Sunday, January 3, 2010

How to make Aebleskivers (Danish Pancakes)

Well the title of this post is:
How to make Aebleskivers....It's even
hard to pronouce but I hope to
show you how through this tutorial.

RESULT (or what we hope they will look like)
with a selection of my homemade jams: Straw-
berry/Boysenberry, Strawberry/Raspberry/
Blueberry, & Strawberry/Blackberry..Ymmm!!

This is a family tradition I remember my
mother making these a lot..not just at Christmas..
but all the time!! She was Norwegian (& was
raised by her Norwegian grandmother who
did not speask any English)

One of her favorite places was Solvang (a Danish
Community by Santa Barbara/Buellton area..
Calif.) where she got her pan (as well as I did)

According to Wikipedia, Aebleskiver
(Danish meaning apple slices, are traditional
Danish pancakes in a distinctive shape of a
sphere) They have been described as a cross
between a pancake & a popover... They are light
& fluffy & delicious with jams & confectioners
sugar or syrup & butter...


Mix together:
1 1/2 C. Flour
1/2 tsp. Baking Soda
1 Tbsp. Baking Powder
1/4 tsp. Salt

Beat together with a whisk or fork:
1 C. Buttermilk
2 Eggs
1 C. Sour Cream

Below: are some of the dry ingredients (I only
had dry Buttermilk which when mixed with water
is the same as regular buttermilk) I hope that doesn't
confuse you...I should not have had the buttermilk
in the picture or sour cream.

Below: These are the dry ingredients: Flour, Baking Soda,
Baking Powder & Salt in a bowl.

Below: These are the wet ingredients: Buttermilk,
Eggs, & Sour Cream

Below: This is how it looks mixed together (dry
& wet ingredients)

Below: This is the original Aebleskiver Pan..
You can get the original in Solvang or probably
online...Now I see similar ones everywhere..but
I don't know if they heat the same or are as
heavy & sturdy as this one is..It should last a

To Make: Combine the dry & wet ingredients
until smooth..put 1/2-1 tsp. oil in each space in
the aebleskiver pan. (I tried several different
ways: Non-stick spray burnt them, not enough
oil made the outside mushy, butter would probably
burn) The Canola Oil worked well..
Heat the pan until Hot...You should hear
the oil sizzle...before adding the batter.
Below shows you how they bubble like
regular pancakes (when they are ready to be

This is the tricky part..The Solvang people
say to turn them in 1/4 turns..Which I have tried
to show you here in the following 4 photos.

You can turn them completely over the first
time but it will be a flatter sphere & not as
fluffly inside..It should be round all the way around.

My mother turned them with a knitting needle..I
found a wooden skewer grabbed it the best.
I have seened people use a fork to turn them as well.

Below: This shows you how they should
look when done...Crisp on the outside &
soft/fluffy on the inside...

After you put them on your serving plate sprinkle
Powdered Sugar on top (either with a special
can for sprinkling or take a is a smaller
sifter size for rolls & such)

and now dip them into your favorite jam or
melted butter & your mouth
watering yet???


  1. I enjoyed these for a long time. These are super-yummy and can be eaten for breakfast, dessert, or a sweet snack. Don't forget the powdered sugar! Thanks for the step-by-step. :)

  2. I may not be able to spell the name, but these balls of fabulousness are amazing! Definitely helps fight all the mayhem and foolishness that happens everyday! OOOOoooooo, that's sooo good! :)

  3. My husband's Granny used to make these when she was still with us, when we were newly married. My husband's family is Danish and they made them on special occasions. They are wonderful!!! I have was given a pan, but have yet to ever make them.....this makes me want to try and make them now. Thanks for bringing back some great memories of Granny (Jensen) Skow-Hansen

  4. I am stopping over to say hi from TTA...I am already a follower...I so needed this recipe. I got one of these pans for Christmas...but the recipe I have never quite works. I am Norwegian too and I love Solvang!

    504 Main

  5. new follower from the tweepoppers hop!!

  6. Oh my! Those look beyond delish...I feel inspired to cook..even though I can'

    Already a follower of yours..but stopping by to thank you for linking up to Follow Me Back Friday!


  7. I almost bought one of these pans at Williams-Sonoma last weekend!!! I didn't because I was trying to be good, but seeing these beauties you made, makes me regret it. I think the pan is an investment I'm going to have to make! Thanks for all the tips!

