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School Ideas..We have fun name decals, Backpack Name Tags, Teacher Gifts, Wall Vinyls..

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Halloween Treats/Recipe

I Love the Holidays in the Fall..Don't You???
Starting with Halloween..Thanksgiving..
Christmas.. & then the birth of a New Year

The weather..crispness in the Fall air..Golden Colors
of changing trees, smells of Thanksgiving turkey
(it's my Favorite dinner to make)

Having my Christmas Boutique (in my home)
I love to see old friends & make new ones..
Christmas & New Year's. I love all the family
reunions & surprises that come this time of year!!
I hope you do, too!

By the way if your going to be in the central Calif
area on Dec. 3rd & 4th stop by for a great selection
of Foods/Gifts/Ideas..........


Here are 2 ideas for Halloween Cookies
that bring back wonderful memories baking
with my mom..My grown up daughters have
carried on the tradition as we had them this
last week...RECIPE BELOW

(Look at their different Personalities)

FYI: This Classic recipe was a Pillsbury
Bake-Off winner for Natalie R. Riggin
of Olympia, Washington in 1956!!!

I just learned that this year!!

My mom never told me where she got it...
It was just a FUN Cookie tradition
we did each year!!

1 c. packed brown sugar
3/4 butter or margarine, softened
1 tsp. vanilla
1 egg
2 1/4 c. flour
2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
1 1/2 ounces unsweetened baking chocolate, melted

80 semisweet choc. chips (1/3 c.), 40 cashews

1) In a large bowl, beat brown sugar & butter for about
1-2 min. scrapping bowl occasionally, until light & fluffy.
Beat in vanilla & egg. On low speed, beat in flour, baking
powder & salt until dough forms. In a small bowl, place
1 cup of the dough stir in melted chocolate & baking soda
until well blended.

2) On a 12x8-inch sheet of plastic wrap, press half of the
light dough to form a 10x4-inch strip. Shape half the
chocolate dough into a roll 10-inches long; place on strip
of light dough. Mold sides of light dough around chocolate
dough; wrap in plastic wrap. Repeat with remaining dough.
Refrigerate 1 hour for easier handling.

3) Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees. Cut each roll into 40
(1/4 inch) slices; place 2 slices, touching each other, on
ungreased cookie sheets to resemble owl faces. Pinch
corner of each slice to form ears. Place chocolate chip in
the center of each slice for eyes; press whole cashews
between slices for beak.

Helpful Hint: To buy only the cashews you need
you can buy them at Winco in bulk & save money
not buy a whole can..(but they are soo good!!)

4) Bake for 8 to 10 minutes or until edges are light
golden brown. Immediately remove from cookie
sheet to cool.

The 2nd EASY Halloween Cookie are Witches Hats...

1 pkg. of Keebler or any Striped Chocolate Cookie
Hershey's Kisses
1 White Can of Frosting + orange food coloring
1) Take cookies from pkg & turn upside down so the solid
chocolate is what you see..Take a little dab of frosting to
glue the kisses to the cookie to form the Hat.

2) Mix some orange food coloring into the white can of
frosting & blend thoroughly. Take a baggie & put some
frosting in it, twist to close & snip a tiny corner of the
baggie to form a small hole to decorate hat around the
kiss with a bow (SEE PHOTO BELOW)

It's that EASY!!! Enjoy!! Have a GREAT HALLOWEEN!!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wednesday Blog Hop/Walk of Fame

Wednesday is Here & that means Wednesday's
Blog Hop of inspirational ideas/recipes & my
Favs in Santa's Gift Shoppe "Walk of Fame."

Want to join the Fun?? Check out how to
enter the Blog Hop each Monday/Wednesday
(2 different Blog Hops) BELOW..

You can grab my button/code & put it on your
sidebar to spread the word that will help others
find our Blog Hop & get to yours & everybody
else's Blogs!

Here a a few of My FAVORITE Picks
from last Wednesday's Blog Hop..

IF YOU HAVE BEEN "Featured" be
sure & grab my "I've been featured"
@ Santa's Gift Shoppe Button/Code
on the sidebar!! You deserve it!!

