Friday, November 13, 2009

Christmas Boutique...Designer Christmas Trees

Here are some Designer-type Christmas
Trees...They are one of my very Favorite
things to make. I like them because I do
Mini - 5' & just load them up with rich
ribbons, ornaments, flowers, berries....
all sorts of fun stuff.

This one is an Alpine Tree
(which stands 4' Tall w/white
mini-lights) Flowers are Burgundy,
with gold accents.

I tried to get a close-up so you could see
the detail that I love to put in the Trees..
I don't know if you can see it very well, but
the ribbon is a rich Tapestry type
(Burgundy w/Gold print on it)
It's one of my all-time Favorite

This one is a 2' Alpine Tree with
Gold & Off White accents w/white mini
lights) Close-up Below

This 2' Alpine has Red Ribbon,
Gold accents w/colored mini
This Alpine Designer Tree stands
3' tall..has a rich Tapestry Burgundy
Ribbon, gold bulbs w/white mini lights.
Since this was a tall tree I took it
in 2 shots for the full effect. Below is a close-
up of the bottom of the tree...
And last is a 2' Burlap Base Tree
(Bushier than Alpines) This is Red,
White, w/Gold Wire Mesh ribbon..
without lights..


  1. Beautiful trees! My favorite is the burgundy -classic, rich, elegant. Keep up the good work!

  2. Those are striking, Barb. That 2' alpine is with the gold and cream is brilliant. Those are the colors I use on my larger tree. What beauties.

  3. Gorgeous trees! I bet you just sing to yourself as you happily make these. Love the gold and white one the best.

  4. These turned out beautifully. It's a great idea to use smaller trees--much easier to "glitz" them up.

  5. Very pretty trees! I just love poinsettas. My mom used to put some on her big Christmas tree, and it looked so cute.

    Thanks for linking up with me for Friday Favorites!

  6. Beautiful! I love the gold and white one also best.

    I’m having a new link party “Cheap Thrills Thursday” starting the 29th. It’s for creative ideas that cost under $20. If you have a project you’d like to share, I’d love for you to stop by and join in!
