Please FOLLOW US on Pinterest and LIKE us on Facebook

School Ideas..We have fun name decals, Backpack Name Tags, Teacher Gifts, Wall Vinyls..

Friday, August 20, 2010

Christmas Boutique Tour(Day #1)Mrs. Claus' Kitchen

Since we pretty much finished our Home Tour of
what kind of things I make & decorate my house
with during the Christmas Season..I thought you might
like to tour my home when I have my Annual Santa's
Gift Shoppe Christmas Boutique...So let's see what
you'd find if you came shopping to Santa's Gift Shoppe
the first FRI/SAT of each Dec.
****If you are in Central California..come join us..
we have a blast!!!

First stop is going to be Mrs. Claus' Kitchen..
You can probably smell all the Cinnamon Rolls,
Steaming Hot Wassail, Breads, Cookies &

Don't those Chocolate/Peanut Clusters
just call out to you???

BELOW: Is looking in from the living room to Mrs.
Claus' Kitchen..These are some of the things you'll
Cinnamon Rolls..with lots of creamy frosting
Breads of All Kinds: Cinnamon Bread (Sm/Lg),
Banana Nut, Cranberry, Date, & Pumpkin
1st place Award Winning Jams (County Fair)
300 jars of 15 different blends...
Salsa..3 kinds
Choc/Walnut Biscotti
Choc/white Peanut Clusters...
Choc/Mint Walnut Brownies
English Toffee...4 kinds of Fudge...
Misc. Cookies
Fun Snowman Soup..Reindeer Food..
Mrs. Claus' Kisses..Elf's Favorite Snack..
Santa's Favorite Hot Chocolate.....

Below: We also have some other things
besides Food...We have a great assortment
of fun Aprons for Mom, Grandma, Auntie
& a matching one for your Daughter, Niece,
Grand-daughter..There's count down items,
trees, wreaths, snowmen, Santa's, angels...
But FOOD was our main VISUAL today.
*****Many of these items can be shipped to you
from the blog...with the exception of Food products...
We are in the process of adding a
Shopping cart to the blog for your Christmas
Shopping convenience...Coming Soon!!! We
are going to be making some changes on the please bare with us...
Getting hungry yet?????????

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Another Wednesday is here & that
means it's time for the "Spotlight Yourself"
Blog Hop @ santasgiftshoppe...with anything
that you have made: craft, makeover, great recipe,
tutorial, trash to treasure...

We would just love to see what you have been
working show the world!!! This is your
stage!!! This Blog Hop originated @ itssoverycheri...
Thanks Cheri...

Just Click on the "You are next...
and follow the prompts...

Remember this is a Party & that it is
a "Family Friendly Blog" so have fun &
get to know some great new friends &
leave some comments that we all love!!
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Monday, August 16, 2010

"Creative Mondays" Blog Hop

Today is Monday & that means a Blog Hop!!
This one is "It's So Very CREATIVE MONDAY
Blog Hop"

Whatever you want to show that you have
been working on...this is the place to do it..

If you have made a: craft, makeover project,
tutorial, great recipe, trash to treasure...
we would love to see it!!! This blog hop
originated @ itssoverycheri....Thanks Cheri...

FRIENDLY" BLOG!! Get to know some
new friends & have FUN!!

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Wednesday Blog Hop

Another Wednesday is here & that means
it's time for the "Spotlight Yourself" Blog Hop..
However, the website that I get the Blog Hop
from is having Internet problems so it will be
back next week (hopefully) BUT DO NOT
DESPAIR.....trendy treehouse has a "Creative
Wednesday" Blog Hop that santasgiftshoppe
will post so you can share your talents!!

We would love to see what you have been
working on.. so show the world!!! This is your
stage!!! If you have a craft, great recipe,
makeover, trash to treasure, tutorial..
anything that will fall into those categories &
you've done..We want to see it...

Just Click on the "You are next...
and follow the prompts...

Remember this is a have fun
& get to know some great new friends &
leave some comments that we all love!!

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

BLOW OUT SALE..BUY 1 GET 1 FREE (Scrabble Tile Necklaces on ETSY) 8/10-8/17

*****ETSY..BLOW OUT SALE******


*****BUY 1 GET 1 FREE******
(Great assortment to choose from)

Check out the details HERE....

*****1 WEEK ONLY (Aug.10th-Aug.17th)

*****STOCK UP NOW.......

Thanks for visiting my shoppe & have FUN!!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Marketing Monday Blog Hop

It's Marketing Monday which means if
whatever you want to show the world &
"market"....this is the place to do it.

***Please REMEMBER that is a FAMILY

You can share with everyone that this
is a FREE way to advertise their Shop,
Website, Blog...This Blog Hop originated
@ Trendy Treehouse...Thanks to trendy

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Christmas in July/Aug (Day#4) Family Room

Well we are finally back from vacation (after
almost 3 weeks) & ready to continue our
home tour..Christmas in July/Aug
(Day #4) Family Room...

We start off at the focal point (the
fireplace/w handmade stockings,
wooden handmade Girl & Boy Angels,
handmade wreath/garland w/mini
lights, & homemade cat w/oval
patchwork quilt

Next is our 2nd full-size tree..This is our
down-home handmade-ornaments..mostly tree..
This is one of the Best Frugal buys..I've ever
made.. Reg. Price $200. I think its about 7 1/2'
tall (w/lights included) I got it after
Christmas for $20 @ Target..

It's only 3 pieces & pretty easy to put together...
Love I do with what is under it..our sweet
cat "Ellie"

BELOW: Are blocks that I love to make & sell. Believe, Noel, Joy....

BELOW: This is one of my favorite things
to make/sell...Wise Men Still Seek Him..
on a charger..Self explanatory!!

BELOW: This is a wooden vinyl sign
w/overlay..I love 2 for 1 stuff!!
"Home..Where our story begins"
Isn't that the truth!!!
BELOW: A great little accent for
any room..Vinyl Stackers..w/a bow
to boot! "Happy Holidays" I have
these all over the house with great
different sayings....

BELOW: This is on top of our TV..
a series of Trees I painted white &
put gold glitter/bows on...Then I
had different colored glittered
reindeer's..I love the look..

And Last..BELOW: I love this that
I make/sell...And the stockings were
hung...includes 2 stockings!! For info
on any of the items I make/ me
Hope you had as much fun as I did
showing you around my home & ideas
I shared with you...Let me know what
you think!! We will continue in a few days...
stay tuned...

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Another Wednesday is here & that
means it's time for the "Spotlight Yourself"
Blog Hop @ santasgiftshoppe..with anything

that you have made: craft, makeover, great recipe,
tutorial, trash to treasure..

We would just love to see what you have been
working show the world!!! This is your
stage!! This blog hop originated @ itssoverycheri...
Thanks Cheri...

Just Click on the "You are next..
and follow the prompts...

Remember this is a have fun
& get to know some great new friends &
leave some comments that we all love!!
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Marketing Monday is Back!

I'm finally back from vacation!!! (There's No Place
Like Home....)WooHooooo...All the States/Family
were wonderful but Home is Special too!

****Thursday we will resume our Christmas in
July/August Home Tour (Day #4)...

Marketing Monday Blog Hop is back TOO!!!!
Yeahhh!...You know the drill...

It's Marketing Monday which means if You have
an ESTY SHOP, WEBSITE, BLOG, whatever you
want to show the world & "market"..This is the
place to do it!

You can share with everyone that this is a
FREE way to advertise their Shop, Website,
Blog..This Blog Hop originated @ Trendy treehouse..
Thanks to trendy treehouse...

BLOG!! Have a great time..make some new Friends
& leave some comments!!

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.