1) Aren't these "Choc. Covered Oreo Mummies" cute?
These are so popular this year. I can't wait to make them.
Go visit this great blog.. CLICK HERE

2) You have got to check out this great tutorial of how she
made this "Beaded Spider Headband." She's got a
really terrific blog..CLICK HERE

3) Is you mouth watering yet for these spectacular
Cinnamon Rolls??? Mine is...What a great photo..
You almost can taste them!! I have made Cinnamon
Rolls forever..& I can hardly wait to try this recipe..
Go see her wonderful blog..CLICK HERE

4) Isn't this Glowing Pumpkin great?? Check out her
very kids friendly blog...She has other great pumpkin
ideas & even a Pumpkin Story..CLICK HERE


Please Do Not put anything up that you have
already put up!! I see duplicates from the same
people 2 weeks in a row! New items each week

Let's go Inspire each other..Here is where
You can share with us anything that YOU
have made : Craft, Trash to Treasure,
Tutorial, Makeover, Great Recipe....
WE LOVE IT All! This Blog Hop originated
@ itssoverycheri..Thanks Cher


Just Click on the "You are Next...
and follow the prompts..

Remember this is a have some FUN,
get to know some great new friends, & LEAVE
SOME COMMENTS that we al Love!!Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Monday Blog Hop/Walk of Fame

I love all the great ideas you guys came up
with last week!!

Today is Monday @ that means it's time for YOU
to show what you've been working it:
Craft, Great Recipe, Tutorial, trash to treasure,
makeover whatever you want to show the world!!

Remember if you have been featured in our
"Walk of Fame" grab my "I've was featured"
@ Santa's Gift Shoppe" Button/Code to put on
your sidebar so others can share in the Blog Hop

The more people who visit the Blog Hop
the more traffic you will see coming to your website..
so spread the word..

Take my regular Button/Code to get the word
out..Let's share all these wonderful ideas with

Here are my FAVS from last Mondays Blog Hop..

(Sorry the photos are so small..Blogger would

not let me make them the right size today..)

1) Who could resist this cute "Charlie Brown"
type pumpkin?? She has alot of cute pics from
the Classic Cartoon skit on her blog..I loved
looking @ her post! you've got to go to her
Blog CLICK HERE & put a smile on your face!

2) These "Witchey Cookies" are ones I made
about 4 years ago for my husband's class @
school..They are really easy & these turned
out great!! Check them out..CLICK HERE

3) These Witches legs are only a part of the
CUTE Wreath this creative person did!! Go see
the amazing things on her Blog!! CLICK HERE

4) I could not pass this adorable photo up!
It looks my cat "Ellie"only my cat would not
let me put this costume on her..Go check
this amazing blog out..It is soo much fun..It'll
make you laugh with sheer joy!! CLICK HERE

5) This is sooo great! How'd she do that??
Bubble Bubble Toll & Trouble......Check
out this fantastic blog! She has some
simply GREAT IDEAS on her blog!!

Remember if you were "featured" in our
"Walk of fame" GRAB Your Featured button!!

Now on to our Blog Hop...

(Link to your POST not your Home page)
This Blog Hop originated from itssoverycheri..
Thanks Cheri..

Visit other blogs..get inspiration, find new friends
along the way, & leave some comments that we
all appreciate!!! Have Fun!!!

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Wednesday Blog Hop

You guys are sooo GREAT!!! Look at these fabulous
ideas from the blog hop last week! Visit their blogs
& get even MORE wonderful ideas for Halloween!
I've picked a few of my Favorites (you guys make it
really tough to choose) they ALL are soo good!

Make sure you GRAB my "I was featured @
Santa's Gift Shoppe" Button/Code to display
on your sidebar if you have been featured...

Come back each Monday & Wednesday to see
if you are in our "Walk of Fame" Favorites &
get to grab an "I was Featured Button for yourself"


1) Here are some "CREEPY CUPCAKES" you have
got to see for yourself...She has a great blog, too!!!

2) Check this adorable "Ghost Family" out..Don't
they have the cutest faces???? Great tutorial too!

3) How about this "Great White Pumpkin"
made out of a Dryer Hose..So creative..Check
her wonderful blog out...

4) These "Pumpkins" are too cute for words..She
has a great blog with wonderful ideas!! She is frugal
to boot...Good Job...Take a look!!

