Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving! Now on
to Christmas! I love it..it just goes by way too fast.
We just got our Christmas tree today. My family
and I love the tradition of all of us going to pick it
out. We usually have santa hats on and everything.
We have 2 trees....one that is a 7 1/2 foot green
artificial one in the family room and the live
beautiful smelling one in the living room (plus
a few around the house which are smaller.) When
I was a child all 5 of us kids had a small tree in our room.
That was so much fun!
We also love the tradition of getting a new ornament
for our family room tree each year, This year we are
making our own Minnie/Mickey Mouse acrylic ornament
as our new one. If you would like to see others like this
you can go to my store "santasgiftshoppe" at ESTY
and get ideas or purchase any that you wish.
They are available for purchase now "santasgiftshoppe on Etsy".
Have a great time putting up your Christmas Tree.
Saturday, November 28, 2015
Thursday, November 19, 2015
Free Giveaway WINNER!
WE HAVE A WINNER for the Free Giveaway!
Random Calculator chose #4. Danice is our WINNER!
She chose Gift Prize #1...the "Give Thanks Decals" to put
on her glasses to make a beautiful Thanksgiving Day table.
She has 24 hrs. to let me know her address so I can
mail these cute "Give Thanks" decals out to her for
Thanksgiving Day.
Thank you for entering.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
Random Calculator chose #4. Danice is our WINNER!
She chose Gift Prize #1...the "Give Thanks Decals" to put
on her glasses to make a beautiful Thanksgiving Day table.
She has 24 hrs. to let me know her address so I can
mail these cute "Give Thanks" decals out to her for
Thanksgiving Day.
Thank you for entering.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
Saturday, November 14, 2015
"FREE GIVEAWAY" for Thanksgiving Day Decals
Hi Everybody..
This GIVEAWAY is to celebrate THANKSGIVINGwhich gets lost between Halloween and Christmas.
Wouldn't a beautiful table be complete with each of
your glasses saying "Give Thanks" in Gold vinyl.
It's so easy to do and instructions are included with
the prize. The GIVEAWAY is OPEN NOW.
Please READ the Rules for each Entry!
********MOST IMPORTANT RULE**********
Because the WINNER is chosen by a Random
Number Generator..EACH ENTRY HAS GOT TO
BE A SEPARATE COMMENT!!! If you do not
do that..(your odds of winning will greatly decrease)
Let get started!!
#1) "Give Thanks" Gift Package
This is Table Stemware Decals that say
Like the picture Below:
You will receive as many Give Thanks decals
that your family needs (up to a max. of 12) &
Package #2) You have the choice of these
monogrammed Glass Decals (GLASSES NOT
INCLUDED) and dots (as many as your family
needs) up to 10 max.) pictured below:
You can have the initials and
dots of your choice and color
(Initials need to be same color)
2 colors for dots up to max. of
10 Initials. I will send you a color
chart and font chart to choose
************HERE'S HOW TO ENTER**********
1) Leave a Comment with your email address
(we need the email to notify you if you are the
WINNER of the giveaway) telling me which of
the 2 Gift Packages (#1 or #2) you would like
(and why) if you are the WINNER.
2) Become a "FAN or LIKE" Santa's Gift Shoppe on
FACEBOOK (in upper right hand corner of this blog or
Etsy store)
3) I have just started on Pinterest so Please Become a
4) Become a FOLLOWER of this blog (on the sidebar)
5) Post about this giveaway on your FACEBOOK
Page & link it back to this post.
6) Post about this Giveaway on your TWITTER
Page & link it back to this post.
7) Go to my ETSY STORE and PIN something you
like to one of your Pinterest Boards.
8) Go to my ETSY STORE and FAVORITE my store.
This Giveaway is open to the 48 Contiguous
United States..and WILL CLOSE 6pm Nov.19th
Check back the next day to find out if you
The winner will have 24 hrs. from 6pm Nov.19th -
6pm Nov. 20th to email me with their address
or another WINNER will be CHOSEN.