  8. Wow! Thanks for linking up to Mad Skills Monday!


  9. Looks good! Following from FMBT. Have a great week!

  10. Ooh, those look great!

    Thanks for linking up to the Mad Skills party!

  11. I love aebleskivers! My wishlist includes a nonstick aebleskiver pan.

  12. Yum! I tried these in Solvang, CA last year! So delicious! I'm your newest follower from Follow Me Back Tuesday!


  13. Yum! They look so good! I will have to find an aebleskiver pan!

  14. These look YUMMY!
    I'm your latest follower through Follow Me Back Tuesday! I hope you'll stop by my blog at and say hello.

  15. They are adorable! I so want one. I want the pan too!

  16. We bought one of those pans at Solvang. Thanks for the detailed directions on how to make them. I tried once and it didn't work well. I will have to try again.

  17. Oh my goodness do those look delicious!! Woo Hoo! I just finished eating some eggs and a muffin and wow would that be an awesome treat for me on top of that. Thanks so much for linking this post to Woo Hoo! Wednesday and sharing the recipe.

  18. The old recipes are always the BEST! Thanks for sharing and see you next week! Rory

  19. That food is beautiful -- just beautiful. Pancakes are one of my most favorite things to eat EVER, and these just brought me to Heaven. I will never have the guts to make them, but I'm very happy just staring at them.

  20. Never heard of them....and now I have just got to try them!!!! Thanks! :-)

  21. These look so yummy. I would love to try this sometime.

  22. Yum! When I was a little girl my grandparents would take me to a little Danish town. They were a Danish community and would have Aebleskivers Days. They had a little prade followed by all the fresh Aebleskivers you could eat fresh and warm. I have such fond memories of this food. Thanks for sharing it.

  23. Hi I am visiting you via Some What Simple - Strut Your Stuff Thursday. These look delicious! My husband is Danish and I would love to make them for him and our little boys (of course I would have to try just one or two or ....) Must see if I can find one of these pans somewhere.

  24. Thanks for the step by step!! My sister (who loves them) got me one of the pans for Christmas this last year and a can of the chocolate mix to make them but my wonderful kids thought it would be fun to open the can and cover the kitchen with it... To say the least we have not tried them yet.. Been looking for a recipe and now I have one... Thanks again!! :O)

  25. These look great! I can send you my address if I need to take these off your hands!!!LOL

    Thanks for joining Get Your Craft on Thursday at Life As Lori. Please join me next week for another great party.

  26. I have always wanted to make these! Thanks for the encouraging post! I have always been intimidated by them. Thanks for linking to Tuesday Tastes! Polls just opened for the People's Choice Award! Stop by and and vote when you get a chance -just click on your fav recipe!

    Happy Day,
    Jasey @ Crazy Daisy

  27. Mmmmm, you always post the tastiest looking food! And you've got great pictures, I might add :) These look like the donuts I ate when I lived in Romania for a couple months. I definetly want to try these.

  28. Yum! I've never heard of these, but they look delicious.

    Thank you for participating in the Creative Therapy session at Life in the Pitts!

  29. Wow!! Wonderful photos to such a really amazing looking pastry. I would love to have one of these. And your homemade jams??! The descriptions made my mouth water. You are such a good cook. :) Thank you so much for sharing over at the Recipe Share Party!


  30. This looks like a yummy tradition! Thanks for linking up Friday Favorites!

  31. Those look delicious--wonder if I could make them gluten free??? Thanks for linking up to the under $100 party!

  32. These look AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks for linking up! I hope to see you next week!

    ~Ashley @

  33. These look fantastic! Thanks for linking up to Home and Family Friday. I hope you'll be back next week too!


  34. Thanks! Those look so yummy!

  35. My mom used to make these when I was young, and I haven't had them in forever! Thanks so much for sharing! :)

  36. These look so yummy - my kiddos would really love these! As would I! Thanks for linking up to Be Inspired last week!


  37. Hi There,
    I’m your newest follower! I am following from Tuesday Tag-Along.

    I grew up in Denmark, and aebleskiver have always been favorites in my family. I actually made them for my three boys a few weeks ago, and they are still a hit.

    Frugal Mom from
    Frugality Is Free and
    Print Your Coupons – All Your Coupons in One Place

  38. I have actually made these before!!!! It's been a long time ago when we ran a bed and've encouraged me to break out the pan and do them for our kiddos!

    Thanks for planting your creative seeds at Plant a Punkin Seed Party!

    Punkin Seed Productions

  39. These look delicious! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and following, it means so much! Your blog is great!!

    Katie P