Let's go Inspire each other....
Here is where
YOU can share with us anything that You have
made: Craft, Tutorial, Trash to Treasure,
Great Recipe, Makeover...We Love it ALL.
This Blog Hop originated @ itssoverycheri...
Thanks cheri...


Just Click on the "You are Next...
and follow the prompts...

Remember this a Party... so have some FUN
and get to know some great new friends &
leave some comments that we all Love!!

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Monday Blog Hop

Have I told you how much FUN HALLOWEEN
is? Here are a few of MY FAVORITES Picks from
last Monday's Blog Hop.....

If YOU HAVE BEEN "Featured" be sure &
grab my "I've been featured" @ Santa's Gift
Shoppe Button/Code on the sidebar!!
You deserve it!!!

Aren't these GREAT!! So is the tutorial of how to make
these!! Thanks to Fireflies and Family for these...
Love these Darling Earrings!!! Check them out
@ Alililly

Absolutely Adorable!! Creativity/Talent!!!
Check these out @ This Mommy Loves
Don't' these look sooo delicious!! Cannot wait to try
these...Check them out @ Polka Dots and Pizza
Now for Monday's Blog Hop @ Santa's Gift Shoppe.

You can grab my button & put it on your sidebar
to spread the word that will help others find our
Blog Hop & get to yours & everybody else's Blogs!

Remember this is a Family friendly Website!

Share anything you have made:
Craft, Great
Trash to Treasure, Tutorial..
We Love it All!

Show some friendship & support by visiting
some other blogs! Leave some comments that
we all love too! Have Fun!
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Thanks to EVERYONE who entered the Halloween
Giveaway..It was great getting to know each one
of you better & alot of FUN!!!

The WINNER of the Halloween Giveaway is...
CraftyLikeLindy who wrote:
"I would love package #1"

You have 48 hrs. to email me your address or
a new Winner will be chosen...Hope to hear
from you SOON!

Email me @

Congratulations!!!! (The Winning Prize Package
(Both photos are included in the Prize Package)


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Halloween Giveaway/Wed. Blog Hop

We are having a 1000+ Followers Celebration
Giveaway til Fri. Oct.15th 6pm pst)

You have a choice of Prize Package # 1 or #2

#1) This Prize Package consists of a wooden
Halloween Countdown to Candy Set & Charlie
Brown Trio Pendants & Necklace set (BOTH are
included for Prize Pkg.#1)


#2) This Prize Pkg. consists of the 6"x6"
Monogrammed Tile plus the 4 Monogrammed
Tile Coasters (BELOW) Both are included
for Prize Pkg.#2

Hope you join in on the Giveaway!!! How
would you like to have these in your house???


You already know that Blog Hops increases
people getting to your blog to see what you
have made..That's the idea... to share & INSPIRE

***I'm going to divert here just a little...about
Inspiring EACH OTHER..I cannot Thank our
Heavenly Father enough for the LOVE & UNITY
that has been displayed today in Chile & around
the World...with the wonderful miracle of the
Miners that have been trapped for so long
underground..being rescued!!

The human connection
we have with each other/
the similarities with our feelings of Families &
Love....Unite the World!!!

As I shared tears
with the mothers of the miners
coming up our hearts I'm sure felt the same
joy of them being rescued. We are all part
of the Human Family!! God has Bless us all....
Merry Christmas EARLY!!!

Back to the Blog Hop...

that Santa's Gift Shoppe WILL HAVE A

You Can Grab my Button/Code & put it on
your sidebar to spread the word that others
can know where to find the BLOG HOP!!! I
also will pick some of my favs from the
previous week as "Featured Favorites"
so check back to see if your item was picked
& take a "I was featured @ Santa's Gift
Shoppe Button" to proudly have on your

We love anything that you have made:
Craft, tutorial, Trash to Treasure, Makeover,
Great Recipe....This is your stage to show the


Just Click on the "You are Next
HERE TO ENTER BUTTON"...and follow
the prompts...