*****I will mail your PRIZE...PRIORITY MAIL
to be there in time for your Thanksgiving. *******
Hope you have fun and GOOD LUCK EVERYONE.
Thursday, November 5, 2015
Thanksgiving Table.."Give Thanks" Decals for your stemware..DIY
It's November and that means beautiful THANKSGIVING
DAY tables. This beautiful stemware glass would look gorgeous
on your holiday table.
Can you imagine eight or ten of these at your place settings
Thanksgiving Day? If you love to "Do It Yourself" and save
money at the same time this would be fun, easy and fast.
You purchase the decals from our ETSY store and put them on
your glasses and you get all the compliments when asked who
did these beautiful glasses?
Here s the link to this item in our Etsy store:
A lot of times Thanksgiving gets lost between Halloween &
Christmas. But it is one of the most important holidays we have.
We each have so much to be grateful for and we need to
acknowledge it to our Heavenly Father. I am so grateful
for everyone in my life and for precious life itself.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
...P.S. We will be having a FREE GIVEAWAY coming up
later this month..Stay tuned for how to enter ...We will be
giving away as many "Give Thanks" decals as you have
family at your table ( up to 12 max.) Stop by to enter to win.
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Halloween, Pumpkins, & Jack-o-Lanterns..Oh My!

Pumpkins everywhere...FUN..FUN..FUN! This particular
pumpkin I love. It's one of our newest in our Etsy store. I love
the beautiful Monogramming on it especially, and the dots. I
always love dots. They can perk anything up in your kitchen
or anywhere in your house. Halloween is only a couple weeks
If you are interested in window shopping or purchasing the vinyl
decals so you can do one like this...Here is the link to the Polka
Dot Pumpkin Click HERE
Here are more Pumpkins and (their links) from the store:
This is one of my favs...Check it out HERE.
If you like Polka Dots/Initials Click HERE.
If you like Spiders/Webs check this one out HERE
This little happy pumpkin is found HERE.
This funny pumpkin can be found HERE.
Check the above idea HERE
You can see this monogrammed pumpkin HERE
See these Monogrammed Pumpkins HERE.
Hope you have fun with your pumpkins this year. Drop by
and take a peek at all the ideas for Halloween.
You can also find us on Facebook and Pinterest
Thursday, October 1, 2015
Halloween Minnie and Mickey Mouse Buckets
Halloween stuff is everywhere. I love it.
This time of the year til after New Year's
is my favorite time of the year. I wanted
to update you on some of the fun things
we have for Halloween.
The 1st photo (above) shows how one of my
customers used her vinyl decals (Minnie
Mouse ears/bow, Name and dots for her
daughter's birthday party) she purchased
@ my Etsy store...Santa's Gift Shoppe
Year Round (vinyl and gifts) Here is the
link to it (below) if you want to window
shop or purchase anything.
This 2nd photo (above) shows a smaller
version of the name for all the other birthday
guests. I think she got the buckets at Target..
not sure about that, but her daughter Abbie &
her loved them. You will too. Take a peek. Us
adults love to have fun too!
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Halloween is Coming! Monogrammed Pumpkin
Believe it or not Halloween will be here next month.
Here at Santa's Gift Shoppe Vinyl Year Round we will
always try and give you the most fun and creative ideas for
your life.
Here is example of a favorite Halloween Pumpkin
Monogrammed Name and Initial for your last name.
The messiest part (cleaning all the seeds and yucky
stuff out of the pumpkin) is eliminated when you have
this set of decals plus after Halloween you can take
the decals off and use the pumpkin for Thanksgiving
on your porch or in your home. You could even put a
"Give Thanks" vinyl decal on the pumpkin for
Here is the link to this fun Monogrammed
Name and Initial Pumpkin decal:
Come in for a peek.
