Monday, April 20, 2015

Kidney Transplant: Everyone Needs a Buddy

 Hello! I'm guest blogging and happy to be back on the Santa's Gift Shoppe blog. I'm the daughter that donated a kidney and grateful to share a special post during April which is National Donate Life month. Also, we just had National Donate Life Blue and Green Day on April 17th. These celebrations have special meaning for me now. Remember to wear your blue and green this month in honor of organ donation!

As part of the organ donation awareness activities, I participated in the first annual Transplant Buddy Foundation Transplant Superhero 5K Fun Run/Walk. We had a good turnout for a first-time event enjoying the beautiful Spring weather, sharing stories of hope and inspiration, and raising awareness for this special cause.
cost thousands
Receiving and donating an organ is a life-changing event. Financially, it can also be a burden to some families. The post-transplant medication alone can cost thousands of dollars each month and varies from patient to patient. The Transplant Buddy Foundation helps, "by providing transplant patients with resources to afford post-transplant medications and by raising awareness of the financial aspects of solid organ transplant," according to their mission statement.
What an important cause and selfless way to help others in need. I'm grateful to be a volunteer for this organization. Maybe you feel that donating an organ isn't something that you can do, but you can still help by contributing financially so that transplant patients who might not otherwise be able to afford post-transplant medications can do so. Be a superhero!
The 5K fun run/walk was a team-building and networking opportunity. To hear special transplant and organ donation stories and share my own with others is a unifying experience. The feeling of camaraderie is tangible. Here's the finish line with all participants being cheered on as they crossed the finish.
It was a fun event to honor superheros including transplant recipients, donors (both living and deceased), and the dedicated medical staff that help transplant recipients and donors through the process. Looking forward to the second annual Superhero 5K Fun Run/Walk  next year! Thanks to all those that organized the event!
Life is a precious gift...cherish it...respect it. With April being National Donate Life month, consider how you can support, participate, and contribute to donate life. Until next time...