Friday, July 17, 2009

156 jams & counting

Sorry I haven't been putting up recipes or
something lately, but this is what I've been busy
doing.....Making jam, jam, & more jam for about
the last 3 days.....Plus in between trying to save
a "2 yr. old" freezer from quitting on me. The
saying "They sure don't make things the way they
used to" comes to mind....
So does a saying my
daughter uses (which I like a lot)......"Life's tough...
get a helmet".....I think I'll make that the "Quote
of the day"............At least it's not the air

conditioner in this 106 degree heat!!!!!

Anyway......besides my feet hurting and a little tired
1/2 of my jam for the year is done....Yeah...
it's only 1/2 (of what I make) for Santa's Gift Shoppe
Christmas Boutique...(coming in only...133 days)'s better than not having started yet.....

These are the kinds I have right now: Strawberry,
Strawberry-Plum, Plum, Straw/Blueberry/Plum,
Straw/Blueberry, Apricot, Straw/Boysenberry, &
Straw/Rasp./Blueberry......Wow..That's a lot even
for me to say...

I love experimenting with different mixtures
or blends of jam to come up with unique flavors...
(& I have come up with quite a few).....Some friends like
to try these new blends & end up getting 10 or more
jars at a time....("It's a good thing"......they make great
gifts anytime).......

I've probably made thousands of jars of jams in
32 yrs. & hope to be doing it for another 32...

I am having the price remain at $3.95 (for an 8oz. jar)
because I like giving my customers a good deal.....
Other boutiques have charged $5 (but I haven't
increased the price in 6 yrs. or so) I have customers
who love it so much they've gotten 10-15 jars at a
time. Some have even hidden it from their kids...

I'm always humbled by what my customers
say concerning their finds at the Boutique...
I appreciate them soooo much....Well on to the next


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