Monday, August 24, 2015
Teacher's Name Plate
It's that time of year again...Back to school. There are so many people
looking for a gift for a new teacher. This is my newest addition to the
teacher gift ideas in my Etsy store. CLICK HERE if you would like
to see my santasgiftshoppe Etsy store and other items in it.
This is a Teacher Name Plate. It is made of thick acrylic, is 8" long
with the name in contrast to the various size dots.These are a very
popular item that teacher's love. They would be great for secretaries,
doctors, nurses or anyone who has a desk.
looking for a gift for a new teacher. This is my newest addition to the
teacher gift ideas in my Etsy store. CLICK HERE if you would like
to see my santasgiftshoppe Etsy store and other items in it.
This is a Teacher Name Plate. It is made of thick acrylic, is 8" long
with the name in contrast to the various size dots.These are a very
popular item that teacher's love. They would be great for secretaries,
doctors, nurses or anyone who has a desk.
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Back To School I.D. Tags for Backpacks
What a great way to personalize & protect your child's backpack from
getting mixed up with the rest of the kids. This is a great addition to
those NEEDED items for BACK TO SCHOOL. They can pick out the colorful
background vinyl & what font they would like with their name on it.
This is a clear plastic Backpack/Luggage Tag with polka dot vinyl insert & personalized Vinyl Name on the clear tag...plus plastic loop to attach to backpack, luggage, etc. On the other side it has important info insert (Name, Address, Phone, Email) so if your child misplaces their backpack the info can help get it back.) SEE BELOW
Here's a link to the Etsy Store Listing if interested:
Can you believe back to school is just around the corner?
This is a clear plastic Backpack/Luggage Tag with polka dot vinyl insert & personalized Vinyl Name on the clear tag...plus plastic loop to attach to backpack, luggage, etc. On the other side it has important info insert (Name, Address, Phone, Email) so if your child misplaces their backpack the info can help get it back.) SEE BELOW
Here's a link to the Etsy Store Listing if interested:
Can you believe back to school is just around the corner?
Back To School,
Luggage Tags,
Name Tags,
Saturday, July 11, 2015
Vinyl Decals for Sand Buckets

Hope you had a great 4th of July. We did. I am back in full
swing with the ETSY STORE again now that I have recovered
from my KIDNEY TRANSPLANT in March of 2014. We will be
resuming ideas for your life to have more fun with your families,
crafting, recipes, and helpful household hints to save you time, energy
and money.
Thank you to all my dear friends and followers for giving me great and
uplifting comments and comfort during my recovery. Your the BEST!
We will sometimes have some more ideas or stories related to the
transplant, in hopes of helping anyone who might be themselves or
have a family member or friend going through such a life changing
event in their own lives. If you need any info about becoming a
Donor or about a transplant please use the KIDNEY TRANSPLANT
link above or email me and I will get back to you asap,
but for now we will be showing you some great Vinyl Decals
from my ETSY STORE to brighten up your summer or anytime of year.
Above is our Vinyl Decals for any sand bucket . The kids love to see
their buckets with their own Monogrammed Name & Initial and polka
dots...plus it helps kids to not want their brother's or sister's when they
have their own with such cute decals on them. If you would like to see
more info on them please go to my ETSY STORE
Friday, June 12, 2015
Kidney Transplant...What Can I Do To Help?
When I found out (without warning) that I was at
Stage 5 Kidney Failure in Jan. 2013 (even though I
was feeling fine but tired) I went from a person
who loved doing a lot of things, to a person
living in a recliner. I had an online business
that I loved, had many hobbies such as making
jams, woodworking, Family History, serving
at church and just loving my life in general.
So going from doing a lot, to doing nothing
was quite a shock.
I have found (especially as I have gotten older)
if I ask the Lord what he wants me to learn
from this, instead of "why me," it helps me a lot
more to get though the trial faster and I
always learn a lot.
