Friday, January 8, 2010

Chicken/Cheese/Broccoli Soup w/Bread Bowl

What's for dinner??? When it's really cold
outside (like it has been here) There's nothing
better than comfort food..Something hot,
filling & tastes simply out of this world!!!

One of the great things I have found in doing
this blog for the last 6 months (besides finding new
wonderful people to have in my all
of you!!!) is finding great recipes & rediscovering
old family favorites that have been handed
down from generation to generation.

One of my New Year's resolutions was to use up
the food we have & make meals from the
ingredients I have on hand...
This is one of those recipes..I had a lot of
broccoli, & chicken to use up..So this is what
I came up with...Hope you like it...

So let's begin to make this phenomenal
"Chicken/Cheese/Broccoli Soup"...and
Bread Bowl (next time the bowl will be from
scratch...I promise & I'll give you the recipe)

I love the eye appeal this has when using the
Sourdough French Bread as a "Soup Bowl."
This recipe is from Liz K. as adapted by Sister's

I have changed the recipe to include chicken
(I always like to have more protein if possible)
& mixed Mexican cheese I had on hand...

1 can chicken broth (about 2 cups)
1 small onion, diced

1/3 c. flour
1/4 c. butter
Pepper to taste (I used about 1/2 tsp.)

2 c. milk
1 1/2 c. shredded cheddar cheese (sharper...better)
1/2 c. shredded Swiss cheese
1 c. Mixed Mexican cheeses
2-3 c. steamed broccoli florets (chopped in pieces)
3 chicken breasts (skinless/boneless/cooked) diced
1 Lg. Round Sourdough French Bread

Simmer chicken broth & chopped onions for
15-20 min. in a covered saucepan, until onions
are soft. Heat milk in microwave for 1-2 min.

In a separate lg-size sauce pan, melt butter
& then add flour and pepper. See Photo Below..
Cook together for a couple of minutes until thickened..
Add warm milk until blended...Then add chicken
broth w/onions, cheeses, steamed broccoli, &
lg. pieces of diced chicken. Stir & heat together
on medium-high heat until soup starts to thicken..
As shown in next 3 photos... looks sooo good & smells even better!!!!
I wish you could SMELL IT!!

Now for the Bread Bowl
.....I had planned to make
them from scratch, but the afternoon flew by &
(I made Bread pudding instead..that will have to be
for another post) Wish you could smell that too!!!
Anyway I needed this done to take dinner into a dear
friend (& her family) who just came home from the
hospital..So I was fine with store bought...See Below:
Looking further below... shows how I cut the "Top"
off with an electric knife (It's easiest I think) & then
cut a circle around the loaf (leaving about 1/2"
of bread creating the "bowl". Then pull out (by hand)
the soft bread..
(You can use that to eat with the soup..Same with
the top..You can eat it with the soup or maybe with
some spinach dip like we did...)

It is out of this world
....Try it & let me know what
your family thinks...

It is so delicious & Comforting on a Cold, Gray
day outside...It's nice to be cozy & warm &
have a delicious nutritious meal that you
know will leave your family cozy & warm on
the inside, too.


  1. Looks amazing! Pure comfort food - can't wait to try it!

  2. That looks divine! It made my mouth water just reading it! Soup's on the menu at my house tonight!! :)

  3. Thanks Lauren
    Let me know how you like it..Good luck

  4. Oh this looks wonderful! I love soup and salad all year round. Thanks for sharing. Be blessed. Cindy

  5. This recipe looks delicious!! I love bread bowl soups, especially living in Oregon where soup tastes better than any place I've ever lived.

    Thanks for linking to Woo Hoo! Wednesday and sharing with us.

  6. This looks super yummy! I'm going to put it in my file. Can't wait to try it!

  7. What I'm looking at here is a total work of art. My gosh do I love the looks of that soup. It is so beautiful!!! You're an artist in the kitchen, Barb! Thank you for sharing the recipe!

  8. Oh my this looks so yummy! This is perfect for the cold weather. Thanks for linking up to Be Inspired today.


  9. YUM! I love broccoli cheese soup but have never made it. I'm going to try your recipe. I'm also a new follower of your blog.

  10. Simply cannot wait to make this! I am so glad you linked to Tuesday Tastes! I just put the People's Choice Award poll up on my sidebar, when you have a chance, come vote!

    Happy Day,
    Jasey @ Crazy Daisy

  11. Your soup looks delicious!

  12. Mmm, you make me so hungry!

    Thanks for linking this up to A Little Creative Therapy with Life in the Pitts.

  13. The soup in the bread bowl looks delicious--I'll be trying it!

  14. YUM! I love soup recipes that don't automatically reach for the Campbells! Makes me want some... thanks so much for sharing! :)

    -Ann Marie

  15. I always order a similar thing at Panera Bread... and now that you've shared this recipe- - I'm going to have to try making it! Yummy! Thanks for sharing your recipe on the Recipe Share Party.

    Happy Weekend!

  16. Sounds absolutely delicious, and I am a sucker for soup in a bread bowl. Thanks for sharing!

  17. I just wanted to let you know that I featured you here:

  18. Oh my goodness!! This just looks so awesome!! I want to lick the screen! Thanks for linking up!!

  19. This looks delicious! Thanks for linking it up to Saturday is Crafty Day...I hope you'll come back tomorrow.

    Also I featured this on my blog yesterday.
