Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Easy/Favorite "Chicken Tetricini" Recipe

As promised a few days ago (I made this for a new
mom & dad in our church) I told you I would give
you this great recipe for "Chicken Tetricini."
So here it is....

I got this a number of years ago from my wonderful
friend, Ingrid. I have a number of her recipes and all
I have tried have been fantastic. Needless to say she
is a great cook....and doesn't she have a beautiful name...

Anyway I thought you should have a chance to try this
easy & great tasting main dish. It's truly one that
I make at least once a month. We eat a lot of boneless,
skinless, chicken and this is a delicious recipe to use it in.


1/4 c. margarine (I used 1 cube= 1/2 c.)
1/4 c. flour (maybe add more as needed to thicken)
1/2 tsp.salt
1/2 tsp. pepper
1 c. Chicken broth (I used 1 14oz. can=2c.) = extra sauce
1 c. Whipping cream (also increased this to 2 cups)
3/4 c. Real Grated Parmesan Cheese
1 pkg. Spaghetti (16oz.) I increased this to 24oz.
2 cans chicken or 2 (cubed) chicken breasts

Boil water. Add spaghetti. In another bowl, (I used a
sauce pot) melt margarine over low heat Add flour to
make a paste. Mix in salt & pepper, & chicken
broth. Add whipping cream. Stir.

Add chopped chicken. When spaghetti is ready, drain
& put in serving bowl. Add sauce & stir until combined.
Sprinkle fresh grated Parmesan cheese on top & stir.

****optional: add some fresh (finely chopped)
parsley or dried parsley flakes.

Keep checking back... Can't wait to give something


  1. Oh, boy! I haven't had this for a long time and it sure sounds delicious!!It is very easy to make, even a college student can do it! OOOooo, I'm getting hungry just thinking about it! :)

  2. I sometimes make this at our house. It's really good!

    Thanks for linking up for Friday Favorites!