Going through a kidney transplant and having
to take 31 pills a day has been the hardest
thing I ever have had to do, but I would do
it again in a heartbeat because of all I have
learned from it and the people I have met
and even helped (they tell me).
My kidney doctor has asked me to be an
ambassador for kidney donation and go and
talk to groups of people because of the
passion I have for people to be educated
(thus lessening any fear they might have
for donating) and people who might be in
need of a kidney transplant.
For example most people have no idea
we need just one kidney to live a perfectly
normal life, or that there are over 124,000
Men, Women, and Children waiting on
a National Organ Donor List to see if they
will receive an organ.
I was so blessed to have 7 living donors
come forward and wanted to donate one
of their kidneys to me. I sent out an email
to family members and talked about it at
church, and 7 people (including a friend
of my daughters and a church friend of
mine) wanted to give a kidney to me.
What a truly humbling experience.
With a living donor, it speeds the process
up so much faster and the timing improves
along with it to help you get one sooner.
The average waiting time on the National
Donor List is 7-8 yrs and a lot of these
people die before ever getting an organ
because there are just not enough of them...
either by families donating them, deceased
persons leaving organs to be donated, or
because they don't have a living donor.
So, you might be asking what can I do to
help? There are a number of things you
can do to help. (See Below)
1) Help you and your family get educated
about organ donation.
2) Sign up at the DMV or put on the back
of your Drivers License that you wish to
donate your organs if you are in a fatal
car accident.
3) Make a donation of cash to the National
Kidney Foundation or the Univ. of Utah
Donate Life Foundation.
4) Look into donating a kidney to someone
on the Waiting List and saving a persons life!
There is no better feeling on the earth than
that of saving another persons life!
Have a great day! If you have your organs
you should already be having a great day,
and know what a blessing that is in your
life. Please do not take them for granted.
They keep you living the life you want.
For information about the Kidney Donation
Program in Utah (they are the fastest in my
Go to this LINK:
If I can be of any help to anyone about this
subject, Please let me know. Leave your email
address in the comment section of this post.
I will get back to you asap.
Monday, April 20, 2015
Kidney Transplant: Everyone Needs a Buddy
Hello! I'm guest blogging and happy to be back on the Santa's Gift Shoppe blog. I'm the daughter that donated a kidney and grateful to share a special post during April which is National Donate Life month. Also, we just had National Donate Life Blue and Green Day on April 17th. These celebrations have special meaning for me now. Remember to wear your blue and green this month in honor of organ donation!
As part of the organ donation awareness activities, I participated in the first annual Transplant Buddy Foundation Transplant Superhero 5K Fun Run/Walk. We had a good turnout for a first-time event enjoying the beautiful Spring weather, sharing stories of hope and inspiration, and raising awareness for this special cause.
cost thousands Receiving and donating an organ is a life-changing event. Financially, it can also be a burden to some families. The post-transplant medication alone can cost thousands of dollars each month and varies from patient to patient. The Transplant Buddy Foundation helps, "by providing transplant patients with resources to afford post-transplant medications and by raising awareness of the financial aspects of solid organ transplant," according to their mission statement.
What an important cause and selfless way to help others in need. I'm grateful to be a volunteer for this organization. Maybe you feel that donating an organ isn't something that you can do, but you can still help by contributing financially so that transplant patients who might not otherwise be able to afford post-transplant medications can do so. Be a superhero!
The 5K fun run/walk was a team-building and networking opportunity. To hear special transplant and organ donation stories and share my own with others is a unifying experience. The feeling of camaraderie is tangible. Here's the finish line with all participants being cheered on as they crossed the finish.
It was a fun event to honor superheros including transplant recipients, donors (both living and deceased), and the dedicated medical staff that help transplant recipients and donors through the process. Looking forward to the second annual Superhero 5K Fun Run/Walk next year! Thanks to all those that organized the event!
Life is a precious gift...cherish it...respect it...love it...live it. With April being National Donate Life month, consider how you can support, participate, and contribute to donate life. Until next time...