Remember this is a have fun & get
to know some great new friends & leave
some comments that we all love!!
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Halloween Giveaway/Monday Blog Hop

We are having a 1000+ Followers Celebration
Halloween Giveaway til Fri. Oct. 15th 6pm (pst)

You have a choice of which Prize Package you would like:

PRIZE PACKAGE #1 (Consists of all 3 photos)
Charlie Brown Pendant Necklaces

PRIZE PACKAGE #2 (Consists of 2 photos Below)
4 Monogrammed Tile Coasters
Hope you took the challenge to Enter..How
would the above items LOOK IN YOUR HOUSE???


I like CONSISTENCY!!! So we are going
to just keep the MONDAYS/WEDNESDAYS
Blog Hops SIMPLE....These are 2 different
Blog Hops for the week!

A Blog Hop originates with another blog &
lately the different blogs have been changing things
up for whatever reasons..I never know which one
will be going on that day...
As with me I think my Followers just want to
show/share what they have done that week on a
BLOG HOP not caring as to which one it is.

You already know that Blog Hops
people getting to your blog to see what you
have made..

the share & INSPIRE EACH OTHER!!!

that Santa's Gift Shoppe WILL HAVE A

You Can Grab my button & put it on your
sidebar to spread the word that others can
know where to find the BLOG HOP!!! I also
will pick some of my favs from the previous
week as "featured favorites" so check back
to see if your item was picked & take a "I was
featured @ Santa's Gift Shoppe Button" to
proudly have on your BLOG!

Remember this is a Family Friendly Website
Share anything you have been working on:
craft, trash to treasure, tutorial, great recipe
We Love it ALL!

Show some friendship & support by visiting
some other blogs!! Leave some comments that
we all LOVE too! Have FUN!!
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Friday, October 8, 2010

HALLOWEEN GIVEAWAY (Celebration of 1000+ Followers)

Hi Everybody..
This Giveaway is to Thank You all for becoming
Followers/Fans of Santa's Gift Shoppe Year
Round Blog & your Support through the year!

Please READ the Rules for each Entry!

********MOST IMPORTANT RULE**********
Because the WINNER is chosen by a Random
Number Generator..EACH ENTRY HAS GOT TO
BE A SEPARATE COMMENT!!! If you do not
do that..(your odds of winning will greatly decrease)
Let get started!!

#1) Halloween Gift Package (includes both photos)

Charlie Brown Trio Pendants
#2) Monogrammed Gift Package (includes both photos/Your initial)
Cork Backed Monogrammed Coasters (4)

1) Leave a Comment with your email address
telling me which of the 2 Gift Packages (#1 or #2)
you would like if you are the WINNER = 1 ENTRY

2) Go to "My ETSY Shoppe" & "Heart" it as
a Favorite (to do this click on "Add to Favorites"
on left hand sidebar) = 1 Entry

3) Become a "Fan/Like" on Facebook of Santa's
Gift Shoppe (in upper left hand corner of this blog)
1 Entry

4) Become a Follower of this blog (on the sidebar)
1 Entry
5) Grab my Button/Code & put on your sidebar
of Blog or Facebook = 1 Entry

6) Go to "MY ETSY Shoppe" & BUY ANYTHING
& leave me a comment what it was..
5 Separate Entries (You can put the word "Ditto"
in the comment space of the 4 following comment

7) Post about this Giveaway on your Blog &
link it back to this post = 1 Entry

8) Post about this giveaway on your Facebook
Page & link it back to this post = 1 Entry

9) Post about this Giveaway on your Twitter
Page & link it back to this post = 1 Entry

This Giveaway is open to the 48 Contiguous

United States..and will close Fri. Oct. 15th
6pm..Check back later that night to find out
if you ARE The WINNER!

The winner will have 48 hrs. from Fri. Night
to email me with their address or another

Thursday, October 7, 2010

2 for 1 Halloween Witch Wood Block/Monster Eyes Hot Chocolate

Check back to see what items we are giving away &
rules to enter!!!****Thanks for getting us to 1000
Followers/over 60,000 visits!!

I think I have told you..Halloween isn't just for kids!!
I have alot of fun myself during all these holidays til the
end of the year especially..Making lots of great Family
Memories/Traditions that never end..That's the
Best Part...the family memories..

