Sorry it's been more than a couple of days since I last did a post.....To catch you up.....our
freezer bit the dust......Filled to the brim with food
& fruit pulp for my jams, I was forced to do
another 60 more jams so that the pulp would not
be wasted.....So now we are at 206 jars and counting!
Now for today's blog....I have had so many people
log on to the blogspot for the recipe of the Homemade
Salsa #1....that I thought I would give Homemade
Salsa Recipe #2... to everybody as well....
As I told you before.........I wasn't much in the way of
Peppers or otherwise.....but after a Home Canning
Seminar....I decided to try Home Canning.....& now
I want to can everything....(I'll be letting you know
how that turns out in the future)
As my mother taught me about cooking & baking..
mainly from scratch....(because that was her
generation.)..I admire & appreciate all she taught
me......however, I have so many things I love to do, I
try & balance, Family, Family History, (Crafts
for the Christmas Boutique in Dec) Canning,
Scrapbooking, etc.. so when I can find a Recipe that
gets the job done faster & easier.... I do it that way.
Which leads us into today's FAST & EASY
HOMEMADE SALSA #2 (Medium Hot)The
photos above show you the end result with corn
chips, and how it looks in jars (Home-Canned)
After doing the 1st Homemade Salsa (which you have
to boil, peel, & cut the tomatoes into pieces.....) I decided
to try & find an easier way...which I did.....
This particular Salsa #2 is a little hotter than #1 &
my friends have told me (that are Salsa connoisseurs
in my opinion) that it isn't that hot...So let's just
call it MEDIUM HOT......but Faster & Easier
than Salsa #1...
6 cans (14.5 oz. each) petite diced tomatoes or
6 lbs. fresh tomatoes (about 18 medium)
(but the easier way are the cans)
1/2 c. white or cider vinegar
1 pouch Mrs. Wages Salsa Tomato Mix (from Walmart)
it has a mixture of onion, green bell pepper,
Jalapeno, Chili Peppers, Garlic, Salt, & other
1 c. chopped cilantro
Using the canned tomatoes, open
& pour all 6 cans of tomatoes into a pot....
*(all the liquid in the can as well)
Combine tomatoes, vinegar, salsa mix,
& cilantro & bring to a boil.
Stir occasionally...Reduce heat &
simmer 10 minutes...
TO CAN: Pour hot salsa into clean,
sterilized pint canning jars, leaving 1/2"
head space. Cap each jar when filled.
PROCESS 40 MINUTES in boiling
water bath...
Test Jars for airtight seals according to
manufacturer's directions. (Can be stored
up to a year) If jars do not completely
seal, refridgerate & consume within 1