As part of the organ donation awareness activities, I participated in the first annual Transplant Buddy Foundation Transplant Superhero 5K Fun Run/Walk. We had a good turnout for a first-time event enjoying the beautiful Spring weather, sharing stories of hope and inspiration, and raising awareness for this special cause.
cost thousands Receiving and donating an organ is a life-changing event. Financially, it can also be a burden to some families. The post-transplant medication alone can cost thousands of dollars each month and varies from patient to patient. The Transplant Buddy Foundation helps, "by providing transplant patients with resources to afford post-transplant medications and by raising awareness of the financial aspects of solid organ transplant," according to their mission statement.
What an important cause and selfless way to help others in need. I'm grateful to be a volunteer for this organization. Maybe you feel that donating an organ isn't something that you can do, but you can still help by contributing financially so that transplant patients who might not otherwise be able to afford post-transplant medications can do so. Be a superhero!
The 5K fun run/walk was a team-building and networking opportunity. To hear special transplant and organ donation stories and share my own with others is a unifying experience. The feeling of camaraderie is tangible. Here's the finish line with all participants being cheered on as they crossed the finish.
It was a fun event to honor superheros including transplant recipients, donors (both living and deceased), and the dedicated medical staff that help transplant recipients and donors through the process. Looking forward to the second annual Superhero 5K Fun Run/Walk next year! Thanks to all those that organized the event!
Life is a precious gift...cherish it...respect it...love it...live it. With April being National Donate Life month, consider how you can support, participate, and contribute to donate life. Until next time...
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Kidney Transplant..An Attitude of Gratitude is the Key
This past year has been
incredible to say the least. The
kidney transplant, the Good
Samaritan donor, staying in
Utah, my daughter giving a person on the waiting list her
kidney with all the emotion of learning and growing has
been a roller coaster ride. However, through it all there has
been so much hope, love, and charity from many different
sources. It has really helped to even things out.
This has been the most humbling time of my life.
There is so much gratitude in my heart for many people. It
is difficult to find the words to express the love that has
been shown to my family as well as myself. Many prayers
have been offered on my behalf (even from strangers) that
have truly strengthened me emotionally and physically...
thank you all!
To anyone out there who is struggling with a difficult
illness, my heart goes out to you. May I share a suggestion
that has helped me? Through this experience people told me
that I had an amazing attitude about my trials. Although, it
was (and is) very difficult at times to have a positive attitude,
I found that you just have to dig deep and focus on the blessings
you do have. When you do, it will help you to recognize hope
even in the midst of your trial. Gratitude in your attitude will
come as well, and you will soon find the strength to get through
whatever it is that you are going through.
I also have found that when I see anyone who has it worse than
I do (and they are all around us) I get perspective. When I saw
this TV commercial (link below) with this amazing young woman
(with one leg) with the best attitude ever, I realized my problems
were very small. It gave me a better perspective, to see the big
picture and improve my attitude into gratitude for how good
I really do have it and my many blessings in my life.
A St. Jude Research Hospital commercial comes to mind
about attitude. A young girl, Kate Foster (#87 on her shirt) talks
about attitude and is a wonderful example to all of us about
dealing with life's adversities. She has a perspective and attitude
from which we can all learn. Click (Below) to see the commercial:
http://www.ispot.tv/ad/7bmQ/st-jude-childrens-research- hospital-fighting-cancer
Most importantly...Don't give up! Be strong! There
are so many daily blessings for which to be grateful. They
really are all around us. I have learned so many wonderful
things from this experience as you have read in my previous
blog posts that I would not have learned any other way.
*****From time to time, I will continue to update my blog
about my kidney transplant journey. My daughter that
donated her kidney on my behalf will be guest-blogging
for the next few posts.
Then, I will start posting recipes, helpful household hints,
and Santa's Gift Shoppe Etsy's store items again available
to purchase.
Please keep coming back. We love having you visit!
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