Saturday, June 23, 2012

Wedding Glasses Vinyl Decals (Lips/Mustache)

These are so much fun!!!!

They are Vinyl Decals you put on the Bride & Groom's Wedding Glasses. These are available now in my Etsy store. CLICK HERE for link to the store.

In the next couple of days I will be putting names & other color Lips & Mustaches for the Bridesmaids & Groomsmen.

These would make a great Wedding Shower Gift, Wedding Gift, even for a Romantic evening...or no reason at all. Just for fun..we all need a little more fun & smiles in life.

Let me know what you think.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

A Father's Day Tribute to my Dad

I wish I could give my dad a big hug on Sunday!!
I love him so much & would love to pamper him
on Father's Day... but I can't...because he
 passed away many yrs ago.

****This is a TRIBUTE to him & all the other
Dads out there that make time for their kids,
make each child feel special & are that
"SPECIAL KIND OF DAD" like mine was.

I was so lucky to have such a wonderful
Father! (as well as a fantastic Mother) The
memories flood back of drive-in movies & playing
on the swing with Dad before it started. Taking
"just me" out to buy something special for no
reason. Making his weekly trip to Sears &
telling me to pick out my favorite peanuts/candy
from their Candy Counter or suggesting we get
some new shoes & "lets get Mom some high heels
too. " (Always thinking of how to surprise her with
something)...Always making me feel like I was his
favorite) Little did I know the other 4 kids felt the
same way!)

My Father taught me FAITH..& how to have it when
things look grim. He always was optimistic & showed
me what "Inner Strength" was & I could do anything
I put my mind to. He was so generous to his family &
everyone he met. I remember he would have me put
the flag out to the neighborhood kids to let them know
it was time they could all come over & swim in our
pool & play volleyball. (Which we did every night!)
And mom would have some kind of special treats
for everyone.

He taught by example & he and my Mom would
call Universities @ Thanksgiving and find exchange
students that didn't have a place to go & he would
pick them up to come & have it with us. I remember an
exchange student from Ethiopia, Africa...That was
really something! We met some very interesting
people to say the least & broadened our horizons.My Dad loved my Mom & (showed it all the time)
and that was a great gift to all of us 5 kids. We saw
examples of unselfishness & compassion on a
daily basis. I look at these photos & it says it all.
They even had a "Kissing Window" from the
kitchen into the family room so while she was
making dinner he would serenade her with his music.
He played tuba & string bass.

The Elementary school asked them, if they would
play Mr. & Mrs. Santa Claus and of course they

The PHOTO Above is when they were
first married...

The Photo Below is 30 yrs later..The
same "LOOK" into each others eyes.
My Father & Mother truly found the....

I am so blessed to have had the parents I did.

Happy Father's Day, Dad!
Have a wonderful Father's Day to all of your Father's.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Amazing Father's Day Cakes

 Father's Day is coming..Sunday June 17th. I found a  blog (that actually found me) & I wanted to help him show off the "world of Ties" & info he has regarding ties..

In other words "Everything you always wanted to know about Ties but were afraid to ask"...

 My mom used to do a Tie Cake for my father but not like these!! He had these Father's Day Cake Ideas on his Blog & they were incredible (but he did not make them) but gives you the link to the original creator of them.

I wish I had my Father here to give him a wonderful day but he passed away a lot of years ago at a young age. We miss him everyday but especially on Father's Day.
Happy Father's Day Dad....XOXO Love you.

HERE'S JUST A FEW FATHER'S DAY CAKES (That I LOVE) TO SHOW YOU WHAT I MEAN... So..Stop by his blog..Let's show him some support & Leave some comments... His name is Matt, his blog is HERE

 Original Source Here

  Original Source Here

 Original Source Here

Original Source Here

Hope all your dad's have a wonderful Father's Day. Hope you got inspire!