some folks who would be really happy to make these :)

  30. Following from TTA. Cute aprons! I love the hot pink!

  31. These look REALLY good! I'm going to have to try these when I need something chocolatey!

  32. Looks good!!
    Hi, following from Tuesday Tag!!

  33. Love the apron!
    Following from TTA!

  34. Wow, those homemade Twix bars look amazing! Mmmm!

  35. Oh I do adore that plate, but I adore what's sitting on it even more! I'm just curious -- who gets to eat these marvelous delights?

  36. Oh my goodness! These looks soooo yummy!

  37. Oh, those look so good ... the Samoas do, too! Following along so I don't miss any other treats ... :)

  38. Each week I look forward to seeing your yummy treats. Those twix bars look wonderful! And your aprons are too cute! Thanks for linking up for Friday Favorites!

  39. Looks yummy! Thanks for linking up! Hope to see you Friday for another fun link party!

  40. What a great diy recipe! They look so yummy! I'd probably be eating more than I should =) Thanks so much for joining The Sunday Showcase Party. I greatly appreciate it! Hope you are enjoying your week! ~ Stephanie Lynn

  41. I love Twix bars and that recipe looks amazing!!!Woo Hoo! I could gobble that pan up. Thanks for sharing the apron and the recipe with us at Woo Hoo! Wednesday.

  42. absolutely ANYTHING with butter flavor Crackers in it is PERFECT in my book.
    I love love LOVE crackers SO


  43. OOOooo boy, those homemade twix look great!!! Thanks for sharing!!!!

  44. Oh, my goodness, these sound AMAZING!!! Thank you for sharing the recipe!

  45. My aunt gave me her recipe like this.... I don't recall peanut butter though! Thanks for linking such a YUMMO recipe to Tuesday Tastes! People's Choice Award polls are open, stop by and vote for your fav when you get a chance!

    Happy Day,
    Jasey @ Crazy Daisy

  46. Cute Apron, and your recipe looks delicious!! My recipe box is slowly filling up with Santa's Kitchen instructions...

    Thank you for participating in the Craft Therapy Session with Life in the Pitts

  47. Thanks for linking up to the Mad Skills party!

  48. hi!! I've already have my dinner but still want to eat this so fabulous recipe!!!!
    Unfortunatly;I won't ever taste it....I'm from France and we don't have grahamas crackers and chocolate chips!!! sic!

  49. I just made the twix bars a couple nights ago! AMAZING :D I sent a few (couldn't part with much) to my husbands work. Was a hit with the kids and adults. Thanks for a great recipe! I always have these ingredients on hand too! :) yumm yumm

  50. 1st LOVE those aprons! I love that there's a matching child's apron. When my little girl gets a little older, I'm definitely going to keep this in mind. 2nd- thank you for this recipe! Twix are my favorite. :) I'm featuring this recipe today on the Recipe Share Party. You have such great recipes, and I'm so excited for other recipe friends to come check out all you have over here. Have a wonderful day!


  51. We have a peanut allergy our house. Do you think you could melt caramels and substitute them for the peanut butter? These sound delicious and I copied down your Homemade Thin Mint recipe from awhile back. Now I just have to find the time to make them.

  52. I am going to have to try the twix bars

  53. I just borrowed your recipe for my Monday Munchies! post. Can't wait to try them, thanks!