I have 2 Blog Hops a week ..Mondays &
Wednesdays) @ Santa's Gift Shoppe & I
love them.. Come join in anytime with us..we'd love
have YOU!! It gets everybody together in 1 place
to share ideas, show what you've been doing &
GET INSPIRED by something or somebody....
So Grab My Button & code & put on your blog sidebar
as a reminder to come blog hopping with us Mondays &
Wednesdays!!!! You'll be surprised to see what crafts
you will learn & great recipes to try...

I also love to participate in Link parties..I do alot
of them during the week to share what I've been making
or things that you can do to have more fun/creativity in
your own life...

Well....the above photo is my attempt to make
"Monster Eyes" which I found @ The Farm Girl
website..great blog...check it out!

Supplies to make Monster Eyes:
2 Big Marshmallows
2 Black Jelly Beans
2 Lollipop Sticks

Take a lollipop stick end & stick it in the jelly bean
then stick it through the Big Marshmallow & put it
in the hot chocolate...Have a laugh!! The weight of
the lollipop stick helps it to not fall over so much but
it will fall over a little..depending on which way you
put the jelly beans you can give them different
personalities sorta like "Mr. Potato Head"
Anybody see his "angry eyes"? I love Toy Story!!!

Since it's chilly in the morning I decided to do one of
our families tradition & that is making my Mother's
& a Family Secret) It is @ my Christmas Boutique

It's even more special because she is no longer living...
Here's to you Mom...I love you & Miss You!

This is the newest addition to my Halloween Blocks..
Another 2 for 1 deal..1 side says..The Witch is in..
The other side says Spooky...So..whatever kind of
mood your in I guess..LOL They are in my ETSY Shop.
They are fun decorations for your home!!

just brings out the kid in me..I love the
costumes, decorations, traditions, needless to say
the goodies......and Best of all...It's crisp, cool, &
beautiful outside... I LOVE THIS TIME of YEAR
all the way through the end of the year. I hate to have
to see all the decorations go back in hibernation til
next year...But all the memories are so great!

Hope you & your Family Make Alot of "Special

Memories" together during all these Holidays

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

"Creative Share Wednesday"

Hi everybody..Glad your Here!! Wanted to show
you what I've been making this week..(Countdown
to Halloween Block Set (on previous post) & this
2 for 1 block..Boo on 1 side & EEk on the other...)
Halloween is not just FUN for our kids..
Us adults have a BLAST too!!

Now Let's See What YOU Have been Doing......
It's Wednesday & that means it's time for a Blog Hop
@ Santa's Gift Shoppe..Usually we have "Spotlight
Yourself" Wednesday but for some reason it's not up
yet so I thought we'd do "Creative Share Day Blog
Hop"from Trendy Treehouse..Thanks Trendy
Treehouse...Besides there are more peoples ideas to
share from & that's the whole idea!!!!

So let's see what you have done: It could be a craft,
great recipe, tutorial, trash to treasure... Remember

Just Click on the "You are Next...
and follow the prompts...

This is a PARTY..So go get to know some new friends
have fun, & leave some comments that we all love!!!Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Halloween Fun/Blog Hop

Halloween will soon be here & what a FUN way to
have your kids know how many days until the BIG
Day! I have seen these countdown wooden cubes
all over the I added another block to the set
& this is what I came up with...Plus it's reversible..
On the other side it's lime green w/Black vinyl
lettering saying Happy Halloween...I had great fun making
theses..They are for sale now in my ETSY SHOP..CLICK HERE

P.S. To all Santa's Gift Shoppe Year~Round Followers....You are the BEST!!!
We hit 1000 over the weekend & as promised we will be having a Giveaway
in the next few days so tell your friends..Check Back Often to see when it starts
& ends...Thank you for all your great comments & support!!
Now for the BLOG HOP!!! It's "Marketing Monday"
which means if you have a ETSY SHOP, WEBSITE,
BLOG, whatever you want to show the world &
"market"...this is the place to do it.

You can share with everyone that this is a
FREE Way to advertise their Shop, Website,
Blog...This Blog Hop originated @ Trendy
Treehouse...Thanks to Trendy Treehouse...
Have a ques. about the Blog Hop? See rules for the
Blog Hop @

WEBSITE...Have fun & get to know some new
friends...visit their sites....leave some comments...
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.